The Seal of Judgment


See a reverse plunge of Jabra into the ground, Fukurou and Blueno is somewhat unbearable to see.

It's too bad; it's merely a complete blow!


Werewolf transformation, to be precise, is Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf form transformation!

However, before Jabra could finish his whimper, he was grabbed by Longinus by the tail and thrown out.

In the next moment, Longinus appeared in front of Jabra and fired a violent kick that blasted Jabra into the ground again.

"No, even with the transformation, Jabra's doriki is at most like 2,000, which is too far from Rear Admiral Longinus!" Blueno sighed.

"It's going to be over!" Lucci then asserted in a cold voice, "If Longinus hadn't reined in his strength, that idiot would have been a dead man!"

"Rear Admiral Longinus is really super strong ah!" Fukurou first sighed, then his eyes brightened, "I see, Rear Admiral Longinus is deliberately beating Jabra, his purpose is to demonstrate his own power ..."

"Huh? I can't believe even an idiot like Fukurou can see that!" Lucci couldn't help but give a sideways glance.

"... so that we can have peace of mind, Rear Admiral Longinus he's just so considerate!"

Lucci: "(◦` ~'◦)"

On the other hand, Longinus did not move and collected the faintly shiny milky white aura on his bracelet, "Seal of Judgment!"

Under his speed to the extreme, even Luci could not notice this tiny change.

And that's precisely why he deliberately provoked this unsuspecting fight.

"With this seal, there's no fear of them running away!" Longinus mused.

That's right; he finally decided to let Doa Doa no Mi appear in the hands of Apophis.

After all, his apparent identity is backed by the Marine and the government, coupled with his strong strength, most without the need to escape with the power of Doa Doa no Mi.

Apophis is different, but it was the identity that the government was offended to death, if exposed, his years of planning will go down the drain!

What's more, the most powerful point of Apophis is the attack; if you can match the mobility of Doa Doa no Mi, his assassination ability is only compared to the best ace agent in CP0.

So, instead of killing Blueno on this trip to Sorbet Island, he will wait for things to finish and intercept them on their way back!

As for following them to Sorbet Island, it's purely for fear that they'll get killed by Kuma!

Thirty seconds later.

On the training ground, Jabra lay on the ground with a sceptical face, "It's not supposed to be! The plot in the novel I read should not be like this ah!"

"Why was I humiliated, and then humiliated again in the end?"

Lucci did not go to comfort him at all, just incomparable gloom in his heart, "This guy's strength definitely surpasses any strong person I've ever seen. Although not willing to admit it, but his existence is indeed the best guarantee for our operation!"


A week later, on the mass grave of Sorbet Island.

The fair, soft moonlight has been shed.

Longinus leaned against a tree, watching with interest as Lucci's group of five expressionlessly rummaged around in the pile of dead people.

"No, no, there is still nothing!" Jabra, who has the ultimate sense of smell, broke down and shouted, "I'm so sick of this awful smell!"

"Although the revolutionary army also died a lot of people, but the most important revolutionary army branch base chief is missing!" Blueno said in a deep voice, "Was he beaten so badly that he didn't even manage to save his body? Or did he also escape as luckily as we did?"

"But no matter which one it is, it shows the failure of our mission!" Lucci said in a cold voice, "And failure, doesn't need any excuse!"

"Actually, I think there's another possibility ..." Blueno said in a deep voice, "and that is that the Revolutionary Army people were captured by that meatball monster!"

On the mass grave, the atmosphere fell abruptly silent.

No one wanted to face that unbeatable monster again, even with Longinus on their side, they felt a chill run down their backs.

"Why are you guys looking like that? We're CP9! Frontal combat should never be our first choice!" Jabra "proudly" said.

"Yo yo ..." Kumadori exclaimed groggily, "Jabra are you planning to use your never-fail mean ploy again?"

"Bastard!" Jabra angrily stated, one could look down on his strength, but one could never insult his intelligence, "That was strategy, scheming, wisdom on my part! It didn't work in the past entirely because a few of you were dragging your feet!"

"Chirp ..." Fukurou couldn't resist unzipping the zipper that was once again sewn on two layers, "So tell me about it!"

"Hmph! As a CP9, compared to a brute force, intelligence and information are the most important!" Jabra deliberately increased his tone as he swept his gaze over Lucci.

"According to the information I've acquired, that meatball monster has a weakness! As long as we seize this weakness, we can force him into submission!"

"A weakness?" Luci asked, frowning.

Seeing Lucci's "stupid dumb" look, Jabra proudly "hummed" two, almost in the moonlight of an "Ouch", "That meatball monster has a pretty valued little fellow, we can't beat him, we still unable to catch a little kid?"

"As long as that brat is brought under control, the meatball monster, even if it is strong, will only obediently do as it is told!"

"Is this the bottom of your courage to come back, CP9?" a calm voice rang out in the night sky, unable to hear joy or anger, but it scared Gabra and the others half to death.

Because this voice is familiar to them!;

The King of Sorbet Kingdom, the man who has shaken the sea with the name of "Tyrant" in recent times;

"How could you possibly appear here?" Jabra exclaimed incredulously, "Why would a king like you suddenly appear in a graveyard when you're not properly staying in your palace?"

"About this point, it seems that I do not need to explain to you guys." Kuma's voice was calm as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, "Besides, I think what you guys right now shouldn't be primarily focused on your own situation?"

When he finished, Kuma put his hands in the air.

A large, visible to the naked eye, between his hands to form, obviously a cute ball of blood form, emitting incomparably terrifying energy fluctuations!

"Are you kidding? With a power of this energy level, is he planning to destroy this place all together?" Cold sweat seeped out from Jabra's forehead.

"Blueno, open the door!" Lucci's face also couldn't help but show a palpitating look.

"No, the air fluctuations are disturbed by him." Blueno shouted in despair, "I can't open the door!"

"I say, are you guys forgetting something? We have yo yo ... big brother ... on our side," Kumadori said looking over to Longinus, jumping off the action steeply frozen.

For, Longinus was meditating with his head bowed under a tree.

It seems that ... is not even paying attention to what is happening on their side.

Several people followed the gaze of the snug take, their faces were instantly frozen, and their hearts could not help but yell, "Big Brother, don't play dead when you're needed most!"