Bullying Judge (1/5)

In the 666th branch conference room, Captain Cady sit bolt upright, even daring to sit only in the chair's front third.

"So it was really the Vinsmoke family assassin who was planning to snipe me?" Longinus wore a faint smile on his face that made Captain Cady tremble and feel like he was on pins and needles.

"It's ... that's right." Captain Cady said with difficulty.

"It's amazing how Captain Cady's intelligence system can lock onto a target in such a short period of time with just two bullets." Longinus quipped with a smile.

"Ha ... ha ha!" Captain Cady laughed dryly twice, "Captain Longinus is overpraised, it's just that the Vinsmoke's are so arrogant that even the bullets used in the assassination are specifically marked '66' so that their Germa 66 fame can be revived more quickly."

"Germa 66?" spat Gion wordlessly, "If you don't know, you still think it's a subordinate organization of your 666th branch of the North Blue!"

"Captain Gion is joking!" Cady guiltily bowed his head. Ever since that day, he couldn't even look directly at the girl's terrible eyesight. In his mind, Gion was undoubtedly a terrifying monster than Longinus, "The '66' of the Vinsmoke family really means that they once spent 66 days together in the North Sea, in order to commemorate the passing of what was once an unimaginably terrible monster. The glory of the past is why it has the nickname of Germa 66."

"The head of the Vinsmoke family, Vinsmoke Judge, is a research employee who once worked with Dr. Vegapunk. That team was quickly bought off and disbanded due to the creation, by the government, of what was deemed an extremely dangerous Lineage Factor."

Longinus' arms rested naturally on the round table, his palms half-empty and half-clasped, "Dr. Vegapunk, who was the lead staff member, was arrested by the government. While Vinsmoke Judge fled back to the North Blue and used his lineage factor techniques to revitalize the already fallen kingdom of Germa."

"Dr. Vegapunk!" Gion exclaimed out loud, "That's the super-scientist who joined the Marine Science Department a few years back and was even hailed as surpassing human intelligence by five hundred years!"

"Well! While it's certain that Vinsmoke Judge's scientific research skills can't compare to Dr. Vegapunk's, the fact that he was able to work with that kind of character is enough to illustrate the level of technology he controls!" Longinus nodded his head slightly.

Captain Cady, at the side, was stunned. He only knew that the Vinsmoke family had superior technological weaponry, what with the lineage factor Vegapunk and all, he hadn't even heard of it, okay?

But he now knew implicitly that the two were real brutes, so naturally, he wouldn't second guess their words.

"Captain Cady."


"Please arrange for some warships for me, I'm heading to the Vinsmoke family."

"Yes!" Captain Cady scampered out of the way, in fear that if he continued to stay there, he would not be able to help his ecstatic outbursts.

"Why are the Vinsmoke's after you?" Gion asked with a frown.

"Naturally, it's because some people have issued assassination missions, for example, a certain marine captain."

"It's that oblivious bastard Cady!" Gion tried to go after him with a raised eyebrow but quickly looked dazed, "Yes, they sure can't hide their actions from you, so the Vinsmoke family is the fish you want to catch!"

"Compromise sort of!" Longinus nodded and said, "A country where assassination and fighting are the main business is not a good thing for the North Sea, which is already in turmoil."

"But they are, after all, a governmental affiliate able to participate in Reverie, and we have no measures to influence them if we don't have the right reasons to do so."


A look at the boundless sea, dozens of magnificent ships united together, and from afar, it looked like a vast continent.

"Your Majesty, your research has been very successful, several of the princes are only a year old and already physically as strong as a twelve year old, while the exoskeleton has given them toughness and arm strength far beyond that of ordinary humans."

The staff working with the feathered goat pen to record the data respectfully exclaimed, "Even his learning ability and growth rate is amazing, he is simply superhuman!"

"Hahahahaha! They are some of my finest work and are the most important part of Germa's recovery plans!" A man with long golden hair, resembling a lion, laughed loudly.

"It's just that ... His Highness Sanji he ..." said the records clerk, wary, "although the mind is much more mature than children of his age, compared to the It may have been called a genius to an ordinary person, but compared to the other Highnesses, it can be said that there is almost no talent to speak of!"

"You mean ..." Judge's eyes narrowed, seeping cold light on the weak and helpless figure in the field.

"His Highness Sanji he ... is just an ordinary man!"

"Give him two more years, and if by the age of three, he still can't stimulate the strength of the Lineage Factor, there's no point in wasting time on him!" Judge's voice was cold as if he wasn't talking about his son but an irrelevant piece of cargo or tool.

Just then, a team of guards came with cold faces and thin eyes, like inanimate machines or puppets.

"Your Majesty, a marine has approached to send a signal, offering to meet with you." The Captain of the guard reported without any fluctuation in his tone.

"Marine?" Judge's brow was furrowed, and he, who was already annoyed due to Sanji, had no intention of meeting with any marine at all, and now also waved his hand impatiently and said, "Let them get as far away from me as they can!"


"Wait a minute!" Seemingly remembering something, Judge called out to the guards preparing to leave and asked, "Is that group of marines from the 666th branch of the North Blue?"

The Captain of the guard quickly replied, "Yes, their warship is marked with 666."

"Your majesty, it should be that the assassination attempt failed a few days ago and now the victim has come to us." The clerk with the glasses prompted.

"Huh? If it weren't for the sudden death of two assassins in the family equipped with the highest technological power, I wouldn't even know that someone dared to disobey my injunction!"

Judge said with a hint of anger, "I already told you not to take assassinations beyond the realm of ability. And this time it was still just the Captain of this headquarters, next time isn't it even the Fleet Admiral of this headquarters that will come to your door!"

"The supervisor who took the job has been disposed of!" The man with the glasses had his head down, but his mind was infinitely contemptible at the thought.

The strange Judge, who asked his son not to have any weakness and kindness, and made the entire North Blue all dreadful, is essentially a bullying coward, and not many people will trust him if this kind of thing is spread out.

"Deceased? What a bargain for that loser!" Judge said unhappily, "While I don't intend to mess with a behemoth like the Marine Headquarters, the fact that a mere Captain would dare to come to my door is too much to take my Vinsmoke family seriously!"

"Let's go, go meet that bold guy and teach him a lesson, let him know that being backed up and being strong are two different things!"