Kizaru Who Cares About Efficiency

The next day, in the high-level conference room.

The twenty-six seats at the table were not filled to almost half capacity.

Longinus was not surprised; more than half of the twenty Commodores and five Rear Admirals were already stationed in the nearby seas of the Kingdom. And some of them were able to return thanks to his status as the "Light of G2".

"All of you should be familiar with Commodore Longinus, so I won't bother introducing you." Borsalino clasped his hands emptily against the table.

"Today, the main purpose is to welcome Commodore Longinus and to read the transfer orders from the Headquarters," Borsalino said, pulling a document out of a drawer and was about to read it when his keen instincts alerted him to something amiss.

This document is three pages long!!!!

Borsalino's eyes narrowed, and he coughed, "Everyone's time is precious, so to save time, I'll briefly go over the main points of the transfer order."

"Commodore Kadar to the Kingdom of Gordon, Commodore Harvey to the Island of Coca-Cassie, Rear Admiral Geoffrey to the Kingdom of Noah, Commodore Adkin to the Branch, and Commodore Longinus to the Sandy Island."

Borsalino read in one breath and breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you have any objections or questions about this, if not, we'll adjourn."

The meeting that brought together half of the marine base's top brass lasted about two minutes before coming to an end, and a newcomer who didn't know any better would have been confused.

The good news was that these Commodore and Rear Admirals were accustomed to this, and Longinus was prepared for it, not that it was unexpected.

Seeing that no one made a sound, Polusarino nodded in satisfaction, "The meeting was a success, and that's it. By the way, Commodore Jerome, remember to make up a copy of the minutes after the meeting."

The Commodore named Jerome nodded with a pale face.

Once Borsalino had left, Adkin strode over to give Longinus a warm hug, "Good lad, that was quite a promotion for you! If I'm not careful, this rank will have caught up with me!"

"Luck makes it so," Longinus smiled.

"That's no luck, and I hear that you specifically declined a promotion to Rear Admiral while at Headquarters." Rear Admiral Jonathan came up beside him, and as a veteran Rear Admiral, he had better access to information than Adkin.

"Rear Admiral?" Adkin glared, "What the hell did you boy do? How could the Headquarters be allowed to make such a decision?"

A Commodore next to him spat, "Adkin how closed to information are you guys? I can't believe you don't even know about Longinus killing the great pirate World!"

"That world destroyer World?"

"That's him."

"Although I've known for a long time that you have an unlimited future, but it really feels surreal to be at this point." Adkin sighed, the same Commodore who was still hunting for pirates with a 50 million bounty on their head, and Longinus was already hunting for pirates with a 500 million bounty on his head.

He's a real drag on the Commodore's class!

"Indeed." Rear Admiral Jonathan nodded, "Now that I think about it, it's only been five years, and the speed of this transformation is truly amazing!"

"Commodore Adkin, Rear Admiral Jonathan, you're really going to inflate me to the heavens if you keep saying that!"

"Well, I'll leave it at that," Adkin said, "By the way, Vice Admiral Borsalino's meeting habits are such that it's not against you, so don't take it personally."

"It wasn't a big deal in the first place, and I'd only be really upset if I had to purposely waste everyone's time because I'm here."

"The return of pride to our G2 branch is no mean feat." The Commodore, on the other hand, joked.

Each of these Commodores was a human being, and even if they hadn't had much interaction with Longinus before, they were now all subtle gestures of affection.

After all, a sharp-eyed person could see that Longinus would achieve at least the vice-admiral of the Headquarters in the future.

And judging by the track record of Vice Admiral Borsalino's promotion, Longinus wouldn't even be in Commodore's position for very long, so naturally, they wouldn't skimp on their goodwill when there were no real competing interests.

"Only, you're going to be busy later!" Adkin gloated.

Without waiting for Longinus to ask a question, Adkin explained to himself, "We, Commodores and Rear Admirals are fine against ordinary pirates, but we can't do anything against those sea pirates who have retreated from the New World. And those guys, usually only Vice-Admiral Borsalino can handle."

"Now that there's more of you as a substantial second fighting force, Vice Admiral Borsalino will be sure to 'exercise and sharpen' you as much as possible!"

In a sense, when the big names seeds like Longinus and Borsalino get together, that underneath must consider taking sides or avoiding suspicion, but the G2 branch has no such worries at all.

Everyone knows that Vice Admiral Borsalino has always clocked in and out of work and has never had a casual attitude towards the Fleet Admiral or anything else.

Vice Admiral Borsalino might have been happier than they were about the arrival of Longinus.

"Isn't that great? I can never have enough of such things as capturing pirates." Longinus smiled.

"What a setback." Adkin shook his head, his face steely, "but there is one thing you must be aware of."

Seeing that Adkin had withdrawn his joke, Longinus asked squarely, "What is it?"

"It's not a peaceful island on Sandy Island right now. It's not going to hit the Marine, but if I don't handle it right, I'm going to get in trouble, or at least, I'm sort of completely discredited over there, so I'm going to have to flee back to my base in ashes." Adkin said mockingly to himself.

"What's going on over at Sandy Island?"

"About half a year ago, a group of people came to the Kingdom of Sentasia, and by some unknown method, they managed to get the entire nation to openly rebel against the royal family's rule and embrace them as the new king." Adkin said with a stern face.

"There are precedents of kings being overthrown because of their tyranny, but most of them are due to the royal family's dim-witted cruelty. And the king of the Kingdom of Sentasia is a bit more ordinary and incompetent, but by no means does he make the entire nation and even the powerful aristocrats stand opposite each other."

"I felt something wasn't right at the time and wanted to get involved in the investigation, but unfortunately in the end I couldn't find out anything."

Longinus nodded, remembering that it was almost as if Dressrosa had been seized by similar means by Doflamingo.

The World Government doesn't care about such trivial matters as long as the appearances look good, and they don't promote resistance to government narratives.

"But it's not easy to do this superficially, and Doflamingo achieved this through the power of Hobi Hobi no Mi, and by what means did the guy who stole the kingdom of Sentasia do it?" Longinus thought darkly to himself.