We Shouldn't Come, We Shouldn't Come ......

"Speaking of which, BIG-MOM should be the most powerful of the pirates that have been taken out since Roger!" Borsalino crooked his mouth in awe, "Rear Admiral Longinus, you're an amazing man!"

Even the usually laconic Sakazuki also rarely showed a smile, "Rear Admiral as such, will soon be out of fashion."

"That's true, if you've done so much merit and are still a Rear Admiral, it's a bit unjustifiable." Borsalino "ashamed" said, "twenty-one years old Vice Admiral, alas, I was twenty-one years old when I was not even a marine!"

"Ee, Commodore at seventeen, Rear Admiral at nineteen, Vice Admiral at twenty-one, now that I think about it ..." exclaimed Borsalino, "Longinus you're not going to be a first Admiral two more years before us, are you?!"

"Admiral ..." Longinus shook his head helplessly, "I do not have that kind of ambition, rather like Vice Admiral Garp is much more comfortable."

"Admiral, is the real navy deterrent to all sides of the bottom!" Sakazuki said with a cold face, "the pirates have become more and more rampant over the years, can not say that there is no point of relationship with the refusal of Vice Admiral Garp to be promoted to Admiral."

"Oh yo yo yo ..." Borsalino squeezed his eyebrows and said, "You should say that in front of old man Garp, maybe, in exchange for his 'love' for you! Thank you!"

Sakazuki's eyebrows raised wildly, "You take it I haven't said that before?"

"Hiss!" Borsalino gave him an admiring look and said thoughtfully, "No wonder when I once tapped you on the shoulder before, it was surprising that you would scream out given your character!"

Sakazuki's eyes were not good, and magma was dripping from the tip of his nose.

"Ahem." Longinus hurriedly rounded up, "Two Vice Admirals, let's just take care of some of the finishing touches of this operation first."

Sakazuki, who has always been mission-oriented, naturally quickly collected his mind and asked, "What else do we need to do?"

He implied that you should not do anything with this "survival" look.

Longinus also did not care, "Below the canyon area there are a lot of giants and pirates who fell into it. The rest of the Charlotte family members are separated and fled to the surrounding area, if you go to catch now, you should more or less still be able to catch some of the fish that slipped through the net."

"I'll take the ones in the canyon, I'll leave it to you with the ones fleeing in the perimeter." Sakazuki said toward the side.

"Why do I have to run so far ..." Borsalino met Sakazuki's icy glare and threw up his hands, "Okay, okay, I get it!"

Anyway, no one knows; grab one or two back to make up the number ... as the Salty Monkey thought.

"One more bit of follow-up is," Longinus said, looking around helplessly, "this post-disaster relief in Dressrosa."

"Disaster relief?" Sakazuki frowned, he is good at killing and arson, but disaster relief is too difficult for him, "These should be left to Admiral Sengoku to figure out!"

Borsalino nodded with deep feeling; Admiral Sengoku dedicated to wiping their asses ... to clean up the mess, is not it?

After the explanation, Borsalino flew into the distance as a light, and Sakazuki was ready to move.

Suddenly, his sharp gaze fell on a large cocoon in the distance.

With his years of experience in capturing pirates, this unique scent of pirates, he would never be wrong ... Well, he saw the "little worm" inside through the gap in the silk thread.

"The pirates of the Donquixote family? Although not a threat, but since we met, let's clean up together!" Sakazuki straight down to the front of the cocoon, the searing heat is just approaching to make the silk threads woven into the cocoon began to burn.

"Wait, Vice Admiral Sakazuki, don't do it, I was one of his people!" Doflamingo hurriedly opens the cocoon to explain, he knows, this Vice Admiral Sakazuki is the famous Marine of the iron-blooded faction, by his hands, mostly pirates do not even have the opportunity to send to Impel Down.

"One of his own? Are you insulting me?" Sakazuki's anger was so great that he brought up his big magma fist and was about to drop it.

"This bastard is simply more overbearing than that guy Longinus! What's wrong with the Marine Headquarters now? Does everyone like to use violence to solve problems?" As he roared in his heart, he hurriedly shouted to the sky, "Rear Admiral Longinus, is our previous agreement still valid?"

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, please cease your hand." Longinus patted Minos; the latter quickly understood and appeared on the ground in front of the two men with both wings' swishing.

"Sir Doflamingo is now a member of the government's Oka Shichibukai, and I'm sure that he will become our right-hand man in the fight against pirates in the future."

Sakazuki did not say anything but only cast a suspicious gaze toward a particular yellow hair.

"These two bastards, are they forcing me to have a statement?" Doflamingo was quite upset, but putting up with such things is just like a ladyboy; there is only the difference between being once and countless times.

Therefore, Doflamingo quickly nodded haughtily, "I will let the government and the Marine see my sincerity."

Sakazuki also does not ask deeply; he has always been the kind of people who only value the results and do not care about the means. In some marine eyes, he does not have many feelings such as poisonous as Oka Shichibukai.

Using violence to control violence is not a means to lose. Oka Shichibukai may bring some harmful consequences, eventually remove and kill the donkey then, and perhaps also let these so-called Oka Shichibukai for the Marine to make their last reserves.

Therefore, Sakazuki nodded indifferently, then leaped into the deep, dark canyon with a long leap.

"Doffy, do we go back now?" The big man, Pica, came up with a stunned look on his face, the three of them were considered acceptable, but during the previous battle, they were considered not even cannon fodder.

Especially him, Pica, being an Ishi Ishi no Mi user, in the encounter of such a great battle, the first reaction is to blend into the stone earth.

Who knows, the whole earth of the King's Plateau was beaten into ruins by those two monsters, and he almost did nothing before he finished off by the aftermath of the battle between those two monsters.

Trebol and Diamante were not much better; even if they were not deliberately target, he almost beat them to the point of being unable to live by Katakuri.

"Shouldn't have come, really shouldn't have come this time!" Doflamingo sighed; what the hell sins did he do?

After two years of silence, the instinct wanted to return to the country's limelight with a high-profile theft.

This time, the result is not right; the goal not achieved, forced to take two beatings, forced to wear a slave collar, forced to become Oka Shichibukai, and even in the battle with Katakuri, the potion also inexplicably does not work.

It can not say that it does not work; the injury indeed recovered a lot; however, his second life's imagination is indeed far from it.

If not for the last wisdom to use the birdcage to lock himself up, he almost died "heroically" for the government this time!

Such a "heroic" sacrifice is undoubtedly the greatest insult to his self-proclaimed villain!

The more he thinks about it, the more annoyed he gets, "The healing potion you gave us shouldn't be a substandard fake? Even if it is the Marine, it should be benevolent!"

Longinus seemed to see the shadow of Judge on the other side. He immediately said righteously, "I can guarantee that what I use myself and give you is absolutely the same quality of potion!"

"All of them are the kind that are more useful for moderate injuries." Longinus added in his mind.

"Then why did I only partially recover my injuries after using it, but you are almost healed?"

"Do you need to ask?" Longinus looked at him with a caring "retarded" look and said, "Of course it's because my control of my body is far better than yours, so I can make the best use of the potion!"

"It sounds like it makes sense, but why do I always feel that something is not quite right at all?" Doflamingo sighed and decided to go back and find a place to hide and nurse his wounds alone, "Come on, leave this place. Dressrosa, I'll never come back!"

Published in Qidian, June 13, 2019