The Real Purpose of Longinus

After the palace meeting, Longinus returned to his temporary residence, a thirty-meter-high stone house that reeked of "manliness"!

Longinus also does not care, after sending out Kenbunshoku Haki, he taking out a white anti-tapping Den Den Mushi from the room and placing it in his hand, before finally opening the watch-type Den Den Mushi at his wrist.

Brrrr~ Brrrrrr~

"Hello, is that Rear Admiral Longinus?" Den Den Mushi brought Sakazuki's steely, cold face to life.

"It's me, the mission on Elbaf's side has been successfully completed. I have also obtained the consent of the Giant King and will bring twenty giants with me on this return trip to attract the attention of BIG-MOM." Longinus said in a low voice.

"Twenty giants!" Hearing Longinus' battle results, even Sakazuki's voice wavered slightly, "It seems that Rear Admiral Longinus, your operation in Elbaf was much more than simply completed!"

"It's nothing, the giants are actually very good at talking." Longinus was not lying about this, and if he had not stopped it, he was afraid that all the giants of Elbaf would have poured out.

At that time, it is afraid that the whole world will be in turmoil.

"Giants talk well?" Sakazuki shook his head slightly, except for a minimal number of moderate giants, most of the giants are a little bit of temper, can be good talk is strange.

"It's just that this operation may have gone slightly off the rails."

"What kind of deviation?"

"It was the Giant King who forced his son onto my ship as well ...," sighed Longinus, "knowing that I had explained to him the dangers of this operation!"

The voice fell abruptly silent, and Sakazuki on the other side of Den Den Mushi couldn't help but see the corners of his eyes jumping wildly, what in the world had Longinus done in Elbaf? Even the King of Giants trusted him to such an extent!

"If that's the case, perhaps, we can change the plan of action." A moment later, Sakazuki's voice reverberated.

"Change of plan of action?"

"Hmm. According to the plan we initially made, use the giant to draw the BIG-MOM out, you will be responsible for holding them back, and then Borsalino and I will cooperate to surround them."

"But the biggest problem with this is that to keep the BIG-MOM Pirates from getting suspicious to the maximum extent, Borsalino and I definitely can't appear too close to you."

Sakazuki's voice was steeply gruff, "Which means we probably won't be able to get there in time."

"To defeat a sea pirate like BIG-MOM, it would be too unreasonable not to take a little risk!" Longinus said with a breezy laugh.

"Indeed, in order to reap the rewards, you have to give something. As a marine, we are supposed to have the awareness of sacrifice and dedication at all times."

Sakazuki said with a turn of phrase, "But that's if we don't have a better option."

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, you mean ..." Longinus' pupils shrank slightly, and he had already roughly guessed Sakazuki's intention.

"Use these giants as outcasts, and use their deaths to completely anger Elbaf!" Sakazuki said indifferently, "Even the BIG-MOM pirate group will not be so easy to withstand Elbaf's anger!"

"As expected of Sakazuki, it is really ruthless!" Longinus narrowed his eyes; he understood that Sakazuki could mean more than merely giving up those giants.

He meant that the Marine Corps would do something about these giants and then throw the dirty water on BIG-MOM.

After all, BIG-MOM wants living giants, and the abandoned ones are, at best, her prisoners.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, this would undoubtedly put the relationship we've managed to build with Elbaf on ice again!" Longinus refused.

"For the Marine, a highest force of warfare loyal to justice is far more important than a swinging foreign aid!" Sakazuki said in a deep voice.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, I still choose ..." hesitated for a moment and Longinus replied, "No!"

"Why?" There was puzzled disbelief in Sakazuki's voice, "Do you also adhere to that virtuous kind of justice?"

"You know, except for the giant vice admiral in the headquarters, most of the giants who appear at sea are pirates."

Sakazuki's senses for the giants apparently can not talk much right, "the giants are cruel and violent in nature, they are simply a group of incorrigible scum."

"And you don't have to feel guilty. Let Elbaf and BIG-MOM pirates die together, for this the best outcome for the sea!"

"You know, Vice Admiral Sakazuki, if it's for justice, even if it means carrying darkness on my back, I'm not afraid of it." Longinus said in a solemn voice.

"However, in this increasingly rotten situation of the sea, any power that can be secured cannot be given up lightly, and the giant warriors of Elbaf are a powerful force that no one can ignore."

"So let me at least try to hold off the BIG-MOM Pirates as long as possible while preserving the power of the giant!"

"Your persistence for justice is indeed admirable!" Sakazuki took a deep breath and said, "Since you have said this, let's go ahead with the original plan!"

"However, I must remind you that if the situation eventually develops to that irreversible step, the first priority is still to preserve yourself!"


Den Den Mushi hangs up.

Longinus face slightly odd, Akainu can also care about people? This feeling is incomparable strange!

Half a long time, Longinus exhaled a foul breath, "Really, the most important thing in this world is not to mess with women! Even if it's a guy like BIG-MOM who doesn't even know if she's a woman!"

He is not the kind of hero who will sacrifice for the sake of justice, not backing down because he has no way to back down.

If the future path, BIG-MOM pursuit of Straw Hat to Kaido's territory because of the Cake Island incident is barely acceptable, he destroyed the alliance between BIG-MOM and World five years ago watched for a full five years. It is incomprehensible.

How strong is the revenge of this "woman"?

As long as he appeared in the New World, that pirates would seem strange, if not his Kenbunshoku Haki has developed to the point of foreseeing the future, it may be possible to be caught by her.

So it's true that the Giants are the bait, but he is the bait.

The giant's presence is mainly to help him share the pressure; after all, there is an unquenchable thirst for living giants in BIG-MOM.

With his single-handed promotion, the giants only thought that he was willing to take the risk to help them.

"There is only one way to be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days!" Longinus sighed lightly, "Since you are clinging to it, I have no choice but to find a way to get you killed first!"

PS: Today "World Environment Day", was called out to clean a day of health, back pain, brain dizziness, now the mood only want to use a sentence may be harmonious to describe (please forgive the author bacteria low awareness of thought) (๑ŏ﹏ŏ๑).

Of course, to keep harmony aside, I'll leave it at that (… `ω' ・).