Progress of Strength

Marine Headquarters, on the training ground.

"Wow! Yikes! No!"

"Stop it! Vice Admiral Garp bastard!"

"Mmmmmmm! I never thought Vice Admiral Garp would be such a brutal person! So disappointed!"

Amidst the shrieks, Longinus defended throughout, while Garp punched him one punch after another.

"Hey hey, when did you kid become so popular?" Garp with an unhappy face buttoned his nose, "Moreover, obviously you invited me to be coach, how come the old man is now the bad guy instead?"

"It's because they are still too young to understand the charm of you, Vice Admiral Garp." Longinus added with a smile in his mind, "And only middle-aged and older women like BIG-MOM can appreciate your charm!"

"Haha! That's true. But, is it my imagination?" Garp rubbed his head with the right hand that had finished snapping his nose, "I always feel that in recent years the female soldiers have become a lot more, obviously before, a round of recruitment can not recruit a few."

"Perhaps." Longinus was uncertain and craned his neck, "Does Vice Admiral Garp want to continue?"

"Haha! Of course!" Garp raised his fist wistfully, "It's rare to have such a good sandbag, how can we not practice more?"

Longinus slightly stared, while Busoshoku Haki was gradually integrated into every trace of flesh and blood under the secondary personality's control.

Then, the furious iron fist fell one after another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Like a balloon, his body kept flinging, but Longinus surprisingly did not suffer much damage.

"That crazy bitch Charlotte's tricks really makes you a good learner!" Even Garp was amazed, and then laughed cheerfully, "I can't do it anymore, this kind of power that requires distraction does not apply to me!"

"It's no fun if you can't even give it your all in a fight!"

As the core of the marine "justice incarnate", Longinus naturally will not hide the results of his discussions with Vegapunk.

That doesn't fit his persona.

However, using one mind to maintain the steel body, in theory, is indeed able to do. Still, it is too difficult to manipulate in real life, even the physical techniques of Garp and Zephyr, such a master, also agreed to give up after a brief experience.

In the view of the Headquarters' top officials, the purer the mind, the easier it should be, like BIG-MOM so badly innocent, or like Longinus so kindly "innocent"!

That's why Garp is so bullish on Longinus.

After all, if even a pure-hearted person like Longinus looked up to him like that, it was evident that Sengoku and those guys must treat him differently to disparage him.

Little did they know that Longinus and BIG-MOM were able to do this purely because they switched on.

In this regard, Longinus even has an advantage over BIG-MOM; after all, it is always easier for two personalities to manipulate Busoshoku Haki separately than one personality.

"Just taking the same old path that others have taken. Compared to Vice Admiral Garp, I'm not even close!" Longinus laughed as Garp beat him.

He is indeed in a good mood, after mastering this ability, something else dares not say that the people who can kill him in this world already almost do not exist!

Before Busoshoku Haki exhausted, he is almost unbeatable; even if he encounters a defeat, he can also escape, to allow him even to escape, at least three top-level combat power of the same level to be surrounded by the possible.

He may have achieved beyond that, beyond Kizaru and Aokiji has a significant number of battle power in terms of strength.

As for Akainu, it is not easy to say that a man is tough when he meets strong, and, the super high attack Magu Magu no Mi may break the bottom of his defence.

"Ahahahaha! Although you are indeed too green than an old guy like me, but do not be discouraged ..." Garp laughed in triumph, "When I am getting old, it will be your time!"

"If I didn't know that your battle power doesn't decline with age, I would have believed you!" Longinus secretly sighed to himself.


At night, Longinus wrapped his arms around him and mused.

"Now the main constraint on the development of my strength is the amount of Busoshoku. I am not, after all, BIG-MOM or Kaido kind of real sense of inhuman monster, the size of the body limits me in the amount of Haki, this aspect will be very vulnerable."

"For the BIG-MOM is almost like a passive body of steel, but I can only actively trigger it, lest the recovery speed of Busoshoku Haki will not be able to keep up with the consumption."

"Of course, this will only have an effect in the prolonged battle of attrition, in normal times, I just last for three days and three nights."

"Only, the shortcomings eventually have to fill in order to do, this kind of weakness ..." Longinus slightly narrowed his eyes and looked out the window, "not too many, one is enough to kill!"

Just then, it sounded the alarm.


"It' s funny to see an alarm in the Marine Headquarters, could it be that Kaido guy misses the food in Impel Down again?" Longinus jokingly while spreading Kenbunshoku Haki infinitely, until the entire Marineford is to be covered.

"Although there are many powerful auras, they are all familiar, which means that Marineford has not been invaded. Then, the only thing that can make the headquarters so strict is perhaps ..." Longinus walked out of the room and looked up at the cliff face that stretched infinitely into the clouds, as well as the untouchable place located on top of that cliff, "Holy Land, Mariejois now!"

"That's right, after all, it's 1507 of Age of Kaien!"

"Vice Admiral Longinus, Vice Admiral Longinus ..." a messenger officer ran eagerly from a distance, "Fleet Admiral Kong urgently informs you to quickly rush to the Holy Land Mariejois for rescue!"

Even the procedure of an explanation of the meeting has been ignored? ... Longinus thought for a moment, then pretended to be curious and asked, "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, but it seems that someone climbed up to the Red Line continent to free all the slaves of the Holy Land!"

Sure enough, it was him ... Longinus put on a shocked look, then quickly regained his composure, "I understand, I'll be there soon!"

The back door of Marineford leads to the Red Port, the mega seaport that encompasses the Red Line continent.

It is the place where bubble pods can fly directly from the ground to the Holy Land and are also the official gateway to and from the Holy Land for the government and marine.

When Longinus arrived at the Marine Headquarters' backport, the place was already filled with dozens of warships, and one after another batch of marine soldiers entered into the warships.

"With such power, even Yonko couldn't win, and now they're just going to deal with some slaves, it's really ironic!"

Just as Longinus was secretly lamenting, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"It's really destiny! Longinus young ... Oh yo yo, almost forgot that you are now a Vice Admiral equal to me!"

"It's so scary!"

Published in Qidian, June 17, 2019