Blackened Imprint

"But what are you going to do next? Run away or ... admit defeat?" Marco said with half-open eyes.

"It was intended to be, after all, the abilities of your Mythical Type are disgusting." Longinus sighed lightly. He now understood why Kizaru was rushing to find his next opponent.

It's a dogfight, and one like him who is weaker than Marco can fight to an equal degree, and one like Kizaru, who is stronger than Marco, can fight equally well.

Marco can force a 50/50 split with his opponent, pull them to the same level, and then use his vast experience ... precisely to wear them out over a long time straight away.

From Longinus' point of view, if the aftermath of the long battle with Marco weren't too much, Kizaru would probably be happy to play with this opponent. After all, it was a chance to be able to draw openly and honestly.

"But before I do, I'm going to leave you a little gift." Longinus's kind smile sent chills down Marco's back a little, always feeling like there was too much inexplicable meaning mixed in with that smile.

"A gift from the Marine, that's a rare one!" Marco streaked across the ice, his wings like blades, cutting the air, blue flames floating like shadows in the air.

Longinus punched the ice, and the area where the two men stood was instantly transformed into pieces of ice sheets, but Marco's movement was not hindered in the least, merely changed from a short run into a galloping glide.

"Awareness of seawater is a must for every ability user!" Marco mocked faintly, and the momentum fell with an ax chop.

Longinus crossed his arms and blocked Marco's kick, blue flames spreading over Longinus's arms like a possum, no temperature, no burn, but a chilling aura.

"What about this? Tekkai - Teika!" Longinus, oblivious to the lingering flames, grabbed Marco's leg with his backhand. At the same time, his body increased dozens of times heavier as if it were filled with lead, surprisingly crushing the standing ice directly, pulling Marco down into the sea with him.

"Don't make the ability user look so stupid! Asshole!" Marco's wings stirred but pulled out Longinus, who was sinking half of his body into the sea as if he was catching prey instead of being entangled in the legs of an eagle. And Marco took to the sky in the manner of being caught by Longinus' calf.

"Next is the main event, so take my gift!" Longinus pulled fiercely with both hands, his hair tied and twisted like a serpent, but it was binding the two men tightly.

What was this, Marco's mouth twitching at the sight of the face close at hand? Couples?

"Trying to pull me down with you into the sea in this way?" Marco wasn't alarmed. He just felt a little awkward. He'd never been close to a man before!

"Of course not, that's enough time for you to escape!" Longinus smiled with a devilish grin on his lips and whispered like a demon, "Jozu has been secretly in love with you."

"Huh? What?" Marco was startled, and his half-open eyes all snapped around a few points.

On the other hand, Longinus took advantage of Marco's daze and went for an iron headbutt.

"Ah!" The pain was so intense that Marco couldn't even scream out, trying his best to free himself from Longinus' restraints.

Marco, who had fallen to the ice, gritted his teeth at the other man, "Is that your attack? Childish!"

This injury was not even painful to him. Did this guy want to disgust him?

"It's nothing. So be careful for the next few days."

"What do you mean?"

"Because your ... imprint is black!" Longinus chuckled lightly at the black and blue lump on Marco's forehead.

While this injury was nothing to Marco, who had the regenerative inflammation, under the iron head of his instilled belief in justice, Marco would have to be a bagman for a while.

And for Longinus, leaving a little "wound" visible to the other side is not considered to be running away in disgrace.

At least that's how it should look to others.

Otherwise, it would be a big blow to his hard-earned reputation.

"Marco, you're okay ..." asked a worried Jozu, drawn to attention by Marco's screams, however, suddenly bursting out laughing after seeing another black mark between Marco's trademark dead fish eyes and pineapple head. "... Hahaha! Marco, that's just so funny!"

Seeing Jozu burst out laughing so suddenly, Dragon couldn't help but feel his veins pop. You Whitebeard Pirates are poisonous, right? We're in the middle of a battle. Can't you show me some respect?


It didn't take long for the three-way war to come to an end, and though Kaido still yelled that he wouldn't leave, several Vice Admirals were already free and soon teamed up with Garp to blast him.

In the end, the dragon whose head was utterly huge had to leave in anger.

On the Moby Dick.

"Marco, are you okay?" Jozu asked with a forced smile of concern, "This injury will only go away quickly for you, right?"

Marco, who had looked at the sea, already roughly knew what he looked like now. And said with a twitch of his lips, "That marine has somehow managed to create a mark that doesn't seem to be going to go away any time soon."

So the marine was sickened by his play and then purposely came to this to disgust him?

"That marine brat is good at what he does, and he even hurt you, Marco," Whitebeard said, shaking his wine jar, somewhat surprised.

"Personal factors aside, that marine is indeed strong, at least above Thatch and Vista and the others." Marco touched the mark on his head and sighed, "I can sort of see why World was so close to being captured by a Marine Ensign."

"The Marine Ensign you're talking about is the kid who injured you today?" Whitebeard asked.

"Well, I heard from those marines that his name was Longinus, and that was the name of the ensign in the information I got. There's no way the marine could have found two monsters named Longinus all at once in such a short time." Marco said with a nod.

"The marine's luck is good. Aside from the magma brats and ice brats, it's surprising that they've produced such little monsters again." Whitebeard said rather sentimentally, "Marco, remember those bastards today, just like I fought Sengoku, Garp, and the others for decades, it's up to you to fight in the future!"

"We're just some ostracized and exiled people, fighting and all. All I want is to be able to protect this family." Marco said with a salty shrug.

"Gurara-ra-ra! Marco, what nonsense are you talking about that? Isn't my job as an old man to guard this family?"

"Pops, you should at least let us do our duty as sons!" Marco smiled, suddenly cheerful, "By the way, is the marine planning to fight us to the death? Even if they're stronger and want to swallow us, at least half of those people would have to be left behind today to do so."

"It's hard for anyone to say about this kind of thing. After all, that bastard Sengoku is known as an old cunning B. Who knows what tricks he's playing in the dark?"

After this war is over, I'll start working on getting Momonosuke killed in the next big episode. What do you guys think? ( ̄▼ ̄) After all, if we can't get him dead before 1502, he'll be a time traveler for another twenty years ╮(︶﹏︶)╭