The Chains That Bind Kuma

After some explanations, Bonney looked at Kuma's bruised and scraped face and said, " This is how it is, I have no choice but to use the vine to pull you on the ground to slide."

"Just didn't notice that you were face down ...," Bonney said under her breath.

"I said how the injuries and fatigue were popped out, your body still looks like it's falling apart, and, by the way, it's broken!" The corners of Kuma's mouth twitched vaguely but still encouraged and comforted, "Don't think too much about it, I have to thank you for getting me out of there to be right."

"But ..." Kuma's face was written with seriousness, "You mean you saw the man standing in the red bubble with the giant monster guarding him next to him?"

"Mmmmmm!" Bonney nodded her head very vigorously.

"To take the initiative to suffer that kind of pain, this man, is his will forged of steel?" Kuma could not help but take a deep breath, and an infinite fear of Longinus rose in his heart.

"I must find a chance to warn the chief to be careful of this marine monster before I do!"

Just then, a single piece of key fell from mid-air.

It didn't miss trying to stick in his hat.

Kuma picked up the key and looked up, and indeed found a massive shadow in the sky.

"Rear Admiral Longinus, you're not going to arrest me?"

Bonney is a little confused. Suddenly, a figure leaping down from mid-air is the person in the red bubble before.

"This big brother looks so young, is it true that he defeated the Big Bear?" Bonney was surprised for a moment before she opened her hands as if she were a mother protecting her cubs from blocking in front of Kuma, "I won't let you take the Big Bear!"

"If he really wanted to catch me, he wouldn't have given me the key." Kuma calmly said, flicking up the little loli with arms out before him and mentioning it to one side.

"I am a Marine, I have no right to take on a King."

The corners of Kuma's mouth twitched slightly; really, think he has not read the newspaper? This kind of word from your mouth is not at all convincing.

"As for some of your actions a week ago, Your Majesty, I believe the government will soon send a commissioner to review the situation, so I won't ask any questions!"

"Government Commissioner! Must hurry to allow the comrades at home to quickly evacuate!" In his heart Kuma secretly planning, while his face is not moving, asked, "Then Rear Admiral you come this time, is for ..."

"I said from the beginning that I came to save the fate of the Sorbet Kingdom." Longinus sighed "compassionately", "Now that the dispute has subsided, I naturally will not continue to lock up Your Majesty."

"I was the one who thought wrong, you are really different from those marines who only know how to blame!" Kuma's eyes softened slightly.

"And this little girl, are you the one who took Kuma away from Minos' watch?" Longinus squatted down as if he had no intention of doing so and stroked the little lass's head, encouragingly saying, "That's impressive!"

Kuma first tensed his body but quickly relaxed again when he thought of the goodwill shown by the other side.

If the other party had malicious intent, it would not have been necessary to send Kairoseki handcuffs' key specifically.

Seeing that Kuma did not take a stand, Bonney also asked boldly, "Is that greatly, greatly monster named Minos?"


Bonney glanced enviously toward the sky, "So big, there must be a lot of meat ... ahem, it must be very cool to ride on!"

The corners of Longinus' mouth twitched subtly, and he stood up, "Your Majesty, I'm going back."

Without waiting for a reply, Longinus leaped onto Minos' back in a single bound.

The next moment, the golden light pierced the night sky and gone.

"Longinus, what a terrible man!" Looking in the direction of the fading golden light, Kuma sighed with a puzzled expression.


Sitting on the broad back of Minos, Longinus mused with an indifferent expression, "There is not much of value in her memories, is it possible that I am overthinking this?"

"In the future time, Akainu was terrified out of his mind because of her escape, perhaps, simply because she was a shackle bound to Kuma!"

"Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem impossible."

"Kumar began to lose control just as those supernovas broke into fame. Bonney was captured a second time and still managed to escape from the Headquarters and the government, perhaps also because Bear had received a complete transformation by then and she was no longer of use."

"What a pity, I thought she would be related to the ancient weapon! But that's good, if her greatest value is in relation to Kuma, it's not impossible to use her to reap the gratitude of both Kuma and the Revolutionary Army in the future."

"Then ... go through the perspective of Kuma to shape an object that can be fought for!" Longinus looked out over the distant sea and looked slightly cold, "Let's stop here today and wait for the storm to calm down before we go to them to collect the fruit."


Two days later.

On an island with developed trade on the Grand Line.

Three CP9 members gathered outside an abandoned warehouse, namely Lucci, Jabra, and Kumadori.

"Well, did you two get anything?" Jabra asked.

Lucci shook his head indifferently and didn't say a word.

"Yo yo ...," Kumadori said, shaking his head, "the whereabouts of the revolutionary army are not so easy to pry."

"Speaking of which, why hasn't that Blueno fellow arrived yet?"

"Maybe it's because of some things delayed." Lucci did not have much worry about his words; when it comes to escape ability, Blueno is the strongest one.

"When he arrives, the five of us ..." Jabra said, looking stricken, his eyes could not help but flicker to the warehouse, "We seem to have forgotten one thing."

Following his gaze, Lucci asked with an odd expression, "You didn't release him?"

Kumadori and Jabra replied in unison, "I thought you guys would release it."

The three of them walked into the abandoned warehouse with the corners of their eyes jumping wildly, only to see Fukurou was tied to a beam, with his mouth wrapped in tape, and was "oooooooooooooo" screaming.

Not long after, Fukurou was released, tearful accusations, "You beasts ..."

"Shut up!" Lucci said impatiently, suddenly his expression changed dramatically, and he took out a corner of a nearly burned out piece of paper from his sleeve, "It's Blueno's vivre card!"

"What?" Jabra exclaimed.

"Although Blueno's strength is not strong ..." said Fukurou, who has the lowest degree of self-consciousness, "but his fruit ability is what allows him to escape in the shortest possible time!"

"This shows that the enemy's strength is very strong, so strong that ..." Lucci took a deep breath and said, "Blueno did not even have time to react to be killed in seconds!"

"Going to save him?" Jabra asked in a deep voice.

"How to save? The enemy that makes Blueno even too late to escape, the odds are we won't be a match either." Lucci said indifferently.

They're agents, and agents don't talk about feelings.

"But ..." Jabra had wanted to fight for a while; the next moment, his pupils were fiercely contracted.

It is because the Vivre card has gone!

PS: Some big brother reminded me to get a role list out; I had a sudden thought, can you first call some general title up to see which one you like best, and then I will change a regular one after it is determined? This what I can delete the role list midway to modify what is not o (≧ ▽ ≦) o.