New Changes

Three months passed since the War of Hegemony that shook the world, and the timeline of this world finally meandered into the year 1501 of the Age of Kaien.

This year, the changes to Longinus are mainly two aspects.

After the last war, he had been promoted directly across the rank of Lieutenant Commander to Captain. While it confirmed that a fifteen-year-old Captain was too young, his dazzling track record was enough to make everyone shut up in peace.

Secondly, after the training camp entered its second year, Zephyr began to lead those recruits to the real baptism of war, not the skirmishes of paradise, but the pirate wars of the new world that destroyed families at every turn.

Thanks to his previous experience, Longinus, on the other hand, has been permitted to move freely, which means the right to go out alone and catch pirates.

Marine Headquarters, Mission Hall.

The Marine Headquarters was not a place to raise idle people. Although it did not force every officer of the cadet's rank to go out to catch pirates or maintain law and order, it still had a minimum quota allocated each year.

If that wasn't the case, in the future path, how could Kizaru be actively concerned with capturing the Sun Pirates, based on their nature of clocking into work every day?

Not least because Tiger, the adventurer who made a big mess of Holy Land Mariejois, has disgraced the government and is most wanted, and the arrest of this one will make it easy for him to meet his year's target.

The mission hall, however, is such a convenient place to hand over tasks.

"Captain Longinus, it's great to see you back safe and sound. We can finally relax!"

"Yes! Yes! The first two months, you have done in two or three days, but this month you've been missing for a whole month!"

"It was terrifying! Captain Longinus, your corresponding targets have already been completed, so let's get some rest next."

Seeing all the marine girls at the front desk swarm around Longinus, one by one looking anxious and even with tears in their eyes, the other officers in the hall who were handing over their duties had their minds blown up, and their hearts roared.

"Bastard, don't be so dramatic! We don't usually see you guys this nervous about completing a mission in six months, and a month of arrests is perfectly normal, okay?"

Especially those officers who were halfway through the handing over of their tasks and found that they had disappeared as soon as they looked up were more tearful, "Big sister, even if you want to treat us differently, at least help us finish the matter in hand first, right?"

That said, they were envious of Longinus, but not jealous, and as they said before, the headquarters would not force them to spend every day at sea.

Partly because life at sea is remarkably uneventful and tedious, and no one but the genuinely adventurous would want to spend their lives wandering the seas.

On the other hand, it is also because capturing pirates is a risky business. It would be inhumane if they risked their lives to capture pirates and ended up being excessively pressured by the headquarters.

So, three to six months at a time on a mission is the norm.

For this reason, they admire the frequent handover of tasks like that of Longinus, a dedicated marine that carries out justice!

"It was a bit of an accident on this mission. When I was capturing Jack the Ghost Hand, I happened to run into Red-Eyed Theodore doing illegal business with the underground forces of the Oulu Kingdom, so I spent a bit more time trying to capture them." Longinus explained mildly.

"Ah! It's the Red-Eyed Theodore with a 320 million berries bounty on his head!"

"Captain Longinus, you are not injured, are you?"

"What's so surprising about that? Captain Longinus has personally killed even sea pirates with a bounty of over half a billion berries, so what's a Red-Eyed Theodore like that!"

All young girls at the front of the stage were chattering and looking at Longinus with admiration and adoration.

Longinus, for his part, smiled quietly, the accident essentially taking him only a day. However, he had deliberately let Theodore escape. On the way to capture him, he went as Apophis to collect a wave of leeks, only to return as Longinus in the last few days, finally throwing Theodore into the prison with "a lot of trouble".

Seeing that Longinus had started flipping the task list again as if he intended to continue his capture, a civilian female soldier quickly reminded him. "Captain Longinus, Admiral Zephyr has asked us to inform you to hold off on getting back out this time. He has something important for you."

"Zephyr-sensei was looking for me?" Longinus was surprised but didn't delve into it, "Thank you, Petty Officer Angel."

After saying that, Longinus turned around and left, leaving the dazed female soldier in a trance, and only a long while later did she blissfully exclaimed, "Captain Longinus he ... he remembered my name!"

"Damn, I heard it then too, but you got ahead of me this time!" The female soldier next to her said with envy and jealousy.


Soon, Longinus made his way lightly to Zephyr-sensei's office.

"Zephyr-sensei, I heard you were looking for me?"

"Oh? You're back, at last, sit down, I do have something to trouble you with this time."

Longinus shook his head, "Zephyr-sensei, just say if there's something straightforward, I'll do my best to get it done."

"Hahaha! Not a big deal." Zephyr said briefly, "I just want you to take the first years of camp for a while."

Did it dawn on Longinus that, indeed, it had been a year, and was it time for a new change of power?

"But didn't Vice Admiral Dragon used to be in charge of all these things?"

"As you are aware, next year is when the Government will convene a Reverie where fifty of the monarchs of the joined nations will travel to the Holy Land Mariejois, to discuss issues concerning security and order worldwide."

"There are some of the more disturbing things that need to be taken care of by Dragon for two months. And it's going to be up to you to mentor the newcomers."

"This kind of thing would not be appropriate for a captain like me ..." Longinus "hesitated". "After all, the boot camp is home to several Commodore and Rear Admirals serving as adjutants."

"Even if those recruits don't know, an officer at the level of Commodore and Rear Admiral, who would dare to treat you as an ordinary captain after that last battle." Zephyr waved his hand carelessly.

"And what I value most about you is your self-disciplined demeanor. Unlike Dragon, he is, after all, a Vice Admiral and a drill instructor, and will subconsciously make those recruits think that his self-discipline is justified."

"But you're different. You're just a senior one year above newcomer, not even necessarily older than them in age, and with you as a role model, you'll be able to bring the culture of the camp right!"

"Zephyr-sensei, you've come to this point. It looks like I'll have to do it even if I can't!" Longinus said, seemingly "helpless".

"Hahaha! Go for it. I'm very optimistic about you!" Zephyr said, smilingly. Naturally, he wouldn't tell Longinus that he had already had this plan after watching Longinus and his team's performance this year during the last year-end assessment.

So much so that Dragon was all confused when he forcibly dispatched on a mission. What is this? Is this a disbelief in the means of his teaching?
