Vivi, Her Future is not So Bright (1/3)

The next day, early morning.

"Baptism? The Godfather?" Longinus was quite surprised to see Cobra standing beside him, looking apprehensive and slightly expectant.

Queen Titi was equally nervous, not that she had those thoughts of Cobra; she was making considerations from a mother's position.

With a powerful man like Commodore Longinus backing her up, her child, at least, would grow up in peace!

"It's a bit awkward, but it's an idea I've been thinking about for a long time before making a decision." Cobra, who had been thinking about it all night, squared off.

"If we can have someone as brilliant as Commodore Longinus as a role model for our child, I am sure he will grow up to be a very good king."

"At least, it will be better than me!"

"It's only right that it's an honor for me to become the godfather of a prince or princess," Longinus smiled, "And you are so humble, King Cobra, your boldness and commitment in this event is evident to all!"

"Due to the excessive brutality of Sentasia, I actually hesitated for a long time on the matter of joining the war." Cobra looked lamented, "To be able to make that kind of decision, it was still the Commodore's quotations from you that strengthened my heart."

Even Queen Titi and Igaram were surprised; they didn't know that Cobra still had such a mind.

"Quotations?" Drake blinked; what was this? He didn't even know.

"At first, the pirates pursued the workers, and you did not speak out because you were not workers; then they pursued the merchants, and you did not speak out because you were not merchants; then they pursued the nobles, and you did not speak out because you were not nobles."

Cobra chanted in sentimental tones, "At the end of the day, when they come running to the throne, will anyone else stand up for you?"

"I did say something like that," Longinus recalled without blushing, "It was four years ago, in an island nation in the Boya Sea, where the citizens were harassed by pirates, but the royal family never did anything about it."

"They feared reprisals from the pirates and feared that their interests would be compromised, so much so that they resisted even the initiative of marine assistance with indifference. Therefore, I wished then to awaken them with this passage."

Cobra said impassionedly, "It was the words of Commodore Longinus that made me realize that if all people are not willing to stand for truth, to do justice, to uphold fairness, and to look only to their own interests in the face of evil, then disaster will one day befall us as well."

"It seems that His Majesty's metamorphosis isn't entirely due to that change three years ago." Igaram couldn't help but think to himself, "The spirit and philosophy of Commodore Longinus is the true beacon that guides him forward!"

"No wonder Cobra holds Commodore Longinus in such high esteem; his justice, indeed, is different from those words that are merely grandiose on paper!" Queen Titi was also impressed, "He sees further than anyone else!"

"Is that the philosophy of sensei? How admirable!" Drake was even more passionate, "No wonder Sensei always said that strength is just a tool and faith is the source!"

"Did King Cobra mention the quotations before, are they precious documents that record Sensei's words and actions?" Drake was incomparably enthusiastic, "As a sensei's disciple, I absolutely cannot miss this kind of treasure!"

"Haha, that's something I hadn't thought of," Longinus sprinkled a smile, "But if what I've said really helps King Cobra, those quotations would have an existence of sorts."

"Of course it means something. I'm going to use it as a teaching tool for the child in Titi's belly." Cobra said with a "fatherly" look on his face.

Before Longinus could mourn for Vivi for a few minutes, Chaka entered and informed, "Your Majesty, the kings of the alliance have been arriving."

"Commodore Longinus, then let us go out now to meet the kings," Cobra suggested.

"Excellent." Longinus agreed readily.

As the Grand Line's giant island, there are seventeen kingdoms on the island, and as many as eleven kings appear in Alabasta alone.

On the one hand, the threat of Sentasia's persecution, and on the other hand, Cobra's reputation as the first advocate of the Alliance, can be seen.

"King Cobra!"

The kings in the palace greeted each other, but their eyes kept drifting to Cobra's figure with a coat of justice.

Among them again were the two kings of Crete and Hisca, whose memories of what had happened that night three years ago were still fresh in their minds.

"King Garcia, King Will, and King Crete ..." Cobra responded one by one with a calm face, correctly displaying the poise expected of a king, "I have invited you all here because I intend to introduce you to the kings. Commodore Longinus, the new officer in charge of Sandy Island, and secondly, to take the opportunity to discuss the war a little more."

"Ensign Longinus ... haha! Seeing how confused I am, it should be Commodore Longinus." King Crete deliberately brought back memories, "I knew three years ago that with the Commodore's abilities, the Ensign was just a starting point."

"Hard for Your Majesty to remember me." Longinus smiled.

"Three years, Ensign ... Commodore!" Many kings were frightened by this terrible rate of advancement.

As Adkin was unaware of the feat that Longinus had performed, these kings had already been preoccupying during the six months that Sandy had been grip by war, and where were they to find the time to read any newspapers?

But there were a few who looked as if they had gathered information before they arrived and knew that this promotion rate was nothing to the man.

Whether they had known or not, after hearing the depth of King Crete's words, these kings also knew roughly that the Commodore should be far more qualified than his predecessor.

Therefore, they are not shy about releasing their goodwill.

After a period of concerning greetings, they finally got down to business.

"Commodore Longinus, what exactly is the Marine's plan?"

"Commodore Longinus, the King of Sentasia has gone mad, and if we don't find a way to sanction him, the entire Sandy Island will be destroyed by him!"

All the kings who barely maintained their demeanor before, after talking about Evil King, all looked like they wanted to skin him and draw blood but were afraid and scared.

"It's true that what King Sentasia did was unjust, but he is, after all, the ruler of a country, and it's not good for me, as a marine, to interfere without proper justification."

When they heard what Longinus said, the hearts of these kings went cold.

"Then what? Just to die with those maniacs?"

"Don't be impatient gentlemen, give me three days and I'll give you a satisfactory answer."

The kings looked at each other, apparently unable to accept what seemed to them to be an obvious "excuses ".

"Three days, and three days again!" A fierce-looking grumpy old brother couldn't help but shout in anger, "I see that you're nothing like that guy named Adkin from before!"

"Oh? And this is?" Longinus's eyes narrowed.

"King Gar, please watch your tone!" Cobra said unhappily.

"Cobra, you have no business here." The King of Gar stomped up to Longinus and snapped his head up, "For your three days, why should I trust you, or would you dare to stake your own life on it?"