A Sudden Visit

After a moment of silence in the conference room, another Commodore asked, "But what if the kingdom where we are stationed is not even rich in the royal family itself?"

"This is the second of what I was going to say before, after defeating the pirate group, the untraceable belongings withheld thirty percent as military expenses!"

"Huh?" The Commodores group was once again a little dizzy from the bombshell thrown by Longinus, "But ... that's stolen money! Isn't it not quite in our justice to use that kind of dirty money for military expenses?"

"Using this dirty money for a cause that is justice is what really washes it away!" Longinus said with conviction.

"Moreover, you should also know where these so-called stolen funds end up!"

The Commodores nodded heavily; they naturally knew that most of the stolen money had been swallowed by certain government dignitaries in the name of "recovering stolen money".

"But doing so will undoubtedly touch the interests of certain big shots." A Rear Admiral said in a deep voice.

"Look forward and backward will only achieve nothing, you first let go of it, if those people really have opinions ..." Longinus righteously said, "I will bear it all!"

The courage of Longinus to say this is his attitude of "not rejecting, not initiating, not taking responsibility" for a rumor.

This rumor was the one within the government about him being a Celestial Dragon.

Especially last time, Spandine went back to a secretive look because many people secretly deepen this speculation.

Plus, the thirty percent interest that Longinus withheld was well within their reach.

In this case, those careful and cautious old greasers are naturally will not mess up.

Of course, a group of Commodore and Rear Admiral did not know the secrets of this and thought that Longinus has the spirit of fearless sacrifice.

Each heart secretly ashamed at the same time can't help but think that Rear Admiral Longinus, indecisive and courageous, is really beyond only know to go to work to punch the card Vice Admiral Borsalino too much!

"That's roughly it for the military expenses, as for the troops ..." Longinus said after a moment of contemplation, "My idea is to carry out a draft in the kingdoms of the surrounding seas..."

Knock, knock, knock!

"Please come in." Longinus said gently, without the slightest exasperation at being interrupted.

Pushing the door open, a Lieutenant Commander in charge of briefing came in and said, " Rear Admiral Longinus, a group of wounded men claiming to be from the government intelligence agency are outside the base asking for our help."

"But their self-proclaimed CP9 is again very puzzling, I remember that the government-affiliated intelligence agencies should only be CP1-CP8."

"You do not know is also normal, CP9 is the government's direct secret spy machines, only ..." Longinus mused, " people who can join the CP9 strength is mostly good, will let them seriously injured enough that they had to the Marine to help them, the first half of the Grand Line should not be more than right."

"Gentlemen, that's all for today's meeting!" Longinus said to a group of Commodores, "Those who are interested can accompany me to see those fellow government members."

These Commodores and Rear Admirals are showing unspoken smiles. Although not to the point of incompatibility, the Marine and CP have not been much to deal with, appreciating others' unlucky fallen posture is still very happy.


The base port, under the fluttering seagull flag.

A group of soldiers on duty guarded to look at the blood-soaked face mixed with the boyish and ruthless several teenagers.

"Cough ..." Jabra, who had a long braid tied behind his head, coughed up blood and his right fist clenched violently, emitting a small sonic boom, "The look in these guys' eyes is really offensive, are they laughing at me? "

"I really want to crush their heads!"

"Don't go crazy, we're here to ask for help." Blueno, who looked incredibly pale from overuse of his powers, said, "If we don't get timely treatment, Lucci will be dead!"

"If this idiot dies, he dies! Who asked him to finally show off and help us block that blow." Jabra's face was full of resentment, but his body was still frank and put away his sharp wolf claws.

"You're the one who wants to die and not drag us down!" The monster with the zipper embedded in its mouth whispered, "The one who guards this base is the super famous monster of the Marine Corps, Longinus, blah blah blah!"

Jabra didn't care about Fukurou's accusation. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said, "So it's that bastard's quarters!"

"Yo yo ... Jabra you even know that kind of big shot?" Dressed up like a kabuki actor, Kumadori said in a singing accent.

"Ch! That's not ..." Jabra's face is indignant, "but I'm kind of the same time as that guy, obviously both newcomers, but our class is completely under his shadow."

"Can you imagine how we would have felt when the instructor spoke with such a tone every day?" Said Jabra, imitating it subtly.

"Look at other people in the Marine's Longinus, go in the first year to suppress the city of propulsion, and then look at your group of losers, do a B-class mission will have to die a fifth of the people."

"Does it mean that we Cipher Pol are no match for the Marine? Of course not, it's entirely because you losers are pulling down the CP average."

"Starting tomorrow, everyone will take up A-rank missions together!"

"Pfft ..." Fukurou had a backward look on his face, "Your instructors in that class are surprisingly ruthless, normally, shouldn't they all start with C-level missions in their first year?"

"Now you should know what a terrible nightmare the name Longinus is to me, right?" Jabra first gave a long sigh, then said with a complicated face, "But thanks to his pressure, I was able to become one of the strongest people in CP9!"

"Don't count to one, you're the second." Blueno demolished it very disgracefully.

"Are you kidding me? You think I can't beat this stupid cat?" Jabra said in exasperation, "Last time I only gave him a little bit of leeway because he was younger."

"So, you were defeated by Lucci with three punches?" Kumadori asked, "curiously".

"What's wrong with three punches? Three punches is just me letting off steam, I'm just paralyzing him for the next time we fight ..."

"Injured people? I see that they seem to look quite good, surprisingly they still have the strength to argue."

Listening to the voices coming from behind them, several people stopped arguing and turned their heads to look and found a large group of people gathered behind them looking at them with eyes filled with "curiosity".

That attitude almost takes out peanuts squash happiness with water to sit and watch the show.

"What the hell is this group of people? Are they really the Marines?" Blueno and the others couldn't help but secretly spit out.

Longinus' eyes narrowed slightly, not focusing on the future called "CP9," the strongest person in 800 years Rob Lucci, but will focus on a specific "Minotaur".

"Doa Doa no Mi, this is a ... fruit that even I am quite optimistic about!"