Situation on Sandy Island

"While it's true that the royal family of Sentasia is a bit pathetic, that group had already gained the trust of the citizens and the support of the government by then, so we had to leave it at that." Adkin sighed sadly.

"What happened next also confirmed my previous bad premonition, that new king really is no fool, ever since he took the throne, the entire island of Sandy has been plunged into strife and war."

Rear Admiral Jonathan, who was on the side, interjected, "I've also heard about that guy who, after becoming king, started multiple wars in a row and even conquered two kingdoms, sending the surrounding kingdoms into a panic."

"The Kingdom of Sentasia is already the second most powerful military power on Sandy Island after Alabasta, with a standing army of half a million. So when the entire nation gives its full support to start a war, those small kingdoms on Sandy Island are naturally no match." Adkin said in a deep voice.

"If things only went this far, it would only be considered a dispute between countries, although cruel, but normal. However, the brutality of that new King of Sentasia is still beyond my imagination, he went so far as to launch a massacre against those two defeated countries, and the royal noble army and even the civilians all fell under their butchering knives!"

"Are they crazy? Even the government can't treat such things as invisible, right?" The Commodore on the other side of the table, who didn't know about the entire flow of events, heard a gasp of surprise.

"The explanation given by that king was that the two kingdoms had actually surrendered by fraud, attempting to assassinate him at the surrender ceremony, and that to avoid unnecessary sacrifice, he had to be ruthless enough to kill all those who might resist." Adkin said in a sarcastic tone.

"Does anyone believe this crap?"

"He released an image after the fact that contained a conspiracy between the two royal families, and I don't know how he got it, but with that evidence in hand, the government side came down with a few verbal condemnations and nothing more."

"It's so frustrating!"

"What is even more unpleasant is what happened later. Not only did that bastard not restrain himself in the slightest after escaping sanction but he intensified it. He waging several more large-scale wars in the past two months, killing tens of thousands of civilians, and even triggering a wave of residents on Sandy Island fleeing to the sea."

Adkin said with a long sigh, "What's worse, that bastard can produce evidence of dumping sewage after the fact every time, relying on that so-called evidence and his own kingly status, completely ignoring the mediation and control of our marine."

"It does get a little tricky, is it true that the citizens and army of Sentasia are just going to support a tyrant?" Jonathan asked.

"We're not sure what he's done to get those citizens to trust him with their unconditional support," Adkin said, shaking his head.

The World Government believes in stability, and if the entire population opposes the royal family, they don't mind a new puppet to support them.

But a man like the King of Sentasia, who had the support of the entire nation, could not meddle in internal affairs without an official reason. Otherwise, this bad start would inevitably draw everyone else in the royal family to their knees.

"The other royals on Sandy Island have asked me for assistance many times, but I couldn't think of anything good to do in this situation. And over time, those royals thought that I was on the side of Sentasia, causing my reputation on Sandy Island to be considered completely notorious!"

Adkin scoffed to himself, then said, "It's a bit of a shame, but you're probably the only one who can handle the mess on Sandy Island!"

"Sandy Island is, at any rate, a place where I have made many memories, but it is true that I cannot let that group run amok like that." Longinus smiled gently, "Commodore Adkin will just wait for my good news at ease at the branch."

Hearing such a sincere and heartfelt tone from Longinus, the surrounding Commodores and Rear Admiral also sighed in his heart, taking on such difficult tasks with ease; it was not without reason Longinus was able to become a Commodore at this age.

Many of the Commodores had been a little unhappy that Longinus had overtaken them at such a young age, but now they had only admiration and respect in their hearts.

Perhaps feeling a bit overwhelmed, Adkin added, "By the way, I remember the King of Alabasta and you, Longinus, were close, I think."

"Cobra?" Longinus, recalling the king who had metamorphosed from rash and reckless to calm and steady, nodded and said, "Indeed."

"In that case, you can talk to King Cobra about it after you arrive on Sandy Island," Adkin said.

"He was now a visionary king, and while other kings were still hesitant and confused, King Cobra took it upon himself to stand up to the atrocities of Sentasia."

"If it wasn't for his shocking courage, the other royals wouldn't have formed an alliance of their own accord, and the situation on Sandy would only be a hundred times worse than it is now."

"It is true that we are not good enough to sanction the crimes of the King of Sentasia, but it is perfect to leave it to the other kingdoms to carry out the expedition." Longinus nodded his head slightly, "But from what you're saying, the other kingdoms on Sandy Island combined are no match for Sentasia?"

"How do you say this ...?" Adkin said after organizing his language, "It's actually like this. The king of Sentasia has somehow managed to make all of Sentasia's armies become fearless and frighteningly strong in battle one by one."

"It would have still been the Alliance side that had the upper hand even then, after all, Alabasta alone has a standing army of 600,000, and with the other royals, a total of millions of troops are organized."

Adkin had a regretful look on his face, "It's just a pity that the king of Sentasia doesn't treat his army like human beings at all, and won't stop at all unless his entire army is annihilated. This went on for a while, but instead, the Alliance side was the first to hold out."

"The King of Sentasia could care less about army casualties, but they can't, and once the army is dead or wounded, not to mention dealing with threats from the outside world, the internal conflict alone is enough to bury them."

"This has led to the fact that the Alliance side, which has a clear advantage in force, is often suppressed by Sentasia, and at least when I left, the battle was still seen as a one-sided match."

"It seems that the root of all this still lies with the king of Sentasia," Longinus said with dignity, "I would not believe that such a tyrannical and amoral king could be heartily embraced by the people."

"I know that too, but ..." Adkin looked glum, "The intelligence officers I sent out couldn't even find out half the information, that country, it's like a pool of frozen water."

"By the way, you still haven't said the name of that king of Sentasia."

"The guy's name is Absalom Pizarro, and he's a scary man known to the surrounding royal families as the 'Tyrant King' and 'Evil King'!"