Blatantly Open

"Fuffuffuffu, how immaturely pedantic to the point of stupidity! This time you're paying for it with your own palace, next time it'll be the people's property, right?" Doflamingo laughed as he held up his tall glass of wine, " A king with such wishful thinking!"

"But it's best this way, after he sells all the assets he can transform, the savior of Dressrosa can come!"

"I'm sure His Majesty King Riku is helpless too!" Diamante then laughed, "There's no way to change all this without power!"

"A position like king should belong to a destined king, not to such a cowardly loser!" Pica shouted excitedly.

"That's for sure, only I ..." said Doflamingo, stopping abruptly and turning his teasing gaze to the end of the long street.

"I say, I say, it's not like some powerful guy suddenly intervened, is it?" Trebol followed the line of sight of Doflamingo and vaguely found several figures.

"Fuffuffuffu, for Dressrosa, it's quite powerful, I guess." Doflamingo did not care; the situation was still under his control.

"Oh? There are actually people in this country that interest you in Doffy?" Diamante asked curiously.

"I've heard a lot about him, if I can manage to bring him in, I can have another powerful subordinate!" Doflamingo laughed, "It's the man named 'Invincible' in this kingdom, Kyros!"

Just as that pirate captain was laughing in triumph, a firm and strong voice came from the end of the long street, "Your Majesty, King Riku, don't promise him!"

Hearing that familiar voice, King Riku couldn't help but turn around and look, "Kyros, what brings you here?"

"Captain Kyros? Didn't he mysteriously disappear three years ago after resigning from his post as army commander?" As King Riku's Army's current army commander, Tank Lepanto, first gave a startled cry before shouting with joy, "With Captain Kyros around, this group of pirates is nothing!"

"Eeeee~ It looks like, is there some kind of great character that has appeared?" The pirate captain laughed in a sarcastic tone, "It seems like it's still some former army chief, it really scared me to death!"

"When this country is in crisis, it is natural for me to not turn a blind eye to it!" Kyros did not care about the group of pirates' mockery but looked at King Riku with an intense gaze.

"Hee hee, it was me who brought my brother-in-law ... Jeff here." Violet is first joyful to beg for praise, back after the hand to explain, "Jeff, Jeff is the pseudonym of Kyros!"

"Huff!" King Riku exhaled a foul breath and said with a complicated face, "You shouldn't have come, you're no longer my army chief and your other identity will involve irrelevant people in the whirlpool!"

Kyros naturally understood that King Riku was referring to his status as "father" and "husband", "If I don't stand up for myself, they will be really disappointed with me!"

"Hey, hey, I said, have you guys had enough of your dumb show?" The pirate captain impatiently questioned, "I'm not here to watch your boring show, pay or go to war, tell me your choice quickly!"

"A bunch of pirates, who are you to dare to speak to a king like this?" Kyros snorted coldly, gripped his great sword with both hands, and said, "If you don't want to die, get out of this country now!"

King Riku consented to his actions, and for Kyros, he could almost be said to have unconditional trust.

"Ch! The tone is really getting bigger and bigger!" The pirate captain's eyes shaded, his right hand raised to the eyebrow position waved gently, behind a large number of pirates, either hideous or maniacal laugh to come forward.

"Since His Majesty the King has chosen a path that is not smart enough, let's show him that the New World is a paradise for pirates and at the same time a hell for the weak!"

"Captain Kyros ...," asked Tank Lepanto excitedly, "what should we do?"

Kyros raised his greatsword and said without looking back, "You are responsible for protecting the king and the princess, as for this group of pirates, just leave it all to me!"

"Ah ... Captain Kyros, you alone ..." Tank Lepanto had not finished his sentence; he saw Cyrus like a blast of thunder rushed into the pirates.

In just an instant, three heads flew up into the air along with wild spurts of blood.

"A lie, right? This guy's swordsmanship is actually so strong?" The pirate who was splashed with blood was a bit dizzy, and only when a headless corpse came into view did he come back to his senses, "Why does this body look so familiar, it's a bit like my outfit today! I wonder which one of the unlucky people who clashed with me?"

"This guy's strength, should not appear in this poor and weak country right!" The pirate captain only felt cold sweat seeping out of his body; in this short period, the hundreds of people he brought died nearly one fifth!

To know, this refers to the elite who followed him from the South Sea to the New World, many of whom have the strength to put on the first half of the Grand Line can even offer a reward of more than 50 million!

But with a powerful elite battle force was defeated by the man in front of him like chopping melon.

Apart from the one who forced himself to come here, this guy could almost be described as the strongest person he had ever seen!

"Want to escape?" Such a thought just flashed through his mind, and compared to the man with glasses, the fear this man brought him was nothing again!

"Don't look down on me, I'm Captain Joseph, the giant hammer with a bounty of 140 million berries!" As if to cheer himself up, Joseph shouted, lifting his sledgehammer, which was not small compared to the giant, towards Kyros.

It must be said that Joseph's strength is worthy of his bounty, between the swing of the giant hammer, even the air is overwhelmed with a low sonic boom.

Such a massive force can smash the enemy into a meatball with just one blow.

It's just a pity that he was facing a more agile swordsman.

Kyros' body is like a phantom, dodging left and right to let Joseph's attacks all fall short.

For a full half-minute, Joseph's onslaught did not affect anything other than to near tire himself out.

In the gap when Joseph gasped for air, Kyros seized the opportunity and slashed down mid-air with his greatsword.

"Damn it, dying here?" Just as Joseph closed his eyes and waited for death, he found that he unexpectedly moved his body uncontrollably.

This feeling was familiar to him.

Because that's how Doflamingo manipulated him to kill his men the other day;

At the time, it was an experience of unparalleled despair.

But now, a new light has dawned on him!

In Kyros's disbelieving eyes, Joseph's body is twisted 180 degrees, in the "snakeskin position" to avoid the attack at the same time a heavy hammer will blow him away, gushing blood in mid-air like no one.

"Ee hee hee ..." Joseph was about to laugh maniacally when he suddenly found that the pain coming from his lower back, spine, and cervical spine was like a tidal wave overwhelming him.

"Holy shit! I will not be directly paralyzed, right?" Joseph heart grief and anger, but still are forced to play calm, hoarse voice threatened, "see ... ouch, this is and ... ah ah ah, the great master Joseph against ... ...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

PS: Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone O (≧ ▽ ≦) O, and thank you for the fact that the author bacteria is a big handsome by default (● '◡' ●) ノ.

Published in Qidian, June 07, 2019