The Frightened Celestial Dragons

"The commotion is quite big!" Even standing below the Red Line continent, Longinus could see the fire that burned through half of the sky, "I guess it is Fisher Tiger himself did not expect that his slave emancipation movement could evolve to this point. Speaking of which, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the action I took two years ago."

In Longinus' opinion, CP0 should be worried about the arsonists, and two years ago, like Apophis, under the banner of slave emancipation against the Celestial Dragons, they would rather sit back and watch the situation worsen but not dare to leave those Celestial Dragons one step.

"Only, the bigger the commotion, the more miserable Tiger's fate is estimated to be!" Just as Longinus was contemplating, several figures in the distance came towards him.

"Saint Camael, that's him, that's him, he's the one who got my father!" said a twenty-year-old watermelon head, followed by a Celestial Dragon with a bubble air mask on his head and a long blue nose.

"Shut up! Have I lost sight of that?" Camael slapped the watermelon head across the face, "I just want to know where the mermaid slaves are that you mentioned?"

"Aiyaaah!" With the Celestial Dragon's physical quality, this slap is estimated that he can not kill even mosquitoes. However, the watermelon head is still incredibly pompous seven hundred and twenty degrees suspended to the ground, "Saint Camael-sama is really too powerful!"

"Hmph!" Camael held his head up rather proudly.

See the effect achieved, the watermelon head "seriously injured" in general challenging to climb up, "This marine was let go mermaid slaves, poor my father went up to remind, but he was beaten up to shut up."

"And ah! Saint Camael-sama." Watermelon head said righteously, "I heard that this time the trouble in the Holy Land is the fishman, maybe, this marine is actually colluding with them as a traitor!"

"This idiot!" The two CP0s who followed Camael could not wait to kill this watermelon head, not to mention bringing the Celestial Dragons to such a dangerous place, and now throwing dirty water on that legendary Vice Admiral.

They know that this is a vicious person who can kill the sea pirate BIG-MOM head-on, not to mention the two of them, even if the strongest shield in their CP0 came, it might not be able to deal with him.

This kind of strength is something that the government will also take exceptionally seriously.

Unless one commits a truly unforgivable crime such as betraying the government or killing a Celestial Dragon, not to mention a human trafficker who threw dirt on him, it is not necessarily beneficial to sue Saint Camael himself.

After all, the Marine guy called Garp received a bucket of complaints that are not the same as survived well.

"Shit! It's the Celestial Dragon!" The rest of the marines on the field are tight in their hearts; they are unsure what kind of change Longinus' strength has made to his position.

They only know that the Celestial Dragons are never a reasonable being.

"Bastard! Do I have anything to do with the fishman who are causing trouble? I want mermaids not fishmen!" Saint Camael kicked the watermelon head again, then turned around and ordered, " Marine, get me all the slaves, and if you can't..."

"What if you can't get it back?" Longinus used all of the psychic suggestion of Kenbunshoku Haki and the soul deterrent of Haoshoku Haki, which is the supreme VIP treatment that only BIG-MOM has enjoyed.

"Can't catch it back I'll ..." Camael looked directly into each other's eyes; there is a kind of inexplicable panic, the words came to the mouth became, "I'm going to scold you!"

"Cough ... " the crowd almost did not breathe; these soft words and their usual impression of the Celestial Dragon does not match!

Even the two CP0s stared in disbelief; could it be that that rumor was true?

Is this Vice Admiral Longinus a Celestial Dragon? Should they be called "Saint" after the name of this lord?

"Saint Camael-sama, how can this kind of thing just scold on, shall not he beaten alive and then killed?" Watermelon head anxious up even forget to pretend to be wounded, well, the Celestial Dragon's wisdom can not think of here too.

Who knows, Longinus, directly in front of the Celestial Dragons, raised the watermelon head by the neck.

This time, even Camael awake a lot, "Bastard, how dare you in front of me ..."

"Saint Camael-sama, as I see it, this guy must be an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army!" Longinus interrupted forcefully.

The watermelon head can not help but stare at the eyes, struggling to breathe, stomping around, as this fellow threw up dirty water, compared to him is more vicious!

"Two years ago, Apophis is under the guise of slave liberation secretly against the Celestial Dragons, now, that demon may be watching you around!" Longinus lowered his voice and said.

Combined with Longinus' psychic suggestion, Camael instantly panicked and looked at anyone who felt like he was looking at the executioner.

For Celestial Dragon who is not afraid of the earth, only Apophis, the "dragon slayer" is the nightmare that lingers in their hearts; after all, they have more or less heard of the nine Celestial Dragons' death.

That's a terrible death that doesn't even leave many remains of the crumbs!

The two CP0s who have long looked at the watermelon head with displeasure are also striking while the iron is hot, "Saint Camael-sama, it is indeed too dangerous here! We'd better go back to the Holy Land soon!"

"In case that Apophis comes out, we two can't stop him at all!"

"What, you two can't beat one other?" Camael had a "how come you guys are so trash" look on his face.

The corners of the mouth under the masks of the two CP0s twitched vaguely, secretly slandering, "Then I'm really sorry, in fact, twenty of us can't defeat one of the others."

"Saint Camael-sama, that Apophis is a super criminal that the government has been chasing with all its might for two years without success, and we here, should only have Vice Admiral Longinus with that strength to stop him!"

"Marine, hurry up and protect for ..." Camael ran in small steps to Longinus.

"Dare to bring Saint Camael to such a dangerous place, that means he must be a Revolutionary Army, my advice is ..." Longinus looked at Camael, then crushed the head of the watermelon head just like a watermelon, "Directly Execution!"

Warmblood splashed Camael's face hood and even had some white splatter.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Camael was so frightened that tears and snot came out of his eyes, sitting on his buttocks on the ground, looking at Longinus with eyes filled with unexplainable fear.

"Saint Camael, don't be afraid, the crisis has been lifted by me!" Longinus first smiled and reassured, then reprimanded in a stern tone, "However, you are really too lax, Saint Camael, with such an honorable status as yours, how can you run to such a dangerous place under the chaotic current situation!"

"This world, however, is very dangerous!"

Under the double stimulation of head blast and psychic suggestion, Camael finally was crumbling on the ground, rolling and crying in pain, "Apophis, the revolutionary army, it's horrible! I want to go home, I want to go home!"

Published in Qidian, June 18, 2019