The Strength of Kuma

Longinus' attention was indeed not on them, and the sudden appearance of Kuma surprised even him a little.

"I can't believe that even I couldn't sense his arrival, this guy's Kenbunshoku is really beyond imagination!"

"But, now that I think about it, that's right."

"Although the future path is not mentioned positively in his Kenbunshoku, but from the point that he can accurately shoot the Straw Hat and others one by one to the island in this world of pirates where more than ninety-nine percent was the sea."

"His Kenbunshoku are definitely unquestionably powerful, just as Issho is able to drag down meteorites from space."

"So I may have still underestimated this guy's strength a bit before."

"Developed to the extreme fruit ability, coupled with the unpredictable Kenbunshoku, the future Shichibukai, Hawkeye may not be good to compare, but the strength of the Doflamingo is definitely much weaker than him!"

Following the gaze of Kumadori and others, a ripple rose in the Bear's eyes as well.

Under his strong Kenbunshoku, those few CP9s on the island were exposed to his eyes instantly.

However, this marine in the coat of justice is entirely out of his perception!

Not what the naked eye can see, he can't even detect the other side's presence at such a close distance!

This man's development of Kenbunshoku Haki is not below him!

"It seems that I have indeed relied too much on Kenbunshoku!" Kuma sighed in his heart, but he had already completed the action in his hand.

The air cannon, compressed to the size of a palm, flew out, expanded dramatically, and exploded in the desperate gaze of Blueno and the others!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The roar as if sunken thunder is constantly blasting in the ears, and the manic windstorm and burning waves of airbrush through the hair.

Jabra opened his eyes incredulously, this kind of momentum, although shocking, seems to be far from what he imagined!

"Could it be that this guy is bluffing? I understand ..." Jabra exclaimed excitedly, "The more powerful the fruit restriction the more terrifying it is, he must have over-exploded in the big battle a week ago, and now he might have..."

"Idiot, shut up!" Lucci said in a cold voice, "Look behind you!"

"Behind? Behind how ..." Gabra forced to chatter and turned around, horrified to find that the forest that came had evaporated from the earth, replaced by a super giant crater with a diameter range of about one kilometre.

"What the ... hell is going on here?" Jabra was so shocked by this fantastic scene that he stammered and could not speak.

"What's the need to ask? Of course it was this man who kicked the air bomb away at the last minute!" Lucci's eyes were staring deadly at the marine standing in front of them.

"Shouldn't that kind of compressed-to-the-maximum air bomb explode at the first touch?" Blueno also couldn't help but ask, "How is it possible to do something like kick off?"

"And yet it just actually happened!" Lucci's face was incomparably grave.

When the previous fight against Jabra, because the opponent's strength is too weak, it does not reflect the power of Longinus at all.

But when the opponent is replaced by a monster like the "Tyrant", the strength gap becomes more prominent.

"You really are not on the same level as those losers, can you tell me your name?" Asked Kuma in a "modest" manner.

"Thanks to you, you are still a king, the information is too slow, even not knowing the famous Rear Admiral Longinus in the Marine Corps!" Fukurou hid behind Longinus and waved the flag.

"Longinus?" Kuma calm face emerged a trace of shock, but soon calmed down, "I know you, the famous marine two years ago because of the killing of the sea pirate World!"

"So ... you're their bottom line!"

"Do not misunderstand, we ... I do not have malicious intent!" Longinus gave a beat and changed his mind in time.

Jabra and the others were horrified, so Big Brother isn't going to sell us out, is he?

Kuma remained silent, gesturing for Longinus to continue.

"We only came here to know the whereabouts of the base chief of the Revolutionary Army branch, and if King Bartholomew is willing to inform, we will retreat immediately."

"The base chief of the Revolutionary Army? I don't know who you are talking about?" Kuma replied with a calm face.

"That's the one, the one ..." Jabra scratched his ears for a moment before his eyes lit up and said, "The tall man with the black bowler hat with goggles on his head and the..."

"Three scars?" Kuma asked.

"Yes, it's him!" Jabra shouted eagerly, "Tell me where he is now?"

"I was impressed with him because he was the only one who survived my three bear paw impacts, and to show my admiration, I let him and the rest of his men go."

"What? You let him go?" Jabra's eyes widened.

"What? You have a problem with that?"

"Cough ... How is that possible?" Jabra, who was stared at by Kuma with a death stare, instantly conceded, "King Bartholomew didn't know the identity of that group, and it was naturally justifiable to let them go!"

"Only, is it convenient for King Bartholomew to tell me that the group fled in that direction?"

Is this guy's brain is terrible, it's been a week, who would wait in place without ... Longinus and others speechless thought.

Kuma then lifted his finger and pointed in a random direction.

"I got it, we're leaving!"

With that, Jabra turned around and prepared to leave.

However, Kuma appeared in front of him the next moment.

"What the hell? Does this meatball monster know how to teleport?" Cold sweat seeped from Jabra's forehead and forced himself to laugh, "Does King Bartholomew have anything else to explain?"

"Your business is finished, but my business, it hasn't started yet!"

Kuma's eyes began to flicker with cold light, "It was because a few of you caused heavy casualties among my people last time that I had to take action."

"Even if you escaped, now you dare to come back and plot to kidnap Bonney ..." Kuma raised his palm high, a circle of air ripples once again stirred away, "I will not let you off so easily. "

Kuma's palm slammed down on the already stunned Jabra.


A bottomless fleshy spherical crater appeared on the ground, while Jabra was lifted in the hands of Longinus.

"Rear Admiral Longinus, are you going to protect them?"

Bear said while thrusting his feet into the ground.

"I'm sorry for what they did, but let them just be killed by you then ..." Longinus threw Jabra towards Lucci's side, " I can' t explain the government side either. "

"I see, it seems ..." Kuma nodded and took the sumo wrestling to push the palm of the next tens or even hundreds of bear palm shock waves, "to catch them, the only way to do it is to knock you down first! "

"You guys go first ..." Longinus floated and dodged through the shock wave, "Just let me stay and have some fun with His Majesty!"

PS: Tomorrow must be three more (T ▽ T). Originally, today's third chapter came halfway through the code and suddenly found a few chapters shielded. Even though yesterday's owl chapter also screened, it scared the author bacteria to quickly check the revision. Until now, there is a chapter that did not solve the screen Orz.