God Messenger-sama, I Want to Read!

"Eneru, you want to destroy Birka, don't you?" The first words of Longinus scared Eneru to death.

"God ... Messenger-sama, I don't quite understand what you're saying?" Eneru's forehead oozed sweat, and for some reason, he didn't quite dare to look the man in the eye.

"The hatred in your eyes shines brighter than starfire." Longinus laughed, "Your heart cannot lie under the watchful eye of God."

Seeing Eneru silent, Longinus continued, "It's because of rejection, right? Since childhood, you are regarded as an alien by others, since you know how to hate everything around you, more than twenty years of accumulated hatred, must find a way to release your hatred out."

Eneru can't help but back up, obviously only the first time they met, but why does the other party seem to know him better than himself?

Is this the power of God?

"So how does God''s Messenger-sama intend to sanction me?" Eneru did not intend to resist, witnessing the previous scene; he knew that there was a gulf-like gap between himself and the man in front of him.

"Why do you ask?" Longinus asked "suspiciously", "Aren't you the one who is being persecuted?"

"Huh? Me?" Eneru was stunned; he was used to people being malicious.

In other words, he is a victim of high-level persecution paranoia.

Even in the future with the kind of Goro Goro no Mi can be called invincible power, he also made something out of God's trial to prevent others from approaching.

As for the boundless land;

Instead of saying that only the boundless land is worthy of his identity, it would be better to say that the boundless land can give him a sense of security.

"But my idea is so dangerous, isn't the God's Messenger-sama going to have to kill me in advance?" Eneru couldn't help but ask.

"As a matter of fact, you are more than just dangerous in your thoughts." Longinus laughed lightly, "In the future I see, you did destroy your homeland!"

"See the future?" Eneru asked incredulously.

"As a God' s Messenger, it makes sense for me to have some extraordinary abilities, right?"

Eneru nodded with a wooden face, yeah, that makes perfect sense!

However, he did not doubt the other party's words.

After all, he is just a weak chicken, not worthy of the other side to weave such a set of lies.

"After you possessed immense power, you not only destroyed Birka, but also ruled over a dozen surrounding sky islands with strong and brutal methods." Longinus exaggerated as much as he could, "I came here precisely to stop all of that."

Perhaps because of the dual personality, hearing the words of Longinus, Eneru has no sense of crisis and a feeling of complacency.

Never thought it would be so powerful in the future?


"Of course, your future reign of brutality was soon brought to an end by another." Longinus smiled.

Eneru face stalled, so, he ended up floundering?

"God Messenger-sama, since you have told me so much, you should not intend to execute me, right?" Eneru asked after taking a deep breath.

"The crimes committed by you in the future naturally cannot be borne by you in the present, and what's more, you in the present were originally in the position of a victim."

Eneru was slightly relieved that no one would want to die because of a vague possibility like the future.

Longinus had a devilish smile on his face, "So, the decision I made for you was - to make you read and understand!"

It froze Eneru's relaxed look on his face, although he did not know what it meant, he always had a sense of misfortune.

Longinus magically pulled out a few books from behind him, Skypiea script and the Blue Sea script is not too different, so Eneru will quickly read the words on the cover.

"Introduction to Longinus Fundamentals"

"Introduction to Longinus' Ideas and the Theoretical System of Justice with Marine Characteristics"

"Outline of Modern World History"

"Moral and Legal Foundations"

"Situation, Policy, and Contemporary World Economy and Politics"

Longinus' soul has been strong enough to dig deep into every inch of memory of his previous life; only, unfortunately, there is too much relevant content that does not even exist in scattered fragments of memory.

So much so that his version of this remake draws at best one-tenth of the original's essence.

However, Longinus knowing the power of these books, knows that even a tenth of the essence can have an immense disturbance in this world.

For the mind that is not too mature for Eneru will be even more so.


The knot in Eneru's throat surged up and down, swallowed hard, and turned over a few of the pages with a fluke.

Just a moment, he felt light-headed and dizzy, and his ears were ringing.

The confusing words seemed to have an invisible power, causing his soul and spirit to suffer a great shock.

"God ... God's Messenger-sama, this is ..." asked Eneru, shivering.

"I will give you the power so that you will no longer be bullied by others, and even, I can make you return in the most perfect form, so that those who once despised you and humiliated you will regret and tremble." Longinus leaned forward with his upper body as if the devil whispered.

Eneru couldn't help but breathe heavily.

His dual personality, instantly in his head, makes up a variety of pretend to fight in the face to play pig eat tiger scene.

"But, in contrast, you will have to integrate the knowledge of these books. I will check you every once in a while, if you do not meet my requirements, you will be humanely eliminated!"

Longinus is obvious, such as the wild nature of Eneru, and full of hatred in the heart of people, it is impossible to be convinced with a few words.

What he needs is a long time of "love and justice" education.

Although Eneru already more than twenty, he grew up living in this bullet point and almost no communication with others and the internal cognition is in a state of confusion.

Such a person, his three views are best reshaped.

As for whether or not Enelu would falsely agree with him, Longinus is not worried.

To pass his test, it is only possible if you read these books in, and the power of these books, naturally, does not need too much elaboration.

As long as Eneru steps into it, there is no possibility of struggling out.

At this moment, there are two voices inside Eneru doing a fierce struggle.

"Come on, take the next one! Haven't you always longed to have great power?"

"Don't promise him! You can't read these books with your IQ!"

Enel: "(= ° Д ° =)"

"What are you still hesitating for? Don't you want to get back at those scum? Don't you want to trample those scum who once looked down on you underfoot?"

"Face up to your own wisdom! In case you can't read the answer, you will be killed!"

"I never thought that even my own subconscious mind would despise me so much!" Eneru fell to his knees in grief and anger and said, "I want to read, God's Messenger-sama!"