Two years, Elbaf

Soon, he formally began the course on Longinus' characteristic theory of justice.

He has two students, "long-eared monster" Eneru and "crybaby" Wyper.

If you look at the entire Skypiea, these two are the only ones who have some potential worth training by Longinus.

In fact, given the Shandia warrior's character, Wyper's loyalty doesn't need to be questioned.

But in the opinion of Longinus, the loyalty that comes from faith is certainly more trustworthy.

Moreover, he also wanted to see if these two destined arch-enemies put together could create some different sparks.

In this way, two years passed quietly between the trip to and from Skypiea and the G2 branch.


New World, the entire second half of the Grand Voyage are extremely deep in the sea.

The dark mist rolled around, the tide rose and fell furiously, and there were purple and black thunder serpents leaping down from time to time in the sky.

Even, in the sea in front of the gaze, searing hot magma gushed out from under the sea's surface is directly into a boiling sea of fire.

Even the most advanced state-of-the-art warships of the Marine Headquarters have a sense of struggle in such a harsh climate.

"Vice Admiral John, is it in such harsh seas that Elbaf exists?" Longinus asked towards the side after standing at the ship's bow and easily kicking a large Sea King class that was approaching away.

Standing beside him is a ten-meter tall giant Vice Admiral, John Giant, the last of the giant soldiers delivered to the Marine Corps through the hands of the "Holy Mother" Carmel.

After the disappearance of Carmel's bridge of communication, the Marine Headquarters is also spent decades to re-open the channel.

"Only by surviving this most difficult and harsh environment can one be considered a true Giant Warrior!" John said with a super loud voice as he puffed out his chest.

The giant vice-admiral was much more excited than expected after Having not returned to his hometown for decades.

"I' m really looking forward to it! What will the legendary world's number one power, Elbaf, really be like?" Longinus sighed with longing.

"Haha! I have no answer to that question, as I have been away from Elbaf for almost fifty years!"

John said full of memories, "However, back then Elbaf is indeed far less rich than the outside world, due to the blockage of this sea, only a very small number of merchant ships can be lucky to reach the island."

"To make those merchants risk their lives to cross this sea, it must be because Elbaf has goods in his hands that they want to get no matter what, right?" Longinus asked curiously.

"Although Elbaf is remote and barren, the gift of the sea allows us to never have to worry about the lack of food." John said quite proudly, "Usually, we choose to trade with those merchants with the skin and bones of sea king species and so on."

Longinus nodded slightly. Indeed, the giants rarely eat devil fruit; one of the main reasons is that the inability to go to sea to catch the sea king class may not even feed themselves.

"But, to exchange for enough iron resources to keep a giant warrior fighting for ten years ..." John slightly embarrassed; most of their consumption on iron is used in sacred duels between clansmen, "Only rely on the capture of those sea king class is far from enough."

"So, those merchants took a chance on our Elbaf's Tree of War."

"The Tree of War?" Longinus asked "curiously".

"We giants are born fighting people, from ancient times to the present, have always spent in the baptism of war."

"The giant tree that has experienced countless wars and still stands is known to us as the Tree of War!"

"The name of this tree in the outside world is, on the other hand, the Treasure Tree Adam!"

"I now understand a little bit why those merchants are fighting to the death to break into Elbaf." Longinus sighed, "A single branch of the Treasure Tree Adam can be sold on the black market for nearly 200 million berries, and all they have to pay for is some iron, which couldn't be cheaper!"

"Sort of take what you need, those broken branches of the Tree of War are just not much use to us to keep." John does not mind much, "Moreover, the Tree of War that is circulating in the outside world is only of the most common quality."

Longinus looked a bit odd; the simple and loyal giant also began to do secondary collusion?

Seeing Longinus look odd, John knows that he may have some thought off. He hurried to explain, "the tree of war in our giant clan also has a fairly high status, usually selling a general quality, after all, demand gap for iron in the clan is too large."

"However, the most formidable ancient trees of war can only be gifted to true warriors who are recognized by all giants."

Saying that, John looked towards Longinus, "Rear Admiral Longinus, our giants of Elbaf are most welcome to a mighty warrior like you!"

"In your place, you can surely reap the most sincere gift from our giant clan!"

"If there is such an opportunity, I think, I will not miss it!" Longinus did not hide his thoughts.

In the headquarters and the government's attention to Elbaf, why he was sent instead of Akainu or Aokiji, the most important reason is that he is a pure physique fighting style more in line with the aesthetics of the Giants.

Therefore, hiding or being modest does not fit the theme of his action.

"Rear Admiral Longinus, Vice Admiral Jaindo, we are about to reach Elbaf ahead, please give instructions." A Lieutenant Commander of the headquarters came over and reported.

John looked toward Longinus, and although his rank was still above the other, everyone knew by heart that the supreme commander of this fleet was Longinus, a Rear Admiral.

Not only because the other side is stronger, but also because Giant Vice Admiral is more of an honorary rank-like title in military rank.

"Signal to the giant warriors on the island and dock slowly."


At this moment, the shore of Elbaf.

Many giants were stationed there waiting, and they had been guarding the shore against the time they got the news.

Perhaps thanks to a lifespan three times longer than that of humans, the giants have always been very dull in time senses, a battle lasted hundreds of years is not surprising, guarded here for most of the month for them to feel nothing naturally.

"It's John, it's that John guy who's back!"

"How nostalgic! It's been almost fifty years!"

"I wonder if he brought back news of the two captains of the Blue Ogre and the Red Ogre."

"Better not, I heard that he is now the Marine, and if he finds the two captains, it may be fighting instead."

"Marine and pirates? Haha, the outside world is really interesting!"