I think I can salvage another one! (1/5)

The next day, early morning.

A series of shrill screams shattered the early morning silence.

"Scam ... scams people, right? The soil we walked on, the houses we lived in, even the utensils we used for eating were all poisonous!"

"What the White Kingdom Flevance, it's simply, the highly poisonous Kingdom Flevance, ah!"

"There's no need to panic too much, this newspaper says that platinum and lead is weakly toxic, and unless it's accumulated over decades or centuries, it won't have much effect at all in a short period of time."

"I don't care, I don't want to stay in this hellhole for a minute, I want to go home, I want to go home right now!"

"Anyone who gets platinum and lead disease dies in extreme agony! It's too scary, in case you get infected ... no, no, this place is definitely not a place to stay!"

"The newspaper said it's not contagious."

"Even if it's not contagious, this country must not be lived in any longer!"

Similar words spread through every corner of Flevance, so that the inhabitants of the country, who were hiding in their houses and afraid to go out, also picked up the discarded newspapers from the ground with trembling hands.

If those foreign travelers were just panic-stricken when they read the newspaper, then these native residents were endlessly afraid and endlessly angry when they read the newspaper.

"Haha! Haha! It's so ridiculous. It turns out that the white patches on our bodies, the doom and suffering we suffer, are not a so-called curse at all, but a precious 'treasure' left to us by our ancestors!"

"Look, the newspaper says that the government sent someone to test Amber Lead a hundred years ago and informed the royal family of the results of the test that Amber Lead contains toxic components. But ... why, after a hundred years, we still don't even know anything!"

"It was they who were unwilling to give up the benefits that Amber Lead brought them, so they hid it all from us. It was the royal family who made our ancestors, and even ourselves, suffer such hardships, and they ... must pay for their crimes!"

Soon, the entire kingdom of Flevance was in chaos, filled with screams and cries of pain, and even, in an outburst of both fear and despair, the inhabitants who had decided that they would not survive began to go on a killing spree of destruction.

Riots and blood have become the national theme in this country.

Hell is on Earth!


Flevance, the most expansive villas, even the riots outside, could not affect the place one moment,

because this is precisely where the Donquixote family is based.

"Oh ooh ooh ooh! What a delightful sound, just to have such chaotic disorder to fit the theme of this sea even more!" The middle-aged, noble-looking woman was lying on the euphoric chair, listening to the sounds of fighting outside. Her face even flushed like an orgasm.

"More than that, you should be concerned about the royal family of Flevance. They usually have a good attitude and all sorts of up and down hits, but if they don't hold up, the wealth of the royal family doesn't come cheap." The man with a long scar on his face said.

"This is an opportunity, and if we get our hands on all the royal wealth, maybe the young lord will value our abilities and take us all to Grand Line as well!" The man with the musket spinning in his hand envisioned it.

"That's right, maybe we can become cadres too, and then ..." the noblewoman-like woman was saying, suddenly looking alert, "Something's wrong, it's the smell of blood!"

"There's an enemy!" The other two men looked at each other with not much fear in their hearts, licked their lips, and walked outside, "How dare you mess with our Donquixote family, what a life ..."

The three who hadn't taken a few steps were suddenly startled because the man standing in the pool of blood outside was very familiar to them. It was a family cadre and the highest cadre in the family, Vergo, whose status was second only to the young lord.

"Vergo-dono, did these ungrateful bastards run into you?" The three sprawled on the ground in fear, afraid of offending the other.

"Call me Mr. Vergo!" The man with half a meat pie still stuck to his face said indifferently.

"Yes yes yes! Mr. Vergo, did you bring back the young master's orders on this visit?" The three said in awe and solemnity, not even looking at the pirates who fallen in a pool of blood.

"How is your loyalty to the family?"

Hearing Vergo's steep question, the three of them hurriedly stated their position, though they were somewhat confused.

"Mr. Vergo, our loyalty to the family will stand up to absolutely no test!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Vergo, if it's a mission of any kind, we'll do our best to get it done."

"As long as it's a mission given by the young master, even if it means risking this life without the rest of us!"

"Very well, I understand."

The three were overjoyed at Vergo's praise and then found Vergo's body suddenly before their eyes, followed by a wave of excruciating pain, and the last words they vaguely heard before their consciousness faded completely were:

"Now that you have the awareness to sacrifice yourselves for your family, then go to hell!"

"MMP, we're just saying if you don't want to live or whatever, you really do kill!" The three of them fell silent in the darkness with their final spat.

Vergo looked indifferent as he picked off a few heads and calmly walked outside, "The gifts are ready, the next step is to find the man called Longinus."


When he reaches the end of his desperate heart to die, man instinctively wants to destroy everything.

Such was the case with some of the people of Flevance. The dislike and fear of those outside travelers added more fuel to the fire, making the populace unable to hold back their murderous intent on their way to the palace.

"That's enough, stop it all!"

The soul shock mixed in with the explosion caused the rioting crowd in the King City center to stop attacking in trance-like disorientation.

"It's Marine! Great, it's Marine!" The travelers who were frightened by insane inhabitants of Flevance overjoyed at the sight of Longinus and his party. They rushed over to hide behind them.

The inhabitants of Flevance were a bit stunned at first, and then they would rush over regardless.

"Marine? What about Marine? We're not going to survive anyway, so we'll take as many as we can!"

"It's not me that's wrong, it's the world!"

"It's better if all of them die, why should we have to suffer like this while they get to live without a care in the world, it's not fair!"

In the meantime, Gion, who was standing beside Longinus, could not feel pity for these poor people, who were victims, when they pointed their butcher's knives at others.

Inferior to hateful is often only one step away.

"I know you're all desperate and in pain, but is this going to solve the problem?" Longinus reassured, "I've sent for famous doctors from the North Blue countries, it won't be long before they arrive."

Hearing what Longinus said, the rioting crowd instantly calmed down quite a bit, but there were still people who hissed in displeasure, "It's no use, the doctor or whatever won't work at all, I want to kill kill kill ..."

"If you really think you're hopeless, then why don't I give you a hand?" Longinus pulled out his musket directly over the head of the one who screamed the loudest.

The cold touch of the metal instantly calmed him down and accosted him, "I ... think I can salvage a little more!"