Epitome Of The 1 Corner Of The Great Pirate Era

When Sengoku and Borsalino all left, Longinus only shook his head slightly.

He asked Rayleigh to bring up the 'mask' when not thinking of pitting Dragon; he just wanted to put an aura on that identity of Apophis.

Things finally developed to this point; it must be the effect of Dragon's aura of backstabbing.

Nothing to do with him Longinus/Apophis!

After all, he knows very well.

If the Marine wants to develop, the pressure given by the revolutionary army is essential.

Only if the revolutionary army is strong enough will the World Government let go to a certain extent, allowing the Navy to sharpen its sharp knife.

And only then will his ambition to take charge of the Marine make sense!

After making a show at the headquarters, Longinus returned to the G2 branch and logically took charge of the base's affairs.

Although there are five Rear Admirals in the base and him, seniority is also the most shallow Longinus. Still, those Rear Admirals also know that after Vice Admiral Borsalino, the most likely to take over the base is Longinus.

So, think of it as an early familiarization now.

G2 Branch Center Conference Room.

Longinus sat at the top and listened attentively to the rest of the Commodore and Rear Admirals' discussion.

"I think more troops should be placed in the Soroda sea, where the third route and the fourth route of the Grand Line is the closest sea, without sufficient troops, it is impossible to solve those increasingly rampant pirates!"

"The Soroda sea that you are stationed in is difficult, but is the island I am stationed in Belo not difficult? There is a remote location, and many mountainous hills, the pirates hide in, it is impossible to go deeper with less than one platoon of troops!"

"If you want me to say, still the country I stationed in the snow cake is the most difficult. Poverty and desolation, but also because of the location of the countless number of pirates fostered, not to mention the failure to catch pirates, the soldiers can not even afford to eat."

"Bastards, I told you it's me who has the toughest time here, are you guys trying to compete with me for misery?"

"Just compare, which one of you can still be worse than me!"

"Cough ..." looking at the sudden change in the picture of a group of Commodores, Longinus evident cough a few times. "I have a general understanding of the difficulties you have mentioned, there are only two types of problems, one is the military expenditure, the second is the strength. "

The Commodores nodded in unison and looked at Longinus with anticipation like a baby waiting to feed.

Longinus, who looked at with a bad chill, hurriedly said, "If the military expenses, the branch still has a lot, but that is the budget reserved for issuing bounties and pensions, so it is not good to divert them."

"In fact, if only one or two stations had a shortage of funds, the branch could grit its teeth and come up with it, but the shortage is so large that the branch can't even make a splash with this amount of military funds."

It is also a corner of the epitome of the era of sea pirates, not the Marine does not want to do; it is too much restriction in all aspects.

Corresponding to the year-on-year increase in pirates' rate at sea is increasing the military budget pensions and bounties.

In turn, these two parts of the budget suppressed the budget on equipment and strength, leaving the Marine trapped in such a vicious circle financially and in the war effort.

No way, people always have to bow down to reality.

Even if the Marine's "justice" slogan is loud and beautiful, but if even the soldiers' salaries, equipment, and even death benefits are not guaranteed, who will be willing to die for "justice"?

Seeing the atmosphere in the conference room fell abruptly silent, Longinus spoke, "So we need to make some changes that can adapt to this era!"

"Adapting to the times?" A group of Commodores asked, bewildered.

"Since we can't go and change this bad time, we have to learn to adapt to this time in our own way!"

"For one thing, try to get on good terms with the royals in the garrison and find ways to get them to 'take the initiative' and share some of the pressure ..."

"Wait, Rear Admiral Longinus, this does not seem to be in accordance with the rules, does it?" Rear Admiral Jonathan, who is familiar with Longinus, suddenly interrupted, "After the kingdom surrendered the heavenly gold to the Celestial Dragons and became a joining nation, the marine forces automatically assumed the responsibility of escorting the kingdom."

"That said, ..." Longinus said with a straight face, "less than even a tenth of that money can be implemented to the Marine, and in today's intensifying situation, we have to make changes. "

"But, the heavenly gold is already incredibly heavy, if we share part of the naval military expenses again, I worry that those kingdoms may even provoke a civil uprising!" A Commodore said worriedly.

"That's why I asked you to deal with those royal families 'well'." Longinus laughed, "Like those kings on Sandy Island are very enthusiastic, not only actively supporting the marine side of the operation, but also vigorously underwriting all the expenses of the marine."

"That's because you've already killed two kings!" A group of Commodores exclaimed in their hearts; they did understand what Longinus meant, just because the ordinary people didn't have money didn't mean those royal nobles didn't have money either.

"On the one hand, we do not have such a reputation as you, Rear Admiral Longinus. The probability is that the royal side will not take the initiative to cooperate, on the other hand, even if they cooperate, they will also spread the military expenses to the people afterwards, and the final result is still ..."

"So, this will require the efforts of all of you!" Longinus said with a straight face, "You can't just be wishy-washy to uphold justice, you have to be iron-blooded when necessary."

"In this time of crisis, people who are not willing to cooperate are the enemies of justice!" Longinus never forgot to raise the banner of "justice" and said, "For the sake of justice, even if I may not be appreciated and bear the stigma, I will not hesitate to do so!"

"Rear Admiral, you are ... "A group of Commodores and Rear Admirals all feel the mind sink, both for Longinus' courage and Longinus' conviction, "to challenge the rules of the royal families and the World Government ah! "

Longinus naturally will not be as noble as he says; in fact, he met much less resistance in the operation than they thought.

Limited by the eye, even a group of Commodores and Rear Admirals overestimated those royals' influence.

As in the original Dalton will be elected to power after Wapol, it is logical to be recognized by the World Government as the king; the World Government is at best in the project's external face.

As for internal conflicts?

As long as the newly appointed king is willing to continue to pay, the protection money collectors do not care about you so much.

In other words, if there is a king who can't be bothered, Longinus can secretly start a riot and support a king who is more inclined to "justice" to come to power.

As for the government's cross-examination, it's even better.

Longinus would rather bear the stigma than add to the government's burden. Even if the situation is more complicated and would not go to play the idea of heavenly gold, everything to the "Celestial Dragon" can eat healthy for the premise.

In this way, and you still doubt my loyalty, there is no such thing as mercy!

Involved in the heavenly gold attitude, those government officials can not guarantee that he will be issued a model medal for him!

As for the royal attitude, who cares if they go to hell?

And the most profound purpose of Longinus to do so is to test the bottom line of the government's control over finances.

"In order to get rid of the World Government's restraint, the first step is to achieve financial freedom." Longinus looked at the crowd with a straight face; the heart is thinking, "The Marine can start with the G2 branch as an experimental point within the Marine, the target range is small, and the government is not easy to think in other ways."

"Externally to the Marine Corps, it depends on when the one I'm waiting for will appear!"

PS1: I saved up two chapters of saved manuscripts the other day; however, as I said before, these two days are busy with my cousin's new house, and tomorrow I have to pick up the bride, so I can only squeeze out time to code a chapter, ride on the saved manuscripts, barely able to maintain the update, and I'll try to keep some manuscripts from the day after tomorrow.

PS2: After the marriage of this cousin, colleagues of the same generation are not married (girlfriend are not), this year's New Year feels to be nagged to death (T ▽ T).