Bonney's Action

Of course, Minos was thinking about it.

Not to mention the similarity of appearance with the great master, just that one bite of meat is not enough for it to raise interest.

On the other side, the little loli carefully landed at the bottom of the pit.

Heavy and solid earth makes her tense heart also slightly relaxed, looking sideways, that little heart can not help but once again violently beating up.

Earlier on the giant pit above, she did not feel that she felt how huge and fierce the monster was now sliding down to the bottom of the hole.

Compared to their bodies, which are less than the size of each other's fingernails, the little loli could not help but swallow hard and secretly give herself a pep talk, "Bonney, you can do it!"

"Isn't it just a monster? You can definitely defeat it with your own wisdom!"

Thinking of this, Bonney decided to lie down the body to crawl forward, as if a caterpillar wriggling body.

When Minos witnessed this scene, he almost wrote a bird face all over with confusion.

"Is this two-legged beast actually a worm transformation?"

However, after noticing the other party's slow approaching line, Minos' eyes instantly sharpened, "The master said that no other creature should disturb him!"

Although dealing with such weak creatures, it can completely take a sprint to kill in seconds, but Minos always keeps in mind that Longinus's orders, even for a short time, will not leave his side.

Therefore, Minos raised both wings and slapped out a blazing storm wind.

Haw! Haw! Haw!

Bonney was too late to react and was instantly slapped out by the strong wind, sliding down against the giant pit's stone wall.

This little loli's physique is already considered very strong at her age.

Even if they were slapped out, they only suffered some superficial injuries.

Of course, this also has to do with Minos flapping his wings from several hundred meters away.

"It's over, it's been discovered!" Although the physical injuries were not that serious, Bonney's heart was at the valley's bottom.

She knows very well that her small arms and legs can't escape from that kind of monster.

Perhaps, the next moment it will eat her!

Just as Bonney closed her eyes and waited for death, her eyebrows suddenly twitched a few times, "Strange, why is there no movement?"

After a long time, Bonney opened her eyes and was glad to find that the monster did not come after her.

A fluke thought rose in Bonney's mind, "Could it be that it was just a coincidence? That monster, it just happened to have itchy wings?"

Thinking of this, Bonney plucked up the courage to sneak forward again.

A few moments later, along with an "ouch", the little loli again slipped from the stone wall.

"That monster has definitely found me!" Bonney climbed up and patted herself down, thinking darkly, "Not coming after me because it doesn't think I'm a threat?"

"It's not right, if it didn't care about me, it couldn't have slapped me away twice in a row!"

"Try it again!"

A few moments later, Bonney skillfully climbed up from the bottom of the pit.

"Sure enough, there is definitely a reason why it won't let me get close and doesn't dare to chase me out! And that reason ..." Bonney's gaze crossed over Minos and gazed at the figure in the red bubble, the young and handsome face mixed with both pain and pleasure, "Is it him?"

"This monster is to guard that person who does not dare to leave even half a step!" Bonney, whose heart was vaguely enlightened, had a much better view of the fierce monster.

Whenever possible, loyalty is a quality to be appreciated.

"But, the more importance it places on that person the more I can't get close to it!" Bonney was distressed; it could slap her away from a few hundred meters; if she went more in-depth than a few dozen meters, she would be torn apart by the hurricane.

After the nagging gaze fell on Kuma, Bonney brightened up, "The creature doesn't seem to value the Big Bear, and that might be something to take advantage of."

Thinking about it, Bonney moved slowly and carefully along the stone wall.

When her position moved to the monster and Kuma in a straight line, she took a deep breath, mouth "woo woo" strange scream in the most "ferocious" posture towards Minos.

Initially, Minos saw two-legged beasts moving against the wall, but also thought that the small insects have given up, now see two-legged creatures again, his heart is too furious, set off with maximum strength super strong storm wind.

Just an instant later, the little loli will once again blast off into the stone wall; this time, she narrowly didn't even get up also.

However, Bonney's heart was full of joy.

Because the Big Bear was also slapped out by the monster together.

"I have to hurry up and take the Big Bear to run away, otherwise, when the person in that bubble wakes up ..." thought here, Bonney hurriedly climbed up to find the vine to tie on the Big Bear, dragging him stumbling on the edge of the giant pit.

"The other two-legged beast was taken away?" Minos's bird's face was full of confusion, "But the master did not command this aspect of things, then I am ... ignored first, right?"

Kuma's breath is moving away; is it being rescued?" Longinus, who was immersed in God's vision, was somewhat puzzled; in his perception, it seemed that Kuma was taken away by a fragile breath.

"But the point is, the key to Kuma's Kairoseki handcuffs is still with me!"


"Big Bear, Big Bear, wake up."

Kuma, who was immersed in a beautiful dream, woke up quickly after hearing the familiar and urgent call, "I remember, it seems that my thoughts were seen through by Longinus, and finally, I think he knocked me out."

"Great, Big Bear you've finally woken up!"

Hearing the cheering voice, the still somewhat confused Kuma blushed, "Bonney, what are you doing here?"

"Wait, the injury on your body is ..."

"These wounds are the medals of a warrior! I saved you from it!" Bonney said proudly, almost pointing her nostrils at the sky.

"You got me out?" Kuma looks slightly stunned. Can it be that Bonney used the beauty ... loli scheme on Longinus?

"This will be said later, I will first remove your injuries, In no..." said Kuma, and once again, his face changed, looking down at the handcuffs at his wrists.

Seeing the calm and solemn Bear's face change a bit, Bonney couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's a Kairoseki handcuff!" Kuma's face had regained its calmness and recounted in a flat tone, "Until I remove this handcuff, I'll have to be useless for a while!"

"Huh? Then what?" Bonney was in a hurry, so she found a random stone and smashed it into the handcuffs, "Isn't it just handcuffs? Let me smash it!"

"Don't waste your effort, the sea floor stone is as hard as a diamond." Kuma shook his head and stopped Bonney's action, "Even the rumored Saijo O Wazamono may not be able to cut through it!"

"That ... then I'll go back and steal the key for you!"

"Don't mess around, that man is much stronger than me. No one can get the key from him if he does not want to give it." Saying that, Kuma's face was a bit gloomy, "Tell me first, how on earth did you bring me out?"