The Arsonist Mob

Such obscene to the depths of the soul's voice, really not ordinary people can learn!

Longinus turned with a sigh of relief and asked, " Vice Admiral Borsalino, is it just the two of us this time?"

"Sakazuki arrested people back to the New World, Kuzan is still in the first half riding a bicycle, Vice Admiral Garp pretended to be sick as soon as he heard about the Celestial Dragon, Zephyr-sensei has been in a semi-retired state, so that, according to the calculation, the Headquarters who have the ability to deal with this kind of trouble is left with us both!" Borsalino complained with a bitter old face.

"It was promised that after the capture of the BIG-MOM Pirates, you can take a vacation, but then you run into this kind of thing."

"Then it is indeed difficult for you, Vice Admiral Borsalino!" Longinus nodded slightly; for those who clocked into work every day, flushing out vacation days in favor of overtime was merely unbearable.

Longinus could not even help but think that someone as lazy as Borsalino would take the initiative to capture the Sun Pirates in the original. Was it because Tiger had ruined his vacation?

"Yes!" Borsalino nodded and suddenly looked at Longinus suspiciously, "Why do I always feel that you have something in this?"

"Oh, nothing of the sort." Longinus changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, are those CP0s in the Holy Land all for show? It's amazing that someone else would touch the Holy Land, and it's thanks to that person's goal of just freeing the slaves, otherwise, it would really be done away with a few Celestial Dragons, and the consequences would really be unthinkable!"

"Who knows? However, the person who started the riot will most likely not end up too well." With his hands in his trouser pockets, Borsalino said in an exclamatory tone, "The man from two years ago has not even been caught yet!"

"Now with this kind of incident, even for the sake of maintaining the dignity of the government, Gorosei will definitely not allow him to continue to live!"


In the misty night, the warship soon sailed towards the Red Port.

By the time the warship arrived, the flames were already burning red in the sky.

Many slaves escaped honestly, but many took advantage of the chaos to retaliate.

The object of their revenge is not the Holy Land of Mariejois on the Red Line continent, but this big port city below the Red Line continent.

"Oh yo yo, what a horrible bunch of devils!" said Borsalino with a "blushing face" patting his chest.

Longinus quickly made a decision and said, "I'll handle this down there, and the Holy Land, I'll trouble Vice Admiral Borsalino to make a trip. After all, I am not good at that kind of place to use Haoshoku, and startled those big shots, then it will also be quite a trouble!"

"Ugh! Vice Admiral Longinus, you are getting less and less amusing!" Borsalino still had no choice but to take a group of men with him and head for the Holy Land.

No way, who called him a Logia Ability User?

With the restriction of Haoshoku Haki, no one could match their Logia Ability in a ranged attack.

It only was after Borsalino had led a third of the soldiers to the Holy Land that a captain came forward and asked, "Sir, what do we do now? These slaves, should we capture them or ..."

Longinus naturally understood what he meant, for the marine who has always prided himself on justice, let them capture some unarmed slaves is undoubtedly a faith-breaking thing.

Like the garrison marine in Sabaody, the disintegration of beliefs will turn them into the people they once hated with time!

"Those slaves who are fleeing outward, let's pretend we didn't see them, and the other slaves who are still wreaking havoc in retaliation, let's recapture them!"

Longinus said coldly, "It is normal that they dare not take revenge on the Celestial Dragons, and it is understandable that there is resentment in their hearts, but from the moment they take out their anger on the innocent, there is nothing left to pity!"

"Yes!" The captain who asked the question also breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart, "Vice Admiral Longinus is indeed as gentle and stern as the rumors say!"

The chaotic situation quickly changed as each marine was thrown into the "battlefield".

On the other hand, Longinus strolled among them, and around him, as if there was an invisible field, any slave who came close to him would fall with a bang.

"An ability user?" The lead riot slave also noticed the movement on Longinus' side.

"Boss Ibuki, I know him." A bearded man following the leader of the mob had a look of horror in his eyes, "He was Commodore before I was arrested, or for decapitation ..."

"Commodore? Bah! Celestial Dragon's dog!" The leader of the thugs named Ibuki's eyes shaded, "If it wasn't for being seriously injured by that guy Garp, I wouldn't have ended up as a slave!"

When the surrounding slaves heard this, they were in awe, "Wow! Boss Ibuki you even fought with Iron Fist Garp, too powerful, you must have been a legendary sea pirate in the past!"

"I don't talk about legends, just more life experience than you guys." Ibuki said with slight pride.

"So boss Ibuki so powerful, then I do not have to worry. Originally I thought that guy because of the killing of the sea pirate World and became famous in one battle will certainly not be easy to deal with ..." the first slave who recognized Longinus then continued with the words not finished before.

"Wait, who did you say he killed again?" The muscles on Ibuki's face twitched slightly.

"Uh, the Great Sea Pirate World!" The slave who spoke suddenly said, "I see! You must know that big sea pirate too, so you want to help him take revenge, right?"

"He is a Commodore who can kill World?" Ibuki's eyes saw his face twisted, but soon reacted, "No, before I was arrested, World was already in Impel Down, where did this marine go to kill him?"

"Boss Ibuki, what he said is true." Next to a slave came over and said, "About seven years ago, there were two riots in Impel Down, first the Flying Pirate Shiki escaped, and then the World Destroyer Byrnndi World also escaped. By the way, and, when I was captured, that marine has actually been a Rear Admiral!"

"Rear Admiral?" Ibuki's face was grave.

"Boss Ibuki, that marine is actually not a Rear Admiral at all!" Another slave came over and whispered.

"I told you, how could there be such a young Rear Admiral?" Ibuki's face soothed.

"That man is actually a Vice Admiral." The speaking slave proceeded to fill in the blanks.

"Oh! Marine in the ..." Ibuki's face was stunned, then grabbed the collar of the speaking slave, "You guys take me as an idiot? One time Commodore, one time Rear Admiral, one time Vice Admiral, you can simply say he is a great Admiral!"

The slave he mentioned raised his right hand weakly, "I think I heard that he was being considered as a candidate for admiral."

"I tm ..."

Just as he was about to lash out, a laugh from behind him made his body almost freeze.

"Ho! I didn't expect to meet someone here who can fight with Garp-ji, I happen to be bored, why don't you give it a try?"

Published in Qidian, June 17, 2019