CP's Move

The calm and peaceful sea is filled with sweet and delicious smells, and gigantic ships are softly singing as if they were beautiful legends in a fairy tale.

But instead of being an attraction to the people of these seas, this fantastic ship is a symbol of nightmares and fears, for its name is the Queen Mama Chanter, and it is the vehicle of Big-Mom, the great sea pirate with a ferocious name in all the new world.

Right now, the Chant is on.

"Mamma-ma-ma! It's exciting that the Marine is even fighting Whitebeard, but if that idiot Kaido hadn't stirred things up, we might have seen something more interesting!" Not yet as bloated and out of shape as she was twenty-two years later, the vaguely beautiful BIG-MOM laughed aloud.

"Isn't that a good thing, Mama?" Perospero licked his candy cane as he said with a grin, "Although we are allies with the Hundred Beasts Bandits, allies of pirates are supposed to be for sale. And if Whitebeard Kaido is all damaged, wouldn't the only overlord of the New World be our BIG-MOM Pirates? Perorin!"

"You're right. Working with that brainless Beast Kaido is not an easy task." BIG-MOM had a dangerous glint in his eyes, "What's more, he has a piece of Red Poneglyph that leads to Raftel, and he won't hand over Poneglyph without little special measures."

"Maybe this time, this is the chance for you to become the Pirate King, mama!" Perospero chirped.

"It's not just that idiot Kaido, it's that old man Whitebeard who's been in the way several times now, preventing me from touching Fishman's Island, and poor me I've been looking forward to its delicious snacks for a long time."

BIG-MOM opened her mouth wide, unknown liquid dripping from the corner of her mouth, eroding the ground and escaping a white mist, "When I think of that super delicious snack, I can't stop my stomach acid from spurting out like crazy!"

"I'm craving a snack. I'm craving a delicious snack from Fishman's Island!" BIG-MOM's eyes began to develop thread dizziness, stomach fluids spurted wildly, and horror radiated out in all directions.

"Mama, calm down, Mama, calm down!"

"Damn, it's the thought-eating attack!"

"Quick! Quickly bring out all the snacks you purchased at Fishman Island last time!"

"But ... but those snacks were finished three days ago, so there was no time to procure them!"

"It's over. Mama's destruction won't stop until she has the food she wants ..."

Just then, a delicate, sweet voice sounded, "Fishman's Island food? It looks like I'm here just in time, Linlin. It is a special gift I brought for you when I was passing through Fishman's Island!"

The BIG-MOM monstrous sight was cast, but the woman who spoke was not afraid, but smiled coquettishly and pitched her food.

As if waiting for the owner's pet to be fed, Big-Mom pounced its food with the precision of a hungry tiger and put it in its mouth.

"Ummmmmmmm! That's it. It's just so good!" BIG-MOM said, holding her "face" in both hands in happiness.

"Whew! Saved!" Even the members of the Charlotte family had a robbed look on their faces. After all, before the attack, their mother was considered a ferocious pirate at best. Still, once the attack occurred, it would turn into a bloodthirsty monster that wouldn't recognize her parents. That was a nightmare that no one wanted to experience!

"Stussy-sama, this is a real pain in the ass!"

"Stussy-sama, I'm glad you're here!"

"That's too much for you guys to say, but Linlin and I are ... good friends?!" Stussy hid her red lips lightly, her posture elegant.

At this point, BIG-MOM also finally woke up from her remorse and made no sign of the destruction around her, but looked at Stussy and waved cheerfully, "Stussy, it's so good to see you, and you brought me such a wonderful gift!"

"I'm satisfied to see you so happy, Linlin."

"By the way, Stussy, did you come early to my tea party?"

"Oh! I almost forgot about business." Stussy gave a squeak and a crisp sound that made the pirates around her hunch down slightly and pressed their tactical guns.

"Linlin, you know what?" Stussy cautiously lowered her voice, "Cister and Claude and the others have a secret alliance and plan to take advantage of this marine operation to defeat all of Whitebeard, Kaido, and you, Linlin!"

"What? How dare those guys hit on our BIG-MOM pirate group. Are they too comfortable living in peace?" The ever-tempered Fourth Son Oven was especially furious, even as his skin turned burning red from the fruiting ability.

"When did a bunch of losers ever dare to provoke the overlords of the sea? That's a lot of fun, perorin!" Perospero said with a grin.

They didn't doubt the truthfulness of Stussy's words, partly because they had been best friends with their mother for over ten years and somewhat because such lies don't stand the test of time.

They were also well aware that the Queen Stussy of Pleasure District did have special access to information that could be obtained much earlier than they could.

"Mamma-maa!" BIG-MOM laughed loudly, the sound waves even cracked the ground around them, "Was it the Marine's actions that gave them courage? So much so that you've forgotten the fear of even having your soul controlled?"

"Linlin, I know you're strong, but Claude and the others aren't weak either, and they might have gotten some promise from the marine for daring to challenge you this time." Stussy said worriedly, "Even if you're strong, it's equally difficult to deal with the siege from both sides, right?"

"Marine? That old man Whitebeard is enough to cause them trouble. If there's still the guts to mess with me, just come. I'll extract their souls and make delicious cakes then!"

"Linlin, you have such confidence, then I will be able to rest assured!" Stussy pats her chest with relief, and the surging waves watch as the pirates around him bend their bodies even more dramatically to show their respect for the strong one!

"Anyway, Stussy, it's so nice of you to come and give me special notice, so why don't we take this opportunity to host a tea party?"

"Of course, it's good! It's just a pity that there aren't many of Linlin's favorite Fishman Island delicacies left. Why don't I send someone to buy some more?"

"There's simply not enough snacks in Fishman's Island!" BIG MOM said with her eyes wide open, "It would be great to have 10 tons of ... no, 100 tons of snacks!"

"I hear the marine is determined to eradicate Whitebeard this time." Stussy compelled, "Without that old man Whitebeard getting in the way, wouldn't Fishman Island be yours, Linlin?"

"You're right. Fishman Island should belong to me!" The light in BIG-MOM's eyes grew brighter and brighter, "Whitebeard is almost dead this time anyway, so why don't we go and take down Fishman Island now!"

"Mama, calm down! Roger turned himself in, Shiki was captured, and the only one of the three legendary pirates of the past who is still standing is Whitebeard, underestimating that man is a big loss." Katakuri said calmly.

"Are you teaching me how to do something? Katakuri!"

Seeing Big-Mom's ill-tempered tone, the Charlotte family trembled all over, praying in their hearts that Brother Katakuri would stop saying that even if it were their Charlotte family's supreme masterpiece. It would only be a death sentence if they went against their mother's wishes!

Seeing the heavy atmosphere, Stussy hurriedly came out and said in a roundabout way, "Linlin, don't be in a hurry. Anyway, it won't be long before Whitebeard gets his way, so it's not too late to wait until he's dead to take Fishman Island."

The good thing is that BIG-MOM still holds this lady friend in high regard, and now also snorted, "I'll let you off this time. Katakuri, remember, you're just the son of an old mother, and it's not your turn to interfere in my affairs!"