Emergency Transfer Orders

Outside the palace;

"Strange, why is Crocodile-sama suddenly angry when we're talking about it?" A nobleman asked, puzzled.

"Yes! We've all been trying so hard to please and flatter him!" A nobleman was indignant.

"Perhaps Crocodile-sama is such a fickle man!" A nobleman sighed.

"By the way, why isn't there any movement at all in the palace? Isn't it said that the battles of the strong man are amazing?"

"Is it a ... battle of ideas? I've heard that those strong people like to look at each other and then somehow fight at the soul level!"

"A battle of souls? That sounds grippy!"

"Why would there be no movement at all? Is the Commodore okay with him?" Cobra said worriedly, though he knew the Commodore was strong, his opponent was, after all, a pirate recognized by the government!

"The desert crocodile is strong, but there's a qualitative difference between it and sensei!" Drake proudly said as the bruise faded from his face, and he looked more and more composed.

"Uh-huh!" Sumire nodded vigorously and said crisply, "Commodore-nii said it wouldn't take much effort at all to deal with Desert Crocodile if he couldn't come out of the shadow of the fiasco five years ago."

Simultaneously, as the words fell, Longinus had appeared at the entrance to the palace.

"Commodore Longinus, are you all right?" Cobra hurried up and asked.

"What can I do about it?"

"That Crocodile-san he ..."

"Don't worry, after my persuasion and enlightenment, he has given up on certain unrealistic ideas." Longinus smiled gently.

"That's good, that's good." Although he didn't think that Longinus would easily convince the Desert Crocodile kind, Cobra instinctively chose to believe, "The other side is after all Oka Shichibukai, it would certainly be best if we could resolve it peacefully."

"It's just that I'm a little embarrassed about ruining Vivi's first birthday gift." Longinus shook his head and sighed.

"It's thanks to the Commodore that you're right; otherwise, that guy Crocodile would only make the dinner worse."

"Well! Indeed he is to blame!" Longinus nodded in deep sympathy, "When Vivi grows up, I'll make sure Desert Crocodile pay Vivi a grown-up gift."

"Ahem ... this, or not!" The thought of Desert Crocodile giving Vivi a congratulatory gift only creeped Cobra out.

"Let's call it a day; Vice Admiral Borsalino asked me for something early in the morning, and now it's all postponed until midnight, so I'll have to hurry up and get going anyways," Longinus said with a shrug.

"I didn't expect the Commodore to be shirking his official duties to come to Vivian's first birthday ceremony; it was so touching!" It moved Cobra.

"Who asked me to be Vivi's godfather!" Longinus said and turned to leave, and Sumire and Drake hurried to follow.

Along the way;

Longinus rubbed his fingertips, refining the memories he had just read while Crocodile's mind was in turmoil, "Heh! So it was a deal with Doflamingo?"

"It's bad news; I was hoping he'd have something more definitive! In the end, it's the same processed information that's passed out of my hands."

"Commodore-nii, you must have won, right?" Sumire asked with anticipation.

"Naturally, that guy is no match for me."

"I knew it; sensei didn't even have to do anything to beat that stinker!" Drake said excitedly, "However, Desert Crocodile is not the kind of person who can hold back, and with his special status, he might be able to cause us a lot of trouble if he's bent on revenge."

"So, Sensei, shall we take a chance ..." Drake said with cold solemnity, "and finish him off."

Sumire didn't show the slightest discomfort at such a bloody and violent topic. Instead, she placed her white fingertips against her chin, "If Commodore-nii wants to deal with that crocodile, Father, he has learned many of the ninjutsu techniques of the Wano Country; he will be able to draw that crocodile out unnoticed."

Drake can't help but look sideways, and that's selling your dad out?

"A man of no value has no reason to exist, and that crocodile is more or less valuable, so let's put him away for a while." Longinus had his hands in his pants pockets, his coat of justice flying up and down in the night, "If he's restless, I'll let him know that Oka Shichibukai can't afford him ... any shelter!"

Both Drake and Sumire looked at the upright figure with admiration, and the pirate, recognized by the government, was no more than a disposable pawn in his eyes.

This kind of boldness is destiny to belong only to those who can stand at the top.



A long, loud, clear song woke up the people who were still asleep in the early morning.

"Griffin, it's Commodore Longinus!" The soldier on shift duty rubbed his eyes and quickly recognized the griffin that had almost become the icon of Longinus.

"Is this Commodore Longinus, known as the Justice Sky Knight? It's so handsome!" Stars glowed in the eyes of almost every marine.

"But isn't the Commodore supposed to be stationed on Sandy Island? Why would he choose to come back now all of a sudden when it's not the time for a regular meeting?" After the excitement, a soldier was puzzled.

"Is it because of that incident with Rear Admiral Danitz?"

"No way. Are the rumors about Rear Admiral Danitz even true?"

"Hiss! That would have been a blast!"

"So Commodore Longinus came back this time specifically to settle this incident?"

"I suppose so, even the Rear Admiral lost his job, and the entire base, except for Commodore Longinus, is only the base commander. But as you know, Vice Admiral Bolsarino he... he... right, he was going to sit on the base and couldn't take the time."

"I don't know why, but I ... suddenly kind of expect Commodore Longinus to fail."

"What do you mean, asshole?"

"Hey, a more rugged image like Rear Admiral Danitz's will indeed give you a nightmare experience after the transformation, but Commodore Longinus is different; he's so cool and handsome, he might become a super dreamy beauty after the transformation!"

"It's usually those female soldiers who are nymphomaniacs, but now, it should be our turn, too!"

"Good ... so sick! But when you say that, I seem to be suddenly looking forward to it!"

"His Majesty, Okama King, be sure to cheer up!"

Right now, outside the base commander's office.

Longinus tapped his brow and smiled sadly, "Sometimes too much speed isn't a good thing! It'll be another half hour, almost, before Vice-Admiral Bolsarino gets to work!"