The Sabaody Archipelago

Gion's injuries were not severe and healed after a few days of rest.

After Gion had returned to the New World, Longinus also found an excuse to leave the headquarters for sightseeing.

Then, after turning back in the form of Apophis, he came back to this world.

This time, his target was the Sabaody Archipelago.


As the Celestial Dragon garden, the Sabaody Archipelago can say to infested with numerous crimes.

According to some archives that Longinus checked at the Marine Headquarters, this archipelago among stones covered almost a quarter of the world's population trade.

Longinus can say that the Sabaody Archipelago was his goal from early on in his life.

However, because of the unique geographical location of the Sabaody Archipelago almost under the nose of the Marine Headquarters and the World Government, even Longinus do not have complete confidence in a rash move.

Initially, he was planning to invade Sabaody to make trouble, while Fisher Tiger was stirring up riots in the Holy Land of Mariejois a few years later.

At that time, neither the headquarters nor the government could pull out troops, so naturally, it was an excellent time for him to do crazy things.

However, after some conversation with Dragon had made him change his mind.

On the one hand, Longinus secretly spread rumors so that World Government frequently deployed their's CP organization; on the other hand, he informed Garp in advance to run back to the East Blue to see his grandson.

It is not to say that Garp must be much stronger than Sengoku and them, purely because Garp is not an ability user, which will make his most cheating escape skills in the face of the ability user ineffective.

Of course, these arrangements are certainly not as fool-proof as initially planned.

So, he still needs to prepare a backup plan.

On the Grove 50;

Apophis wearing a ghost face mask is not eye-catching. Since his action widely spread the Red Swordsman's name in the sea, increasingly crazy admirers emulate him to wear this symbol of secrecy destruction of the ghost face mask.

And, of course, one more critical point.

Apophis did not have a sword in his body.

Naturally, someone who doesn't even have a weapon on him can't be a Red Swordsman!

It also makes the passing crowd glance at the Apophis dress, basically disdain in their hearts; this stupid COS Red Swordsman at least bring a weapon to show off at least!

"From the Grove 50 to the Grobe 59, the Sabaody's shipyard has gone all over. And found no trace of that man." Apophis looked around the week and then turned away, "Next, it's time to go to the outlaw area on number 1 - 29 on the Grove!"

"Bastard, stop right there!"

"Damn, are you playing us for fools?"

"Don't come over. I'm a super vicious sea pirate Red Swordsman Apophis; if you pursue me again, be careful I split you."

Apophis looked up and found a group of people chasing a small beggar wearing the same ghostly mask as him, with impressive curves on her chest, which at first put to rest the horrifying thought that she was Apophis.

Although no one knows the face under the Red Swordsman's mask, the general assumption on the sea is that he should be a man.

"Damn, can't run anymore!" The little beggar was running as hard as she could, when she suddenly noticed someone wearing the same mask as her in front of her, "Hmm? This guy is wearing the same ghost face mask like me. Is it possible that I can make use of it?"

"But why, why do I have an illusion that I will die as soon as I open my mouth?" Looking at the pair of eyes under the mask without the slightest emotion (chaotic) color, the little beggar has no reason to have a heart-throbbing, dragging people into the depths of the words, unexpectedly unable to speak.

"His eyes, simply more terrible than those scum around the killing machine!" The little beggar clenched her lower lip, buried her head, and ran wildly past, "No, there is no courage to speak ..."

"That guy over there, give me your help to stop that brat!"

"Bastard, are you deaf?"

"Still not doing anything? Are you a runaway slave like that brat?"

Hearing the shouting and cursing coming from behind him, the little beggar could hardly believe her ears, "Are these bastards so cooperative?"

"You guys, are you talking to me?" Apophis paused in his tracks and glanced crookedly toward the gang.

His already slightly shocked the little beggar, how can there still be people looking for death coming to the door?

"What are you looking for it? Believe it or not, I'll blow up your ..." The most grumpy one's head directly exploded, splashing the rest with red and white liquid slurry.

Although the scene is a bit bloody, the residents of the Sabaody Archipelago are already used to it.

"Bastard, what did you do to him ..."

"You know we are ..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Like well-ripened watermelons that exploded one by one from the ground, this bloody scene is some challenge to the limits of human tolerance.

Blame these guys for their bad luck.

If you meet with a professional to kill the enemy with a precise Longinus method, you can at least die without any pain. Still, if you meet with Apophis, who likes to kill the enemy with cruel and bloody ways, even death will be a luxury.

It caused the crowd, which was calm and controlled, to flee at once when the first gangster died.

The little beggar was also shocked by the bloody scene in front of him. But she did not rejoice in disgust; instead, there is a painful and hearty, "so powerful, so powerful, did not even see his hands kill these scum ... Does it mean that he is the mysterious one who makes countless slave owners shudder with fear, the Dark Knight Apophis!"

"That is my most revered ..." When the little beggar came back to her senses but found that the surrounding area has long been empty, "Wait, where is Apophis-sama?"

"It's worthy of the chaotic and disorderly Sabaody Archipelago, this sinful aura; it's intoxicating!" Apophis naturally would not put the killing he had just done on his mind, and soon, he came to an auction house.

He wasn't much interested in the so-called auction.

Devil fruit, if he wants it, is not difficult to obtain.

In terms of weapons, Saijo O Wazamono is the only one that can arouse his interest.

What arms, what slaves, and even more so ... except for a particular male slave.

"This lord, all the slaves in this auction are on this list, not that I will blow ..." the middle-aged gentleman wearing glasses, with a posture flattering smile that does not match his temperament, "Our Ari Auction House is the most famous in the entire Sabaody. Not to mention any noble descendants of royal descendants, or if you want the mink race, the giant race, or even the mermaid race, we can give you ..."

"Human, male, old man." Each label Apophis uttered made the gentle middle-aged man's face look a little ugly.

"Dressed so luxuriously, it turns out that all are pretend, a waste of my time ..." gentle middle-aged with infinite contempt then turned to leave, but not even walked a few steps were pinched and lifted by the neck.

"Ahhh ..." The gentle middle-aged man's face turned blue, his eyes bulged, and his legs kicked unconsciously in mid-air.

"Do I need to repeat myself a second time?"

"No ... is not needed ..."