Hawkeye vs. Gion (3/3)

"We didn't mean any harm; we just recognized your identity." Gion stood with his sword, "That's why I was planning to find an isolated place to challenge you."

"Not going to cause unrest, huh, Marine?" Hawkeye gripped the great black sword with both hands, and his eyelids lowered, "But I don't care what status you are, disturb my pleasure, pay with your lives!"

"Longinus-san, this guy is so arrogant!" Tina said furiously.

"But he does have this arrogance, among the younger generation, I have never seen a strong person with this kind of overwhelming swordsmanship!" Longinus said with a severe expression.

"That is because you are too shallow; at least, the strength of that Red Swordsman would not be inferior to me!" Hawkeye said with the blood in his body vaguely boiling up.

Although it was only a brief encounter, the battle with that man was the most enjoyable one he had fought since he went to sea.

I was looking forward to the next meeting that ... has with him!

"The Red Swordsman is indeed a fearsome monster as well, but ..." boasted Longinus shamelessly, "unfortunately, I have not yet met him."

"Speaking of which, the name Longinus also sounds familiar to me." Hawkeye turned his sharp gaze toward Longinus, "The marine who decapitated World is you, right?"

"It's me."

"No wonder you have the guts to follow this up." Hawkeye sighed after looking up and down on Longinus, "It's just a pity that you're not a swordsman!"

"Mihawk-dono, isn't it the code of swordsmen to value every enemy?" Gion reddened her face and rebuked.

"Not bad, but you also have to be worthy enough to be my enemy." Hawkeye said in an exasperated tone, "Only a true swordsman is worthy of being my opponent!"

"Then open your eyes wide and see! Death-Sonata!" Gion gripped the Konpira tightly, stepped in an elegant dance, and in a flash cut out countless tiny sword strokes that were between illusion and reality and flew towards Hawkeye.

"It's too fancy!" Hawkeye held his sword with both hands and slashed horizontally in front of his body, and a vast and radiant sword mane instantly cut out.

Quality and quantity collided, and this time, it was quality that won.

The slash struck by Hawkeye was like a torrent that carried away the tiny sword aura in one wave and flew towards Gion with significant momentum.

The flying slash closes in on the ground and slashes away at the crack, carving a long furrow in the surface.

Faced with this slashing blow, Gion did not panic and avoided it with Kami-e.

And Hawkeye did not stop; after the first strike, he sprinted and swung his sword forward and cut across without waiting for any result.

"Death-Circle Dance!"

Gion spun rapidly to deliver a circular slash wave with a gorgeous dance that shielded her from death.

The greatsword in Hawkeye's hand slammed into the slashing wave, and in just an instant, the protective circle was broken.

However, Gion flew out with the wave of air that erupted from the aftermath of the impact, stepping on Geppo and striking numerous slashes in mid-air.

"Death-Moonlight Song!"

The voices are as cold and silent as the moon, and the soft silver-white slash is as cold and bright as the moon, splashing down so that Hawkeye can escape almost nowhere.

"So powerful, Hina didn't expect Gion-senpai to be so strong." Hina said without envy, "If only Hina could be this strong!"

"But the gap is still too obvious!" Longinus shook his head, "Although it looks evenly matched, it was only achieved when Gion tried her best to dominate by exploding at the beginning."

"If this continues, it won't take long for Gion to lose!"

"It's going to be over so soon?" Hina's eyes widened incredulously, "Could it be that the Mihawk guy is that much stronger than Gion-senpai?"

"The gap is not as big as you think." Longinus shook his head and said, "The strongest point of a swordsman is the power to burst, so the fights between swordsmen tend not to last too long."

"Being able to hold on for such a period is actually enough to show the level of Gion's swordsmanship; what she lacks is more experience and momentum."


As they spoke, the situation in the field had taken a sharp turn for the worse.

In addition to Hawkeye is pressing forward, the giant sword in his hand slashed down. The harsh slashes almost gathered into a storm so that Gion's body is stained with blood in many places.

"Your swordsmanship is not weak; at least, you are one of the strongest among the female swordsmen I have seen!"

"A swordsman is a swordsman, and would have you notice the gender difference only means that I'm not strong enough!"

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of consciousness. Indeed I underestimated you!" Hawkeye paused in his approaching steps, hands raised, feet open, "as an apology, let me use the strongest blow to end the fight today!"

"Come on!" Gion said as she took a deep breath.

"No, Gion is in danger!" Even Hina can see that Gion is now entirely down; in this situation, to receive the enemy's big move, how to think there will not be any good results, right?

Seeing Hina's eyes cast for help, Longinus shook his head, "This is the path Gion has chosen for herself, and I will not impose my will on her."

"Of course, when it comes down to the last minute, I will take a shot at it," Longinus added.

A blade falls.

As if an earthquake, the earth cracked, the forest collapsed, birds and beasts cry, and a large canyon appeared in front of Longinus at speed visible to the naked eye.

This style, so that Hawkeye's strong and unparalleled power is revealed, and Hawkeye's swordsmanship perfectly analyzed in front of his eyes.

"So, this is your power?" After taking in the scene, Longinus took Gion, who was flying backward into his arms as fast as he could and, simultaneously, with a single iron fist blasted the aftermath of the slashing blow.

"In the end, it's gone out!" Hawkeye put away the greatsword, said slowly.

"Well, what? You want to continue?"

"Forget it." Hawkeye turned away in style, "If it's the world's strongest, I'm still somewhat interested."

"This guy is so cocky!" Hina made a disgruntled face, then asked worriedly, "Gion-senpai, are you okay?"

"I'm fine; I just got a little superficial injury ... ah!" Gion blushed and tried to break free from Longinus' arms, but her legs were weak, and she fell back down again.

"You are in a much better state of mind than I expected; I thought you would be depressed for a while," Longinus said with a self-effacing expression.

"If I were that fragile, I would have been devastated by you!" Gion flew a baffling glare.

"Speaking of which, how do you think Hawkeye's strength compares to yours?"

"It's hard to say." Longinus pondered for a moment and then said, "Within five minutes, it's his chance to win, but if it drags on beyond five minutes, it'll be my win!"

"Even you are not completely sure of defeating him?" Gion's breathing is pulling on her wound, causing her face to twist a bit.

"Don't take it hard; Hawkeye's attack is not that easy to take." Longinus sighed, "Let's go back to the headquarters first."

PS: Originally intended to break out in May; however, in May, something happened that I did not expect, that is ... I was promoted. From a drop of the bottom up, the result is that the salary did not change, there is more power and a drop of the power, a lot more responsibility, double the work, obviously, I am just a salty fish (ㄒ o ㄒ)!