BIG-MOM in action

Dull and depressing sea, even turbulence are stopped, dark clouds shrouded as if it is a prelude to the coming storm.

The ship drifting quietly on the sea, a vast ship named Queen Mama Chanter, also stopped chanting at this moment, and the anthropomorphic bow even closed its eyes tightly, with a shivering look.

The reason, naturally, is that the king of this sea is furious!

"Damn it, I can't believe I lost that bastard again, you bunch of losers, are you trying to challenge my bottom line?" The BIG-MOM, whose body has completely lost its shape, is swaying her fat body, while Thundercloud Zeus is very doggedly inspiring a lightning bolt behind her.

"Mom, the climate in the deep waters of the New World is too confusing, plus the other side's anti-detection ability is really too strong, it's really hard for us to find out in ..." Perospero's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and cold sweat is seeping out behind him; he just remembered that this mother of his is not willing to listen to other people's explanations.

Sure enough, BIG-MOM grabbed Zeus directly and rewarded him with a thunderbolt, "Am I asking you to teach me what to do?"

"I understand, Perorin♪..." Perospero, in black mode, exhaled a puff of black smoke, "I will definitely find him in the shortest possible time."

"Humph! No one has ever been able to live in peace after angering me. If you guys hadn't stopped me, I would have rushed to the Marine Headquarters and arrested him!" BIG-MOM hissed in annoyance.

Smoothie and others only dare in the heart of the sarcasm, you think you are Kaido, ah, really to rush to the Marine Headquarters, we can directly change the name of the BIG-MOM Pirates.

Just when everyone was afraid to speak up and touch BIG-MOM's bad luck, a calm and firm voice came from the front, "I found him."

"Well, well, well, well, as expected of my best son, Katakuri, tell me where he is?" BIG-MOM looked up and smiled so much that she squeezed the flesh on her face into a ball.

"What did Katakuri-nii-san say before when he was thrown out to find someone?" Smoothie and the others once again bowed their heads and bellyached, "It was said, 'Don't come back until you find someone, you punk,' right?"

"He's in Elbaf, the land of giants Elbaf!"

Now, the atmosphere onboard became even more deathly silent.

They more or less knew something about the feud between their mom and Elbaf and even feared that their mom would storm out after hearing the news.

Who knows, after hearing the Elbaf BIG-MOM is quiet, the old face of the typical flower emerged a few hints of tranquility.

"He has now departed from Elbaf, and, moreover, there are twenty more giants on board."

"Twenty giants?" BIG-MOM's cloudy eyes burst into a brilliant light.

"Hmm. One of the giants was even a prince of the Giant race." Katakuri added.

"The Prince of the Giants? Well, well, well, what delightful news!" BIG-MOM laughed out loud with excitement, "I never thought a hunt would yield such a harvest, children, my dream as well as 'mother's' dream will come true today!"

"Yes! Mom, this is great!" Perospero laughed along, although he had no idea who this 'MOTHER' really was.

"Hurry up and take me to him, Katakuri, I can't wait to fulfill the 'MOTHER' dream!"


New World, Kingdom of Dressrosa.

Lover's Lane, which should have been the most famous love sanctuary in Dressrosa, has now disappeared from its usual cheerful sweetness. The hot couples who came to admire it have hidden in the corner, looking apprehensively at the two parties confronting each other on the street.

"Pirates, please leave Dressrosa, you are not welcome here!" Said King Riku, looking like a "Sea King", suppressed his chest anger.

"Ee hee hee, to be honest, we are also not interested in your poor country!" The six-meter-tall pirate captain standing in front of King Riku was naturally oppressive and looked down playfully at the other side and said, "I heard that Dressrosa was very rich in the hands of the previous royal family. But I didn't expect it to be this poor after it came into the hands of your royal family, Riku!"

"Humph! We don't care about that kind of dirty money that we get from squeezing other races!" King Riku said rather unhappily.

"Of course you don't care if you're a king, but the people under your rule don't!" The pirate captain shouted messily, "Ask the people of this country, do they want to stay poor like this?"

"As a king, you can't make your own people rich, but instead you give privileges to other races, how do you think you are not qualified?"

"This kind of thing, it is not your turn to intervene and question from a pirate, right?" King Riku's forehead veins bulge low roar.

"Yeeeheeheehee, never mind, I'm merely judging from a pirate's point of view." The pirate captain said playfully, "After all, your country is even poor to the point that we're not interested in plundering it!"

Not far from a bar, the owner customers have run out of people, but a group of strange non-mainstream dress guys sits peacefully in the bar and even holds a glass of wine, watching the scene on the street with interest.

"I say, I say, Doffy..." Trebol's hanging nose was already only three centimeters away from the body of a specific glasses, "You taught those guys what to say, didn't you?"

"Just a little test." Doflamingo moved his chair back without moving and laughed softly, "First to expose the incompetence of the Riku royal family and evoke the nation's 'fond' memories of Donquixote."

"Then, let the King Riku make another unforgivable mistake, and when I descend as a savior, this long-lost kingdom can return to Donquixote's hands! Fuffuffuffu..."

"How remarkable that you are Doffy!" Pica praised in a shrill voice, "This country, it will soon be back in your hands!"

In the middle of the field, King Riku gave the expulsion order with an unfriendly face, "Since you are not interested, leave this country before it's too late!"

"Ee hee hee hee, don't worry, we'll leave soon, only, before that ..." the pirate captain said with a thumb flip flying coins, always approaching, "Can you king lend us some money to spend first, and that we need not much, only one billion berries!"

"One billion berries!" King Riku clenched his teeth; even his voice seemed to come out of his teeth, "How can I have so much money for you?"

For the not-rich Dressrosa, one billion berries are already a vast expenditure that can break their bones.

"Can't get the money? Then don't blame us for starting a war!" The pirate captain laughed recklessly, "Maybe we can make more money by selling you as slaves!"

In the New World, it is not uncommon for pirates to sack the kingdom, and even if they resist, they may bring deep disaster to the kingdom.

Therefore, King Riku's first reaction when threatened was not to explode but to hold back, "Even if you say that I can't possibly come up with the money any time soon!"

"At least, give me time to exchange the palace for the berries!"

"Oh yo yo yo, is His Majesty King Riku planning to pad out his palace?" The pirate captain laughed sorrowfully, "This is really touching!"

"Well, then, I'll give you three days!"

Published in Qidian, June 07, 2019