Educating Drake (9/10)

"Is this choice really worth it?" Longinus sighed slightly.

"No need to feel sorry for me, Captain Longinus, this is the path I have chosen for myself, and while I may not be in a position to say so now, this is the justice I carry out!" Barrels said with a smile.

"Now then, Captain Barrels, leave along the path, and when we next meet, it will only be the pirate Barrels who stands before me!"

"Captain Longinus, you'd better capture me back to where I'm going first." Barrels shook his head and said, "With my strength, it would be unrealistic if I were to escape from you, it would be much more logical for me to escape again if I were to be held in custody at the branch."

Longinus pondered for a moment, pulling out the handcuffs and handing them over, "That will have to be the first thing to go for Captain Barrels."

"Heh! I never thought it would be my turn to cuff myself when I touched this again." Barrels exclaimed.

It seemed that the atmosphere was too heavy, and on the way to escort Barrels, several people remained silent.

Longinus, on the other hand, was thinking as he walked.

"With Drake's tainted identity and access to that ancient devil fruit, is that where the origin lies?"

"Unlike Hawkins and the others who had to submit only after being caught by Kaido, Drake was running towards Kaido from the beginning, and with the fact that he happens to be an ancient Ability User, did he deliberately choose the same path as his father?"

"In that case, it does make sense that Kizaru intentionally spared the four captains in the Sabaody Archipelago incident."

"Of course, we can't rule out the possibility that Drake was so ostracized due to his taint that he ended up leaving the Marine Corps in anger."

"But it really doesn't matter if Drake is a rebel in the mind or tolerates humiliation, it's still a long time, just take your time to tune in."

Now Drake is just a twelve-year-old boy. If he can't be trained successfully like this, he's too much of a failure as an "instructor"!

It didn't take long for the three of them to be out of the forest, seeing more marines around them and Barrels to put on an act.

"Let go of me, let go of me, but I've defected to Doflamingo-sama, and the Donquixote family will surely avenge me if you do this!"

"Stop it, be quiet!"

Just then, a squad of marine soldiers grabbed the young man with a bruised eye and came up, "Captain Longinus, I heard from those pirates that he is Dory, the son of Barrels. But very unpopular and has never been involved in the pirates' marauding campaign before, are you going to release him?"

Before Longinus could speak, Barrels laughed loudly, "Idiot! He's my son. Anyone who has blood of a pirate flowing through his body is bound to follow the path of pirate!"

Dory did not speak but lowered his head with a depressed will, but his clenched fists confirmed that his mind was not as quiet as it had looked.

"Let him follow me first. His mother, who was a member of the Marine, was the cause of the defection of Barrels due to her death in a battle, which indirectly led to his misfortune over the years."

Longinus sighed, "So, in a sense, it's the Marine that owes him."

"Nah! Hypocrisy! It was only because I couldn't stand the likes of you that I defected back then." Barrels scoffed.

"Besides, wolves can't be tamed, and one day, like me, he'll defect from the Marine Corps and take a big bite out of you!"

"Enough!" Dory roared fiercely, "I'm not going to be a piece of trash scum like you!"

Instead of laughing in anger, Barrels said, "Hahaha! Worthy of being my seed, see, this tooth and claw looking face, isn't it just a wild untamed vicious wolf?"

"Well, save the rest of your talk for the great prison of Impel Down, where you will spend the rest of your life, atoning for your actions with pain and loss!"

When he heard Longinus mention the great prison, Barrels showed a trace of fear in due course and hissed and roared rampantly. Seeing his appearance make Dory's heart rose with pleasure and sorrow somehow.

Just then, a soldier stepped forward and reported, "Captain Longinus, enemy ships have sprung up around the island, and according to the analysis, they should be ships of the Giant Crocodile Pirates."

"Gustav the Giant Crocodile?" Longinus looked pale, "I didn't bother him, but instead he came to me himself, is he losing his patience for living?"

"Haha!" As if the drowning man had grasped the last straw, Barrels hastily shouted, "Gustav must have come to save me, you had better let me go, or Doflamingo-sama will never let you go."

A horrified Captain Cady hurriedly came forward with a frightened face and said, "Captain Longinus, it's better to let him go, it's the Donquixote family that's standing behind them!"

"I was going to hold off for a while, but," Longinus squinted forward, "what kind of marine is a marine if the enemy doesn't respond if they all seek provocation to your face?"

Without waiting for Captain Cady to say more, Longinus walked to the shore and said to the monster with a hexagonal head standing on the bow of the ship, "Shall I call you ignorant or fearless for daring to emerge before my eyes?"

"Barrels, I want you out," Gustav said with cold arrogance, "If you know who is standing behind me, get out of the way as soon as possible, a fight would not benefit you."

"Huh? Even Doflamingo himself here wouldn't necessarily dare to speak to Longinus like that, but you're quite a bit bigger than he is himself." Gion said indignantly.

"Bwahahahaha!" Gustav laughed so hard he burst into tears, "What did the idiot woman say? It's so funny that even Doflamingo-sama wouldn't dare say that!"

"No more talking to losers like you," said Longinus. He suddenly raised his right hand and grasping it out of thin air, slowly releasing it, two hot bullets slipping from between his fingers, "Interesting, is there even a fourth party involved?"

"Sniper!" Gion contained anger as she cut out with a sword, knowing that sniping at that level wouldn't work against Longinus, but the anger in her heart still exploded right out.

The two snipers in the canopy on the side of the island went undetected by the Marine Corps.

"Tch! Amazingly, that Marine had some skills when it was created!"

"Prepare to run while Gustav holds back! What the hell is that?"

A magnificent to the extreme cutting blow roared in, wiping the left side of the island intact, and the sniper figure that hadn't realized what had been spawned just vanished.

The crowd of pirates and marines stared as if they were hens being strangled, clucking their tongues.

"You should have left one alive," Longinus said helplessly.

"Aaaah!" The young girl exclaimed, blushing with shame, "I forgot!"

The surrounding pirates and marines hardly dared to trust their own eyes. Was this soft and frail young girl in front of Longinus the monster who cut off half of the island with one sword?