The King is Disqualified (2/5)

Flevance, inside the palace;

The bloated middle-aged man wearing a crown, looking anxious, paced back and forth and saw a short fatty walk in, which is why he hurriedly leaned in and asked, "What's going on outside? Why does it look like a lot of people have gathered outside the palace?"

Little Fatty screamed in panic, "Father, Amber Lead Syndrome has been exposed! And the government skimmed the blame and put it all on us."

"Now, those pariahs have all directed their wrath against us. Even have issued a curse that will burn us all to death!"

"How dare they ... how dare they ..." murmured the King with six shudders, "We're royalty, and those pariahs want to be hanged for disrespecting the royal family ?"

"Those untouchables weren't going to live long, and now all they want to do is fight us to the death!"

"Where are the guards? Get the guards to expel them, then hurry to the government and Marine for help!"

"Father, have you forgotten? Back five years ago, when you beware of their infection, you abolished all the guards!"

Little Fatty said cryptically, "As for the government, they've already abandoned us and don't give a damn if we live or die."

"What about it? Is it any wonder ... I'll be the first king to be killed by pariahs and then nailed to the rack of shame for posterity to mock?"

The King's face became more and more hideously twisted as he roared in anger, "I will never accept this fate! Isn't it just that the King can't be King anymore, and in the worst case we'll take our wealth with us, recruit some sailors, and go to sea as pirates."


At this moment, the square in the center of King City.

The rioting population had settled down emotionally, and in the end, most of them were merely stirred up in their confusion.

"Don't worry, we, the Marine, will never leave you behind. Give us a chance, and give yourselves a chance," Longinus said softly, his voice so convincingly powerful that it made people want to obey.

"Marine-sama, are we ... really still saved?" Someone stepped forward and asked.

"At least there's hope, isn't there?" Longinus encouraged, "What's more, if you don't even believe in miracles yourselves, then miracles will never be possible at your hands."

"You must believe that you can make a miracle of life!"

"Thank you, Marine-sama, you are truly a good man!" Having never been treated differently by others, many of them were moved to tears after meeting Longinus's pure and sincere gaze.

Longinus, who had been issued a kindness card, on the other hand, smiled, "I'm the one who has to thank you, being able to endure pain without relenting is the true kindness!"

The outsiders hiding behind Longinus were also ashamed, and if they hadn't been too fearful of rejecting those people, that farce just now might not have happened.

At the same time, they were also exclaiming in their hearts, "This gentleman is a marine who has truly carried out his belief in justice!"

Just then, an angry roar came from the direction of the palace.

"The dog king has escaped. Go after him and hang him!"

"Don't let the dog king get away, let them pay with their lives what they owe us!"

The sound from far and near, look to the end of the square, dozens of richly dressed royal family members are carrying large bags of desperate running, followed by the people behind them are grabbing kitchen knives and bricks in pursuit of the public.

King Flevance had been on the verge of despair when he saw another mass of people in front of him. But he was desperately overjoyed at the sight of the figure in the coat of justice.

Suitable for the Marines. The Marines are the easiest to fool!

As long as those marines were still flying the flag of justice, there was no way they would see death to him, the King.

As for why the Marine suddenly appeared here, King Flevance could no longer think about it. He was now shouting with joy, "Marine, come to my rescue, no, help the king kill these pariahs who provoke the royal majesty!"

The rest of the royals shouted along.

"Marine, what are you waiting for, if you're too slow, watch out I'll file a complaint against you with the government."

"That's right, that's right, kill these pariahs and my highness will reward you with 100,000 berries!"

Hearing the shouts of joy from these royals, the Flevance who were chasing them was slightly pale, and even the crowd that had just been pacified by Longinus was somewhat uneasy.

Indeed, the Marine capturing pirates to suppress riots was already common knowledge in this sea, and even if this Marine was as kind-hearted as he was, he couldn't let them kill a king right in front of him, could he?

By this time, King Flevance had snatched up Longinus, and as if he had found something to cling to, he turned toe to toe and snapped, "All you lowlifes, wait for the gallows!"

"That old thing runs fast!" Prince Flevance arrived third, spitting in his heart and roaring, "Father, what are you waiting for the gallows, just kill them as rebels!"

"Yes, I'm confused!" King Flevance gritted his teeth as he looked at the mob and said, "These pariahs aren't worth wasting time, Marine, hurry up and shoot these pariahs dead with random shots!"

One by one, these royals are in ecstasy and have the thrill of a dogfight.

Half a minute passed, however, and the sound of firing still hadn't been heard.

The smiles of all the royals were frozen on their faces.

The people who had feared they would be blown to pieces by the bullets also opened their eyes, which were closed in fear, and touched their bodies incredulously.

King Flevance, feeling self-conscious about his face, turned to the Marine behind him and scolded, "Bastards, are you all deaf? Didn't you hear me when I told you to shoot?"

The whole Marine was indifferent. They would only obey Longinus orders, and as for the King, what was that?

"What kind of Marine are you? It's simply disorganized and undisciplined." King Flevance shouted angrily, "Who is the officer, come out quickly, if you officers don't come out I'll complain to the government about you!"

"No need to scream, I'm here." Longinus patted him on the shoulder and smiled very kindly.

"Why a brat?" King Flevance slapped his hand down over his shoulder in disgust and then said, in a tone that was all cheek, "Kill those pariahs now, or don't blame me for disgracing your marine!"

Longinus pressed his hand directly on the King's head and forcibly twisted him around, gazing down into the other man's eyes and saying, "Are you speaking to me?"

"How dare you ... you treat a king so rudely!" Even King Flevance, as slow as he was, sensed that something wasn't quite right.

"King? Where is it!"

"Of course I am, I am the King of Flevance!"

"Yeah? Then I'll have to test it!" Longinus looked around and asked, "Tell me, citizens of Flevance, is this man your king?"

First, there was dead silence, and then anger surged out in a raging explosion.

"No, no, he's just a sinner who's betrayed the kingdom!"

"He's the devil that crawled out of hell!"

"He's a liar who cheated Flevance, a beast in human skin!"

The crowd was raging. Even those foreign travelers were touched and joined the ranks of the voices, this shocking situation, the rest of the royal family did not dare to make a sound at all, one by one buried their heads like ostriches.

Thousands of people, with no end in sight;

King Flevance's body went limp, and mumbled his lips, "I ... am the king, you can't do this."

"A king who is disqualified is no longer a king!" Longinus said softly, "At least, it is no longer any king who has captured me, but a sinner who has betrayed an entire kingdom."

"If they are sinners, they should be judged!"

Seeing the black gun pointed at him, King Flevance pissed himself straight away, "Don't ... don't kill me, I can give you endless wealth, even, whatever you ... "


King Flevance fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe he was going to die here.

Subsequently, the entire King City Square erupted in boisterous cheers, and it was unknown who led the chanting.

"The Marine will win, and justice will prevail!"

"Hero Longinus!"

"Our great hero, Longinus-sama!"