First Close Meeting

"Commodore Longinus, this way." Still young, but already one of Alabasta's strongest warriors, Chaka the Jackal said respectfully.

"Thank you." Longinus followed behind Chaka with Drake and two others, while a golden light continued to hover in the sky.

"Those three behind Commodore Longinus are so strong!" Thanks to Inu Inu no Mi's keen intuition, Chaka was able to roughly determine that at least two of those three were far above him in strength, namely the young man who looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old and only had a weak fighting spirit.

As for the seemingly mild-mannered Commodore, he was utterly unable to see through it, and his proud wild intuition seemed as if it had utterly failed.

"Just Commodore Longinus's men have this terrible smell, is this the power of the Marine Headquarters? I wonder how powerful Commodore Longinus, who slayed the great sea pirate World, will be!" Chaka, who was observing in secret, only felt his mind tremble and grew more and more in awe of Longinus.

A few people were soon walking through twisting and winding corridors to a quaint and unpretentious palace, as if from an ancient era.

"Your Majesty!"

Cobra, who was struggling with how to politely make a request, almost stirred as he heard the familiar yet unfamiliar voice and walked to Longinus in three steps, "Commodore Longinus, great, after three years, I finally have the pleasure of hearing your teachings again!"

Drake and Les didn't think anything of it yet, but Vergo was practically streaked blind.

"Not only does he have many supporters in the Marine Headquarters, even the king of the affiliate countries are his loyalists, how strong is this guy's ability to compel people!"

Vergo's mind doubted Doflamingo's judgment for a moment, "Doffy has me undercover with Longinus, but with his capable wrist, can I really hide it from him?"

"Even if Longinus doesn't notice the signs now, it's hard to guarantee that I won't show my hand over time." Vergo only hesitated for a moment before quickly reasserting her confidence, "There's no way Doffy is wrong, he'll find a way to help me remove the hidden danger!"

"Your Majesty, I ..."

"Commodore Longinus, before you, I will always be just the same Cobra who knew nothing." Cobra squared up, "If you can, be sure to address me by my first name."

"You're representing a country now, after all, and I don't want to be too rude, so I'll just call you King Cobra."

"That's okay," Cobra said reluctantly, and then introduced himself, "This is my Queen, Nefertari Titi."

Looking at a face nearly identical to Vivi, Longinus could only lament that Cobra's genes were so weak!

But thankfully so.

"Your Highness the Queen Consort."

"Commodore Longinus."

A few people said they would take their seats, introduce each other, talk a little, and soon get to the point.

"King Cobra, can you tell me more about the current situation on Sandy?" Longinus cut to the chase.

"The situation is currently very bad for the Alliance." Cobra sighed, "While Sentasia's current battle losses are close to 100,000, the damage to our countries is over 300,000."

"If it wasn't for the fact that the King of Sentasia didn't have any intention of accepting the surrender at all, I'm afraid that more than half of the kingdoms on this side of the Alliance would have only chosen to surrender, this war is just too brutal!"

"It doesn't make sense! Pushing the nations to the brink won't do Sentasia any good at all, what was that evil ruler thinking, really wanting to fight you to the death?" Les couldn't help but ask.

"We don't know what the king of Sentasia really thinks, since he seems to be waging war purely for war's sake, without any interest in the matter."

Cobra said with a locking brow, "And those citizens of Sentasia, I would have thought they were being coerced or deceived, but according to the information coming in, they don't seem to be acting strangely other than overzealous."

"Is it possible that they are being controlled by some sort of Devil Fruit ability?" Queen Titi couldn't help but ask.

"We've thought of that possibility, but what power is there to control an entire kingdom?" Cobra shook his head, "Even the Devil Fruit cannot be powerful indefinitely."

"Oh, that's right," Queen Titi said with resentment.

"No, I do think it's a direction," Longinus said.

Seeing the others cast their skeptical glances at him, Longinus explained, "It is true, as King Cobra said, that even Devil Fruit cannot be powerful without limit, but what if the conditions for lifting that limit happen to exist in Sentasia?"

"In other words, if we can find the features that distinguish Sentasia from other kingdoms, we may be able to find a way to resolve this crisis at its source?" Cobra asked, holding back his excitement.

It has to say that the same conjecture from different people is a very different effect, and Longinus is not that convincing. Still, his identity is such that one subconsciously chooses to believe it.

Fortunately, Queen Titi was gentle and generous; otherwise, what awaited Kobra would only be a storm.

"It's just a possibility, and more information is needed to make an accurate determination as to what the situation is," Longinus said.

"So, in the end, you still need specific information about Sentasia?" Kobra whispered.

"Let's leave the intelligence to our Marines, Vergo ..." Longinus habitually intended to dump the trouble on his current number one hitman.

However, before he could finish, Les volunteered :

"Senpai, leave this to me!"

"Leave it to you?" It wasn't that Longinus not convinced of Les's strength; as a future elite Vice Admiral, Les was already no weaker than Vergo.

However, compared to Vergo, who has been following Doflamingo since he was a child, Les will undoubtedly fall short in terms of his experience.

Seeing Longinus fall silent, Vergo couldn't sit still; if he didn't improve his presence, not to mention complete the mission explained by Doffy, he would lose even his current position!

These demonic bitches are just too hard to deal with it!

"Sir, I am confident of completing this mission!" Vergo said quietly.

Les and Vergo looked deep into each other's eyes as if thunder and lightning were stirring between their eyes.

"It's not easy to find out the secrets that lurk in the kingdom of Sentasia, so let's say you two move together so I can feel a little more at ease." Longinus understood enough to arrange an intimate trip for the two of them.