Heroic Plan Shattered by Old Sand

Two years have passed, and the perfect reputation that Longinus has been brewing to create is beginning to bear fruit, not to mention the fact that members of the camp from the same session, not to mention the next two sessions down the line, will be coming to join him in name only.

Even as he ran out of a captain's place in his hands and had to settle for Ensign, it was still a phenomenon that showed no sign of stopping.

Instead, it's getting worse.

It was the reason why all the pirates in the seas around Sandy Island were unlucky, and often one or two pirates who appeared to make a little name for themselves would be rounded up by one or two dozen lieutenant commanders and captains of this division who had all made their way in the New World.

It's insane!

And that, in turn, has led to repeatedly thwarting someone's heroic plans!

Alabasta, Port City Nanohana.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"All of you listen up; we only want money, we'll be happy if you hand over the money." The Cyclops Pirates fired several shots into the sky, trying to put on a ferocious face to hide the trembling inside.

Surprisingly, the surrounding populace didn't look scared at all but instead looked at him with the same look as if he were a fool.

"Pirate-san, it's not too late if you run away now." Many enthusiastic citizens even advised.

"Bastard, I'm a ferocious pirate, can't you show me some respect ... " Before the scar-eyed pirate finished his sentence, he was desperately held back by the little brother behind him.

"Boss, I thought we were supposed just calmly to borrow some money and go?" The scar-eyed pirate was holding on to all four limbs by his little brothers, "Here, this is that marine hero Longinus's place!"

"If we make a scene here, someone could die! Woo ..." said the pirates, one by one, pleading in tears, not knowing that they were the ones who were robbed.

"Get out of my way, old man, I'm going to rob you today!" Cyclops growled while his heart was bleeding, how could he not know that this was a restricted area for pirates, but he would be killed alive if he didn't cooperate with this play!

If you get caught by the Marine, you might not die, but if you offend that man, you'll die!

"Still don't get out of here ... " Before the one-eyed dragon finished speaking, he saw dozens of marines suddenly leaping out around him, all with red eyes coming at him, literally like a rutting beast who hadn't seen a woman in ten years entering the red theatre, making his armpits tighten.

"Haha! This pirate is mine."

"Get out! Do you understand first come, first served?"

"All stop robbing, this pirate is big enough, we just have to split some of it, one of us."

"Ah!" At the sound of these Marine's malicious sardonic laughter, the Cyclops could not help but scream like a helpless girl.

The script isn't right; why would the Marine be the one to get him? And why did these marines look more like pirates than he did?

Is this a discussion about splitting him up? That's cruel!

"Being a pirate is so dangerous, Mom, I want to go home!"

On the side of the tower stood two figures, with the wind blowing, and the tall man biting his cigar silently withdrew his right foot halfway out of step.

"Why didn't we go ahead with the original plan, Boss?" asked the muscular bald man.

"There's no point." The man biting into his cigar tilted his head slightly, taking in the farce below, "There's no fear in the eyes of those people, and even if I do it, I won't be able to reap their gratitude."

"After all, Alabasta is that man's territory, and here, there is no soil suitable for pirates to survive." The bald man said scrupulously.

"Two years of managing this Sandy Island as part of a barrel of iron, and that Commodore Longinus, what a formidable man with a strong wrist!" The cigar man spits out the cigar in his mouth and stomps it out, "I wouldn't want to take on a tricky character like him if I didn't have a reason why I had to."

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

"At tonight's banquet, let me test that Commodore Longinus, known as Justice Incarnate!"


Outside, the night is cloudy.

The palace hall, however, was brightly lit.

And Vivi, who is the star of the party, is being hugged by Sumire.

Longinus, on the other hand, stroked Vivi's little head, "This child is smart at first glance, in the future, she will become a great queen!"

"Right now, I just want Vivi to grow up happily ever after," Cobra said, half in love and a half in pain.

This change occurred because the Queen died in childbirth, as in most bullshit stories when she gave birth to Vivi.

The good news is that Cobra doesn't take his anger out on Vivi for this, like those bullshit stories usually do, but instead pours all his love into Vivi.

"By the way, Commodore Longinus." Cobra calmed down for a moment, regaining his composure, "We have a notable figure in Alabasta during this time."

"I know, it's one of Oka Shichibukai, Desert King Crocodile, right?" Longinus smiled lightly and looked at the other main character of the party.

Although he hadn't spent much time on it himself, two years had been enough to keep every aspect of Sandy Island under control.

Thus, from the moment Crocodile stepped onto Sandy Island, he had seen all of the other party's actions in his eyes.

It makes it so that Crocodile's heroic plans are unintentionally exposed to Cobra's eyes by him in some channel.

"Commodore Longinus, the guy, orchestrated one pirate attack after another and then took matters into his own hands, and while most of it didn't do much good, it was his intentional push that started to spread his reputation within the kingdom."

Cobra whispered guardedly, "Although it's still unclear what his intentions are, judging from his current actions, it's clear that he's not a peaceful person, and his status as Oka Shichibukai provides him with the best disguise."

"You mean that he is deliberately creating the title of the hero so that he can better carry out certain evil actions as that hero." Longinus smiled meaningfully.

"Exactly." Cobra said with a heavy, indignant nod, "Compared to a true hero like you, Commodore Longinus, that kind of bastard is disgusting!"

"Was he a bad actor? No, not really," Longinus said in his mind... "The only difference between him and me is identity."

"A pirate will always be a pirate, even if he becomes a Shichibukai, people will never forget what he once was, and when it comes to performing, how can this identity of a pirate compare to the uniquely blessed Marines!"

"Of course, the most important point is that I'm still in the middle of it!"

Longinus asked, "And what do you think, King Cobra?"

"After all, Desert King Crocodile is Oka Shichibukai, so as long as he stays out of trouble, the reputation of the district will send him away."

"Understood." Longinus smiled, "I'm going over to communicate peacefully with the Desert King Crocodile, Your Majesty."