Good friends of the 1st Giants

"Trying to revenge, it is too difficult, too difficult!" In the roar of a group of giants, Longinus but said in a low voice, "Charlotte Linlin, who already showed extremely amazing talent back then, has long since grown into a number of peak powerhouse on the sea after so many years."

"Although I don't want to admit it, her strength is indeed above mine." Longinus sighed deeply, "Even if I use all my means!"

The giants remembered that at the last tribal assembly, the man in front of them was still restrained partly by his strength.

It's hard to imagine what kind of monster that evil god named Charlotte Linlin has grown into it!

"Even you are no match for her? It seems ..." said the Giant King in a low voice, "We did release a terrible demon back then!"

"Your Majesty Olaf, we will definitely kill Linlin, right!" Hajrudin asked emotionally, "The pride of Elbaf can never bow down to that kind of demon!"

"Calm down, Hajrudin!" Jarul pulled him, "His Majesty Olaf will make the right decision!"

"For so many years, we have only not bothered to remember that pain for the sake of the Mother." The Giant King stood up abruptly, breathing like a hurricane.

"But since she hasn't even spared the Mother now, we don't have to keep our promise back then! Let us, with the fury of Elbaf, burn her to ashes!"

"The pride of Elbaf is not to be desecrated!"

Roar! Roar!

Just as all the giants were roaring with excitement, Longinus interrupted untimely, "Your Majesty Olaf, on this matter, may I have some words."

"Well." The interrupted Giant King was in a bit of a grumpy mood, but it was good that Longinus had left an excellent impression on him, and forced down his anger and said, "Then tell me about it."

"Everyone knows that Elbaf is the number one power in the world, and the giants of Elbaf are the most powerful warriors in the world!" Longinus began by bragging twice.

Ordinary people's praise is not much, but from the mouth of Longinus the "great warrior", the weight is entirely different, even the giant King was bragging about some wandering.

"But precisely because Elbaf is too powerful, in case Charlotte Linlin learns that Your Majesty is going to crush them, she will definitely look forward to fleeing, and if it turns into a chase for a protracted battle, the giants may instead be dragged down by the food problem first."

Longinus naturally will not say that he is worried that his warships are not enough for these giants to play.

After leaving the solid earth, the giant's massive size in the naval battle is easy to become an obstacle.

The more important point is that the entire Giant race is not in his interest to appeal.

He preferred to treat the operation as an investment, an investment that ... kept his reputation in the Giant Nation growing.

"You've considered it with good sense." The Giant King, for his part, nodded in deep understanding. Isn't it normal for a demon-like Charlotte to be a coward?

Also, food has been a big problem for the giants.

Why does the Elbaf environment is treacherous they are not willing to move away? One of the fundamental reason is that the sea is extremely rich, catch a large sea king class is enough for them to eat a few days.

He would not dare to guarantee that there are so many sea kings for them to catch in other seas.

"So, my idea is to let the giant warriors on board as bait for a while." Longinus said "frankly".

"Bait?" Seeing Longinus speak so frankly, the Giant King did not doubt it.

"If Charlotte Linlin knows that I have so many giants on board, she will definitely come and grab them regardless, and then we will be able to ..."

"Does that Charlotte fellow actually have such a deep hatred for the Giant race?" The Giant King said in a deep voice.

"It's not so much hate." Longinus said evasively, "In fact, Charlotte Linlin has always dreamed of creating a nation that encompasses all the races of the world."

"Because of that incident back then, the last piece of the puzzle has been missing from the country she built."

"So, if she knew that a giant had left Elbaf voluntarily, she would have tried everything to take the giant from me."

"Damn, does that bastard Charlotte treat us giants as pets?" The Giant King roared low in anger.

"And the other main reason I said before that this journey might be fraught with danger is that I would actively divulge our whereabouts to her." Longinus said calmly.

"I see, you are going to set a trap to ambush her!" The Giant King was quick to react this time.

"That's right, but ..." said Longinus as he exhaled a cloudy breath, "Charlotte Ling Ling is not an idiot, and too many false traps will easily alert her, so we will indeed be risking a lot this time lives at risk!"

"I am the Marine, and it is my duty to arrest the pirates, but the giants are different, and the giants would not have had much to do with this arrest operation. If I put everyone in danger because of my business, I can't explain to you, Your Majesty, afterwards."

Longinus incomparable "frank" admonition, "that is why I will inform everyone in advance of the dangers involved, willing to become bait people can come forward, I will not ..."

"Pick me, please be sure to pick me ...," Hajrudin yelled in excitement.

"Elbaf's warriors never fear danger, no, I should say that only cowards ever fear Elbaf's mighty warriors!" Jarul roared back.

"Please leave the sacred mission of avenging the Elder and the Mother to Oliver, the mightiest warrior of Elbaf!"

Seeing the giants in the palace are excited to stand out, Longinus half "touched" half "torn" said, "Elbaf's giants are worthy of the world's bravest warriors, only, I only have ten in hand places ..."

"Hey, Hajrudin, as a warrior you are not mature enough, this kind of dangerous things should not be taken from us!". Hearing what Longinus said, some giants soon began to "exclude dissent".

"This is the opportunity I've been waiting for decades, how can I miss it like this?" Hajrudin growled in anger.

"This is the honor and mission that belongs to warriors, and weak giants should stay out of it." Basaka shouted.

"Then let's have a fight! Only the strongest ten warriors are qualified to be on the ship!" A certain mummy roared.

"There is no need to argue!" The Giant King first yelled, then looked at Longinus and said, "We giants can't stay out of this one either."

"So, you can take as many people as you want!"

"Thanks to the generosity of Your Majesty Olaf, but ..." Longinus also saw the situation, "if there are too many giant warriors on board, to Charlotte Linlin will not be a bait but a threat!"

"So, please allow me to expand the quota to 20!"

Giant King's heart is hugely touched, those people in the outside world did not seek Elbaf's power, but this marine friend also took the initiative to refuse their good intentions.

And, thanks to the information he brought, they were able to learn of the despicable deeds of that evil god Charlotte.

The Giant King could not help but sigh, Longinus, really is a good friend of their giant clan!