Old Sand's Good Friday

One side of the party.

"Haha! Crocodile-sama, it's so reassuring to have a hero like you!"

"Yes! I've heard that Crocodile-sama is one of the Oka Shichibukai, a big man who can talk to the government head-on!"

Crocodile tactically leaned back and took their praise in a reserved manner.

"We are so fortunate on Sandy Island to have not only great heroes like Commodore Longinus, but also lesser heroes like Crocodile-sama, and with them, those trash pirates would never dare to invade us."

Crocodile's smile was frozen on his face, lesser hero? Are these guys serious?

"With Commodore Longinus' strength and accomplishments, sooner or later he will be promoted to the Headquarters as a Fleet Admiral, and then Crocodile-sama will become a patron saint like the Commodore!"

Crocodile stiffened; these were the bastards who had him as a spare tire? So much for treating him like a spare tire, but how dare you say it to his face!

"I figured that Crocodile-sama must be as much of an admirer of the Commodore as we are, and that's why he came to Sandy Island specifically to start his legend. He's, like, paying homage to a legend!"


Crocodile couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the wine glass in his hand; coldness stirred in his eyes, the ground flew, and sand hovered; just as he was about to sand these bastards into dried corpses, an arm was placed on his shoulder.

At the same time, there was a gentle whisper in my ear, "What a careless mistake, isn't there a flaw when the water splashes on the sand?"

Crocodile's body tightened, he hadn't even noticed the man behind him at all, and the guy had even pointed out the flaw in his ability in a single word.

"Commodore, Longinus, what do you mean by that?" Crocodile looked over his shoulder at someone who was "hooking up" with him.

"I just think it's better if you don't do anything," Longinus seemed to be smiling.

"I can interpret this as ..." the gravel around Crocodile began to shake violently, "a threat?"

"I must make it so clear." Longinus sighed and tilted his head to look directly into the eyes of the sand crocodile, " Sandy Island, I cover it, understand?"

"Kuhahahaha! It's funny; you're the first to dare to threaten me like that." Crocodile laughed maniacally, "I know you're strong, but I don't think you've ever fought to the death against a Logia Ability User!"

"Today, I'll show you why Logia is known as the strongest one!"

The surrounding royal nobles who were trying to "please" Desert King Crocodile suddenly woke up; there seems to be something wrong with this scene. Will they fight here?

They've heard that the strong man's battles are very turbulent so that they won't be affected, right?

After thinking of this, those royal nobles fled towards the surroundings after they screamed.

"It's Vivi's first birthday, and I can't be responsible as godfather if I mess up her party."

"Still thinking about the words of the annual ritual, beware that today becomes your burial ..." said Crocodile, the fierce smile on his face suddenly curling, and he looked incredulously at the other side, "You suppressed my elementalization? How is that possible?"

Crocodile wasn't unaware that Busoshoku Haki could capture natural abilities in an elementalized state, but that didn't mean that Busoshoku Haki was the nemesis of Logia.

Busoshoku is not a nemesis of the ability like Kairoseki is; it merely effectiveness an otherwise ineffective attack.

It was even necessary to bring Busoshoku Haki with every strike, which made the cost of Busoshoku Haki far greater than usual during a battle against a Logia Ability User.

In other words, even if one were proficient in Busoshoku, they would still be at a disadvantage when facing a Logia Ability User, as usual.

However, he could not even elementalize when facing this marine, something that was completely out of his realm of knowledge!

"As a Logia Ability User, you do have the capacity to be proud of yourself, and it's even more true that you specialize in fruit abilities, but to completely ignore the power of Haki would be a big mistake!" Longinus smiled.

He diffused the high Busoshoku of Flowing Dynamics all over the Desert King Crocodile's body, isolating the other body from the outside world.

So one couldn't be too concerned about grace, and if the sand crocodile had elementalized and fled the moment he got close, it wouldn't have ended up in such a dilemma.

"Damn it, what the hell did you do to me? Get off me now!" With pure physical strength alone, a hundred desert crocodiles couldn't compare to a monster like Longinus, who specialized in physical techniques, so much so that even Longinus' right hand that clasped his shoulder couldn't break free.

"What a bad boy!" Longinus presses in with a right hand, only to be met with a series of bone-crunching sounds.

Shoulder-to-shoulder death!

"Pfft ... cough cough, you bastard!" Crocodile spurted out a mouthful of blood, viciously looking at the other party while also feeling grief in his heart; what kind of monster was this guy? His physical strength was as ferocious as an ancient tyrannical dragon.

"I'm here to tell you that with me, you'd be better off keeping yourself safe."

"Damn asshole, don't think I'd...Pfft!" Crocodile was in a state of grief, and although he did not have good intentions, he still hasn't done it yet. Shouldn't the Marine wait until he has evidence of it?

This feeling of being punished with violence is so unpleasant!

However, before Klokdar could finish his sentence, an iron fist of "justice" landed on his abdomen.

"You're the government's Shichibukai, and I won't kill you, but there are some things that are more horrible than death!" Longinus has an incredibly dangerous smile on his face.

"Kuhahahaha! Don't give the pirates shit, you bastard!" Crocodile spat a mouthful of blood foam at Longinus, "Do you think I'd be afraid of torture or something?"

Longinus easily dodges the "spit" and does not get angry, but smiles like a demon and whispers, "Is it okay to tell the secrets I got from the king of the demons?"

"Wait!" Crocodile gave a low growl and gritted his teeth at the other man, "You ... you ... are so despicable you don't look like a Marine!"

"For the sake of justice, what is the point of this tactic?" Longinus came up with the mouthpiece, while, in his mind, he said, "Are your emotions finally starting to fluctuate? As expected, it's still not calm enough!"

"Well, consider yourself, fortunate!" Crocodile took a deep breath and said, "As long as there is a day for you, Longinus, I Crocodile will be at ease for a day!"

"It would have been fine if it hadn't been!" Longinus withdrew his right hand as if nothing had happened and pressed it against the head of the desert crocodile, his fingertips quietly touching his forehead.

"Huh? Don't get cocky too soon!" Crocodile slapped away Longinus' cocky hand, "An arrogant, cocky bastard like you might die out there someday."

"Arrogance is called arrogance when one is incapable; arrogance is called skill when one is capable." Longinus rubbed his fingertips and walked out without looking back, "Crocodile-san, next time, remember to be arrogant when you're capable!"