BIG-MOM is dead?

There is a massive hole in BIG-MOM's chest, and it is clear that even the heart directly shatters under this blow.

Then, the large body collapsed helplessly.

"Mama! Mama!" Katakuri's face changed dramatically up to hold that; his eyes can even spurt out angry flames.

To say that he has a deep affection for BIG-MOM is naturally impossible. Still, he knows more than this operation was hit hard for the Charlotte family, even more, powerless to face those sharks who come smelling of blood!

After all, with their BIG-MOM Pirate's past tyrannical style, their potential enemies who hate them are not a few; without the suppression of BIG-MOM, those who their enemies have suppressed will never let go of this opportunity to fall on the well.

One or two, he could care less, but the number of people with the current Charlotte family is undoubtedly complicated to support.

"These are still considered small things, the key is the two big trouble Kaido and Whitebeard!"

"Kaido has long coveted Poneglyph in the hands of Mama, and, with Kaido's character, that is something come into his possession, will not necessarily let us go, unless the Charlotte family is willing to merge into the Beasts Pirates."

"As for Whitebeard, seven years ago in the Hegemony War, Mama had insulted him, he probably will not be so good-tempered to forget."

Katakuri almost numb; how much his mother, in the end, is hated? Somehow the enemies are almost spread throughout the sea!

His younger siblings, even if they can escape from Marine's pursuit, it is likely to be challenging to avoid the revenge of other forces.

Once the strongest Charlotte family, perhaps this will be on the road to falling apart.

And it's all that man's fault!

Thinking of this, Katakuri could not help but look towards Longinus with a burst of anger.

"Huh, where is everyone?"

"Looking for me?"

A weak and feeble voice came from the sky, and Katakuri looked up to see that Longinus was lying on the back of a massive griffin with a drained look.

"This guy, when was it?"

"Without a little backhand, wouldn't it be too dangerous for me to be the decoy? It's just that even I didn't expect ..." Longinus poked his head out of Minos' left-wing and looked down prone, "that this operation would complete from an angle I didn't expect!"

"You bastard ..." Katakuri is a very stifled clenched fist; he knows very well, he has no way to revenge!

His speed can not catch up with the griffin or catch up; this is not a problem that it can solve in one or twenty seconds.

"Well, so comfortable, this familiar smell, is Katakuri-niichan?" Brûlée dazed from the Katakuri shoulders to wake up, open their eyes, and abruptly aimed at the glazed eyes of the BIG-MOM, can not help but "blush" scream, "ah ah ah ah!"

"Brûlée, you're awake?" Katakuri said with joy.

"I can' t believe she woke up so quickly, could it be the hidden attribute of her brother who controlled her breaking out?" Longinus thought with narrowed eyes.

" Ka, Katakuri-niichan, Mama, Mama this is ..." Brûlée was frightened by sight in front of her and could not even speak well.

"It's too late to explain, open the door and bring us all into your mirror world!" Katakuri eagerly said that he could sense that two powerful auras were approaching without foreseeing the future.

"Huh? Oh! I see!" Naturally, Brûlée would not have any doubts about Katakuri and opened the Mirror World without the slightest hesitation.

"From today onwards, the Charlotte family will be guarded by me!" Katakuri exhaled a foul breath, grabbed both of them, and stepped in with determination.

"Still let him get away?" Longinus sighed and thought rather breathlessly, "What's the point of those two guys anyway? A tourist visit? Come out for a stroll just in time to go home?"

"Good thing, BIG-MOM is finally dead ..., right?" Longinus first, some not quite sure though, then shook his head like self-deprecation, "people will die if they are killed! She is not Kaido kind of immortal body, how can live without a heart?"


A dazzling light came from afar with great speed, Longinus saw it well, Borsalino surprisingly carried Sakazuki with a cold face in his hands.

The light arrived, transformed into a particular monkey, and Sakazuki jumped from Borsalino's hands as if nothing had happened.

"Well, it seems I shouldn't be belittling them for not trying hard enough!" The corners of Longinus' mouth twitched, and in his place, he would have been more than a little reluctant to be carried in mid-air like that.

"Oh yo yo yo ... is really terrible!" Borsalino is surprised this time, the ground below deep valleys, surging seawater, lava gushing wildly, only a few vague points of ruins prove the existence of a former civilization.

If this is a barren, dead land, he will not have any doubts, but is it the king's palace? Then this joke is a bit too much!

"Rear Admiral Longinus, are you trying to sink the whole island?"

Sakazuki, however, did not have the leisure to ask, "Rear Admiral Longinus, where is BIG-MOM and the pirates under her?"

"It was the BIG-MOM Pirates' Commander Katakuri who informed those people in advance of their escape by foreseeing the future."

"Foretelling the future?" Borsalino crooked his mouth and shouted, "The sea pirates with a reward of 800 million are really all monsters!"

"Or did you let BIG-MOM get away?" Sakazuki said irritably, "It's all because you're too slow!"

"You can't blame me for that, you're the one who should lose weight." Borsalino said he doesn't take the blame for this.

"The others are indeed hard to say, but BIG-MOM, I think, is dead!" Longinus said with a gasping voice.

"BIG-MOM is dead?" Sakazuki and Borsalino exclaimed in unison.

With their mentality like this, it shows how shocking this news is to them!

"Should it ..." Longinus mused, "After all, her heart was even shattered by me, even if it is a monster like Kaido, for this degree of injury should not be able to do it!"

"Shatter the heart?" Borsalino was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. In his impression, BIG-MOM's defense is almost like a maximum barrier in this world, and something like breaking the heart shouldn't happen to anyone but BIG-MOM!

Rear Admiral Longinus, you're going to the top!

"If she really broke her heart, she should be dead! Good job, Rear Admiral Longinus!" Sakazuki is also hard to hide from his horror. When he wanted to come, Longinus was slightly injured when they arrived. It is the best result!

But to his surprise, Longinus pushed this best result straight forward by several levels.


"Then what the hell am I rushing here in such humiliation to do?" Sakazuki cast an icy glare at Borsalino, leaving the latter somewhat baffled, "What is this silly dog looking at me to do?"

Published in Qidian, June 13, 2019