
At this moment, standing in front of all the Birka people is a middle-aged man with a beard and fierce face, which is what Birka usually refers to as "God"!

"You are not welcome here, so if you don't want to die, get away from here before it's too late." The bearded god chided impolitely.

"Birka's 'god', please don't misunderstand, we don't mean any harm." Gan Fall stepped forward and said, "We just want to bring new life to Birka!"

The bearded god's heart can't help but raise a cursing impulse; you came with great fanfare to tell me this?

You guys are nuts!

At that moment, he also pressed down his stormy anger and refused in an icy tone, "No, we don't need it in Birka."

"No, you need it!" Chief Shandia said with an intense gaze.

"What do you mean?" If eyes could kill, the bearded god would have already lynched the other party!

"To reject the goodness of God is likewise blasphemy!"

"Here, I am the god!"

"Silence!" Longinus said softly.

"Yes, God Messenger-sama!"

"God's Messenger? Are you behind all of this today?" The bearded god looked up and questioned.

"Birka will be destroyed in nine years, and I came here to change all that." Longinus snubbed it out of habit.

"Pfft ... hahahaha! This fool, he actually said that our Birka will be destroyed ..." The bearded god almost laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

However, the Shandia warriors who were infinitely grateful to Longinus were bursting with rage.

"Damn you, how dare you disgusting fellow disrespect the God Messenger-sama!"

"Kill this blasphemous heretic and tie him to the stake and burn him at the stake!"

In an instant, a dozen Shandia warriors were charging up with ice blade type wyverns.

However, one of the temple guards standing behind the bearded god rushed out abruptly, holding a sizeable rectangular marker and sweeping it forward, sweeping away all the Shandia warriors who rushed up in just one stroke.

"Well done, Urouge!" Condescendingly, the bearded god said, "You vile outsiders, you know the power of our Birka warriors!"

"Too early to be happy! Birka's God!" Chief Shandia was also not expecting such mighty warriors in Birka, which he perceived as a gathering place for weak chickens.

However, one person's strength cannot change the ending.

"Everyone, give me ..."

"Stop it, we are not bringing war." However, Longinus waited for a little impatiently; he did not have time to spend with this pouncing god.

"Hehehe! You, some kind of foolish God Messenger is quite able to see the situation clearly." The bearded god despised.

The Shandia chief looked at the bearded man with pity, not daring to go to war indeed will not bring war. Still, another meaning is that the gap is so broad that the victory is not even called a war, naturally is not considered to get a war.

"Order of the Law - Shock and Awe!"

Just when the bearded god was complacent, a dominant and outstanding aura crushed over, impacting their hearts and stirring their souls, and instantly countless Birka warriors fell to the ground with weak legs.

Even Urouge, who had previously made his mark, was unable to lift his head from the strong aura, "What kind of power is this ...?"

Under the deliberate restraint of Longinus, no one on Birka's side fainted, but the sight of all of them going weak in unison still left them terrified.

Even the God's Island party, which had already witnessed the greatness of the "God's Messenger" was stirred.

"Is this the power of the God' Messenger-sama? It's awesome!" The young warrior mixed in the crowd exclaimed excitedly, "I must become a member of the God's Guard in the future as well."

"So, Wyper." Raki said thoughtfully, "You first have to change the bad habit of crybaby to do so!"

Wyper's face, which was so excited to the point of full happiness, became even redder and retorted, "Idiot, who's a crybaby?"

On the other side, Gan Fall said with reverence, "The God's Messenger-sama must have touched them with the power of love and justice, and that's why they were so ashamed that they didn't dare to lift up their heads."

"How can he shine so brightly? Could it be that we were not born as god-forsaken people?" The big-eared young man in Birka, on the other hand, though with infinite longing.

"Gan Fall, the task of acceptance is in your hands." Longinus rode Minos in the direction of the temple, "Remember, make sure they 'understand' our beliefs!"



Half a day later, in the shrine.

"God Messenger-sama, we searched all over Birka and couldn't find the Devil Fruit you asked for." Gan Fall said with a shameful face.

"Is that so?" Longinus sat on the divine throne, propping his cheeks with one hand and tapping the armrest with the other.

Thus, he is not too surprised; it seems to be more of a coincidence that Eneru can eat that fruit.

But it doesn't matter; he controls Birka initially to win this protracted battle.

"Where is the man I asked you to bring?"

"Are you talking about the man named Eneru? He is already waiting outside!" Gan Fall said with a face still a bit emotional, although he also does not have wings, compared to the man waiting outside, he is too lucky!

Sure enough, an evil place like Birka needs the presence of God's Messenger to spread the glory of God.

"Let him in."

Soon, Eneru came in with a sense of apprehension.

He wasn't sure what the man who had easily conquered Birka had summoned him alone for, was it merely because they both had no wings?

But he has some vague expectations in his heart; maybe, this is an opportunity for him to change his fate.

When Eneru's mind is secretly speculating, Longinus is also not moving and surveying him.

Eneru does not have the trademark wild and arrogant at this stage but is mostly shaded and dull.

It seems that it is the god-like power of Goro Goro no Mi that has made his mind change forever.

With this point, his heart is not much better.

But it is undeniable that his development of Goro Goro no Mi is indeed outstanding.

In terms of the breadth of fruit development, it does not extend to the field of electromagnetism; it is more of a constraint on the eyesight and insight.

But from the depth of fruit development, Goro Goro no Mi will be developed to the point of a blow to destroy the island of Eneru, even if put into the strong people in the Blue Sea, is considered the real top battle power.

As for why he lost, we all understand the reason ...

Therefore, in the view of Longinus, Eneru still has the value of being coached.

The other side of the "kind" eyes, Eneru can not help but shiver, trembling his ass, the heart can not help feeling some anxiety.

This God's Messenger has no unique hobbies, right?

PS: Checked the information, Eneru surprisingly already 39 years old, I thought he was only twenty-something, and now thought, 39-year-old uncle, saying the words of the line inexplicably some shame it (… `ω´ ・). Sure enough, men until death are (secondary ) o (´ ^ `) o teenagers.