One Strike Bright and Brilliant

"Forget it." Longinus's gaze, domineering and robust aura rises to the sky, "Since the pirates can not rely on, it will have to be my own hand!"

On the other side, Brûlée created a prismatic mirror between her hands, "Oven-san, Daifuku-san, come in quickly."

The two are Katakuri's triplet brothers and are considered more prestigious among the remaining family members.

"Damn it, I didn't expect to have to run away in such a mess!" The hot-tempered Oven was still roaring in resignation.

"After all, the enemy is the Marine Headquarters, their advantage is not easy to take." Daifuku explained a sentence then urged, "Well, hurry up and go into Brûlée's mirror world."

"Humph! This time is not the end of the matter!" Oven will reach his hands towards the front, his fingertips touched the mirror surface, not the imaginary water-like space boundary, but the mirror surface with real entities blocking him at outside, could not help but look up and ask, "Brûlée, you are ..."

However, what he saw when he looked up was the image of Bree's eyes going white and foaming at the mouth as she fell to the ground.

"Brûlée, what's wrong with you?" Owen asked as he rushed forward to hold her in place.

"It's the Haoshoku shock!" Daifuku said as he gazed at the sky.

"No way? I didn't feel anything, huh?" Opera, the fifth son of the Charlotte family, exclaimed.

"As long as he wishes, he can completely unleash Haoshoku without you guys sensing it." Katakuri said with a grim face, "I just didn't expect that his aura has become so powerful that even the family cadres can't withstand it!"

After hearing this, it chilled the surrounding Charlotte members' hearts, and Brûlée was now their only way of escape!

"Katakuri-niichan, so what should we do now?"

"You guys escape separately, Dressrosa is so big, with just a few people from the Navy, it is impossible to find you in a short time."

Katakuri spoke with urgency, "Escape from this island as soon as possible before their large army arrives."

"Katakuri-niichan, what about you?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hold out hard. Trying one more last time, no matter what the result is, I will hurry up and leave." Katakuri frantically stood up.

"I understand! Katakuri-niii you take care of yourself." As pirates, they naturally do not make a life and death look.

"Brûlée will leave it with me first, and when she wakes up, it will also make it easier for me to find you guys at the fastest speed."

While this site has covered, the battle continues on the other side.


When a meteor fell, it was Longinus who was blown into the ground by BIG-MOM's slash.

"Bastard, how dare you get distracted in a fight with me?" BIG-MOM laughed unstoppably.

"Didn't you notice? Your children have all started to run away!" Longinus stood up from the rubble, "It should be a bad feeling to be an abandoned mother, right?"

"Care for yourself first, bastard brat!" BIG-MOM furiously threw punches, each one bringing up a powerful shockwave.

Longinus also does not avoid, anyway, there are only a few dozen seconds, why it is better to let go and enjoy the fight.

Boom! Boom!

Each collision between the two is like a bomb detonated here; the ground cracked, seawater gushing wildly, surprisingly fought harder in this Dressrosa's King's Plateau out of an inland lake.

"Mama, run away quickly." Katakuri put Brûlée on his shoulders, quickly approaching the two, plucked up his voice, and shouted, "Sakazuki and Borsalino from the Marine Headquarters will soon arrive!"

"It's just two brats, big deal, we'll kill them together!"

The corners of Katakuri's mouth vaguely twitch; if it wasn't for the scene where I saw you killed by them, I might have believed your bullshit!

On the other hand, Longinus was irritated from across the stage, "Why don't you accept your son's kind offer? It is a bit embarrassing to run away like a dog in front of me, but a living dog is better than being beaten to death, right?"

Katakuri knew it was terrible as soon as he heard it.

Sure enough, the BIG-MOM first gave the standard "Aaaaaaaaahhh" before turning his head to glare at Katakuri, "One more word of nonsense and I'll kill you too!"

"Only fifty seconds or so left!" Katakuri estimated, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Stop lying to yourself, Mama, if you fall here, you will never be able to realize the dream of 'mother' again!"

BIG-MOM was furious, but after listening to the second half of Katakuri's words, it even thought slowed up.

When Katakuri saw that it worked, he hurried to strike while the iron was hot, "Forget what I told you before? We've found a way to turn everyone into giants!"

"Even without these giants, you can still achieve the dream of 'MOTHER'!"

"Make everyone into giants?" Longinus' eyes narrowed slightly, seeing BIG-MOM wavering; he also hurriedly added fuel to the fire, "He's talking about the gigantic human experiment, right? If so, it would be too bad because the government has long stopped this experiment for not getting the desired results."

"Not only being abandoned, but also being cheated, BIG-MOM, you are really a failure as a mother!"


"Mama, don't listen to his nonsense. And ..." Katakuri also broke down, "With your wisdom, can I fool you?"

With BIG-MOM's brain capacity, she quickly concluded after doing this calculation in her mind, "That's right, how could I be fooled by kids like you!"

With that, BIG-MOM is leaving with Katakuri.

"Damn, there are still thirty seconds or so!" Longinus' face was gloomy, as said before, if the opponent were determined to escape, it would be difficult for him to stop BIG-MOM.

Especially for BIG-MOM's steel body, it can almost completely ignore his pursuit and even turn his attacks from behind into forwarding momentum.

"It seems that we can only learn Akainu's trick!" Longinus took a deep breath, mobilized all his physical strength, and even directed all Busoshoku Haki in his body to his righthand bracelet.

"You're running away with your tail between your legs so soon? You're a real coward, Big-Mom!" said Longinus in as arrogant and cocky a tone as possible, "But no wonder, who told you that Mother you respect the most is just a human trafficker?"

"What did you say? Are you a bastard ...," BIG-MOM suddenly paused in her stance, her hideous face like a vicious ghost turned around and stared angrily, "Any idea what you're talking about?"

"Mama, don't stop!" Katakuri shouted.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Longinus said in an overly mocking tone, "Why is it called the Sheep's House? It is because, those children adopted by her are actually all lambs to the slaughter!"

"Shut up, how can a guy like you possibly understand the greatness of 'MOTHER'?"

"Don't fall for it, Mama, come back!" Katakuri was shocked, but he didn't have time, to tell the truth of Longinus' words now!

"Great?" Longinus taunted, "If not for that incident back then, you would have been sold by her to the government to become a member of CP0 long ago."

"If we look at it from the point of view of avoiding you to become a sea trash like pirates, she does deserve to be called magnificent, right?"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" BIG-MOM furiously rushed towards Longinus, "I will, I will kill you!"

"Is that so? Seeing that you value her so much, how about, I tell you another secret ..." whispered Longinus like a demon, "is that back then, the secret of why she suddenly disappeared!"

It involuntarily slowed down BIG-MOM's movements.

"Haven't you ever wondered why the Mother's ability suddenly appeared in your body?" Longinus struck out a radiant blow that had used up all of his physical strength as well as his Haki, and the endless light shone in the sky. "It's because the Mothers and those children were all eaten by you ...!"

"Eaten ... eaten ..."

As if a magical sound in the ears, these three words echoed in BIG-MOM's mind, and then, the furious movement gradually stopped, and even the breath of the body slowly weakened.

Then an unstoppable strike of radiant light penetrated her body!

Published in Qidian, June 12, 2019