World Who Doubted Life (1/3)

For these pirates, kindness and goodwill are never optional, and only ruthlessness and strength can earn recognition.

Realizing his position, World didn't hesitate to grip the ground, firing a handful of debris in his hand at Longinus.

"Momo - Ten Times Shrapnel!"

Naturally, Longinus didn't dare to take this kind of attack from the sea pirates lightly. After exerting his Kenbunshoku Haki to the fullest, he used Kami-e to avoid the debris comparable to sniper bullets promptly.

"Momo - Ten Times ..."

"Tobu Shigan - Bachi!" Longinus attacked from midair on his "mount", causing World to abandon his plans to attack and wrap his hands around a metallic black sheen to protect his face.

Naturally, Ember could not let Longinus use him as a mount, so he spun in midair as if he were a top, and at the same time, rushed straight towards World's position.

"Momo - Ten Times Speed!"

When he understood what Ember was planning, World laughed ferociously and suddenly blasted out several times faster than the standard "Soru", hammering in an explosive punch that seemed to kill Longinus along with Ember.

And Ember was so ruthless that they charged up against World's attack without flinching.

"Rokushiki Ogi: Rokuogan!"

Seeing how determined Ember was, Longinus knew it would be hard to stay on his back and blasted Rokuogan at Ember's back before he jumped.


The pteranodon's massive body hit the ground hard, sending seismic and terrifying turbulence, while Longinus collided with World in midair, an explosive shockwave pushing both of them away.

"Is the current limit just ten times? It seems that your state is not as harmless as it appears to be." Longinus said softly while being quite fortunate in his heart, not to mention a hundred times, even if World could only speed up to thirty times, the situation he was facing would be more than ten times harder.

To say that the vitality of Zoan was indeed terrifying, and the Ancient Type was even the best of them, after suffering a series of heavy blows from Longinus, the giant pteranodon stood up again by shaking the stone on its body.

Looking at the firm and domineering Longinus and Ember, who were like nothing, World took a deep breath and, at the same time, was scrupulous, "Are all the newcomers even this scary now? It seems that the world has changed so much in the past ten years!"

"Your strength has even increased again. Is this the legendary kind of terrifying talent that can progress in battle?" The giant pteranodon's long beak closed and closed, and his words showed his infinite jealousy of Longinus.

Longinus just smiled and didn't explain, which was good. With Ember to help him endorse, it would be easier to demonstrate his strength skyrocketing again in the future.

Seeing that Longinus seemed to acknowledge it, and World was horrified, wouldn't that mean that if they couldn't settle the battle soon, the situation would become increasingly unfavorable to them?

"World, can your fruit ability be used on living creatures?" Ember spread his wings and asked in a quiet voice.

"You're trying to ..." World was shocked before smiling gloomily, "Although I haven't tried it on anyone other than myself, it shouldn't be a problem. However, I will remind you that in the past, those objects that I have accelerated have broken into powder; however, even if you are a Zoan Ability User, this attempt is still quite dangerous!"

"Nonsense!" Embers said indifferently, "Just do as I say!"

"It is ruthless enough. It's a pity people like you don't become pirates!" World seemed to have awakened a strange attribute called "Shake M" and appreciated the rebuke from Ember, touching his sinister right hand to the wing membrane of Ember and said, "Don't blame me if you die!"

"Momo - Ten Times Bigger Bird (diao)!"

Ember was already swift, and after being accelerated ten times, it was as if they disappeared into space. Longinus was able to barely capture the Ember's trajectory only by using Kenbunshoku Haki to its fullest extent.

"So fast, it's too late to dodge!" Longinus' pupils contracted sharply, and his body reacted instinctively, "Kami-e - Slime! Tekkai - Go!"


In the center of the battle, a violent wave of air swept around, spiderweb-like cracks quickly spread to the entire Blazing Hell. Not only was the ground connected to Freezing Hell was utterly shattered, but the top floor connected to Starvation Hell also collapsed utterly, and from time to time, some confused prisoners fell from LEVEL 3, creating a "pirate rain" in Blazing Hell.

The dust has dispersed.

Longinus was nowhere to be seen, seemingly buried in the rubble. And the giant pteranodon was lying upside down in the fire as if even his body had fossilized.

"Dying together?" World wasn't surprised, just a little sad that two such superstars destined to grow into big names later in life died in an intense collision. It was depressing and ... pleasing to hear!

"All the guys in the way are dead, now we can finally ..." while World was relieved and suddenly caught sight of a familiar long beak out of the corner of his eye, almost even bulging out to the side to see, "You ... You're not even dead?"

"Is that surprising?" Ember spoke badly, moving his body, "It's not just me, that guy is not dead either!"

"And yes, even you're not dead." World nodded thoughtfully, ignoring the darkened bird face of Ember as he continued.

"But after all, that bastard isn't as capable as you are, and after that blow, even if he doesn't die, he'll lose half his life." Waldo said resolutely, "It's not good for you or me to have an enemy like that alive, so why don't we go and get to known him while we're at it?"

"Idiot! That guy is much stronger than you think, if you go over there now, you'll only be stuck with him again, there was too much noise just now, and Yarvis and the others will probably be here soon, so if you don't escape now, you'll never escape!" Ember said and left him alone, and with a flutter of his wings, he galloped up to Starvation Hell.

World was a little suspicious, but after a moment's consideration, he decided to trust Ember's judgment and quickly stepped on the air.

At that moment, there was a loud bang from below, and World instinctively looked down to find a grimy Longinus standing on the ruins looking at him, but it was as if he hadn't suffered much damage, just as Ember had said.

"How is that possible?" World stared, almost suspecting that he had not been frozen for ten years, but had been asleep for a century, or else how he had woken up and the World had become a stranger!

Is it too short-sighted of him to see that one of these two is alive than the other in what he identifies as a death-defying offensive?

"What kind of monsters are these two? Ten years ago in that sea, there was hardly ever such a terrifying newcomer!" World thought back to the two equally terrifying monsters he'd seen when he first awoke, a swordsman of bloody slaughter and an Ability User who looked constipated with his stomach covered at all times.

Though they looked considerably more extensive than the monster in ruins, the two men were just as young as the large bird that flew in front of him.

A horrible thought came to World's mind, "Could it be that the four of them are normal newcomers and I'm the only one who's a loser who's been eliminated by the times?"