A Little Incident

"Hahahaha! It's all a mistake ..." Ibuki stiffened and turned around, then, while turning around, he stormed up and attacked, and the slave he grabbed in his hand was thrown at the Marine as a concealed weapon.

He was indeed startled at first, but for an old fart like him, a second or two was enough time to respond.

"It's true that you're a young brat, touching my back but not sneaking in, instead of making a sound to show your submissiveness in front of your men?" Seeing that the other party seemed to be unable to react and stood there dumbfounded, Ibuki almost wanted to laugh out loud wildly, "To be taken out by such a stupid newcomer, it seems that World has long since become obsolete!"

"This kind of strength and speed, almost already close to the Headquarters Vice Admiral level, it seems that what he said before is not all lies, perhaps also really by Vice Admiral Garp 'accidental'." Longinus came back from his musings to avoid the "hidden weapon" and then grab the thug leader's fist.

"Good, so fast, how did you do that?" Standing from Ibuki's point of view, he barely noticed when the man across from him moved his hand, and when he did, his fist was already in his opponent's grasp.

"This ..." Longinus smiled and slammed him into the ground, half his body into the ground, plunged into the ground like a human gravestone, "there will be no need to tell you."

"Good, so strong! Boss Ibuki was slaughtered in seconds!"

"Don't kill anyone, hurry up and escape first!"

"Wait, I just finished taking off my pants and haven't had a chance to get laid yet!"

"Then you're hopeless, wait to die."

Longinus looked at the chaotic scene and shook his head slightly, "What a mix of fish and dragons! Many of these slaves are defeated pirates, and even more evil than those slavers, it is no wonder that they will turn from victims to perpetrators in the blink of an eye."

"So, pity and good people don't equate!"

"Senpai is so right!" Smoke, who currently had the rank of lieutenant commander, followed Longinus with a highly flattering look.

"Hey! Smokey!" Hina said through gritted teeth as she stepped aside, "Don't you think you're getting in the way too much?"

"In the way? It's not like I'm in the way of anyone else suppressing a riot!" Smoker said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hina is angry and the consequences are severe!"

"Do not joke, not even mastered Busoshoku Haki, if you want to hit me, it is difficult!" Smoker face disdain.

The rest of the non-commissioned officers who had just graduated from the boot camp witnessed the scene and whispered.

"Is Smoker-san out of his mind?"

"Not necessarily, it could also be a bad eye."

In the red and black of the night, a Marine Captain came running to report, "Vice Admiral, someone wants to see you!"

"To see me?" Longinus was stunned for just a moment before nodding, "Bring him here."

Soon, a middle-aged man with a greasy head and big ears rubbed his palms together and came forward, "This officer, thank you so much for helping to suppress this mob!"

"You're welcome, it's the duty." Longinus said.

"No, no, no, no, we have to show our appreciation anyhow!" The greasy middle-aged man said and had a suitcase brought to him, lifting it in his hand and shaking it with a clunking sound.

Longinus' eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you mean by that?"

"You must not misunderstand, this is a special product of my hometown, a yellow stone, actually not very valuable!" The greasy middle-aged man said smugly.

The surrounding marines look shocked; when you say so, we do not know that it is gold?

Longinus was even more wildly jumping at the corners of his eyes, because, in the future he saw, this guy was carrying ... a box of brass?

Courtesy sentiments, an empty glove?

The greasy middle-aged man was still unaware of this and said with a smile, "I actually have one more thing to do when I come here this time, and that is to trouble you to help me recover a batch of goods."

"Goods?" Longinus asked in a deep voice.

"I just saw it all, the various marine officers in order to suppress the riot, can only temporarily relax the siege, this is certainly understandable. Only, now that the situation is under control, shouldn't the marine officers, then, also capture some of those slaves who escaped?" The greasy middle-aged man looked like he was pointing the finger.

"Interesting." On the other hand, Longinus said with a wicked mouth, "When did it become you a merchant's turn to interfere when the Marine does his job?"

The greasy middle-aged man frowned slightly but soon calmed down, "The thing is actually like this, inside those slaves, many of them took advantage of the chaos and stole my goods to escape."

"If you marine officers can help me to capture the person back, I will definitely send a generous gift!" Saying that he also shook the suitcase as if he had no intention.

"I take it that the goods you are talking about are the slaves themselves?" Longinus said.

"Sir, it won't do anyone any good for you to break the story." The greasy middle-aged man sighed.

"A human trafficker dares to come to me and say such things, I really don't know who gave you the courage!" Longinus said in a cold voice.

"Of course it is the Celestial Dragon-sama who gave me the courage!" The greasy middle-aged man raised his head proudly, quite a kind of "pretend to hit the face" pleasure, "Those runaway slaves inside but many to be delivered to the honourable Celestial Dragon-sama. To let them run away the consequences will be very serious."

"Marine, by now, you should know what to do, right?"

"Of course!" Longinus smiled and nodded, "You mean about the matter of throwing you in jail?"

Hearing the tone of Longinus does not seem to be fake, the greasy middle-aged man panicked and said, "Do you know what you are talking about? I am working for the Celestial Dragon-sama! Dare to offend the Celestial Dragon-sama, even if you are the Marine will certainly die a miserable death!"

"So, are you a Celestial Dragon?" Longinus "kindly" asked.

"Me? How can I be a Celestial Dragon?" The greasy middle-aged man had a bewildered look on his face.

"Since it's not ..." Longinus' face quickly turned cold, "then how dare you to talk so much nonsense in front of me?"

"Take him back and throw him straight to the Impel Down!"

"Yes!" The surrounding marines have long seen this blatant "bribe", the garbage trying to destroy the good image of the officer, after getting the order of Longinus, directly went forward to tie him up.

"I don't want to go to Impel Down, I don't want to go to Impel Down. Save me, save me!" The greasy middle-aged man was so frightened that his face turned white. That kind of place, Impel Down, was rumored to be more frightening than hell.

His fat body has gone, only to be eaten even if the bones' crumbs are not left!

As for the bodyguards he brought, where he dared to confront the Marine, the first reaction to hearing the boss shouting for help is to pull his legs and run, and the speed is so fast that the surrounding Marine is a little dumbfounded.

"These bastards really can't be trusted!" The greasy middle-aged man first cursed, then quickly changed direction and waved the carrying case in his hand, "Don't arrest me, I have money, I'm very rich."

"You bastard is insulting ..." Smoker waved his hand in disgust and directly knocked the suitcase away, scattering the brass inside to the ground.

The surrounding atmosphere instantly froze; Smoker and the others looked at the greasy middle-aged men fiercely; this bastard insulted not only their character but also their intelligence!

"Beat him up!"

"Hit it to death!"

PS: In fact, the name is just a code name; you do not have to care too much (well, in fact, I tend orz)

Colors :





Chinese zodiac: (Considering the ox, tiger, rabbit, and pig will be useful in the future, the rat is somewhat nasty, it will be the dragon, snake, horse, and goat.)

Dragons (cannot be matched with Clouds);


"Hornless" Dragons (not available with white);




Capricorn (not available with white);

Cloud Dragon, White "Hornless" Dragon, White Capricorn is invalid by default; you do not want to covert me ( ̄︶ ̄) /.

As the black dragon, cloud "hornless" dragon, white horse, frost sheep, I think it is okay if tangled, use the ultimate backup plan, so that said the Holy Lance diluted the impression of the official title (= ° Д ° =).

Published in Qidian, June 17, 2019