Destroying Fishman Island?

Seeing the arbitrary Celestial Dragon are finally willing to return to the Holy Land, the two CP0 also relieved; heaven knows how much pressure they are carrying.

Although the final gesture of Saint Camael is a bit wretched, it is all the revolutionary army's fault!

The two looked at each other; yes, it's all the fault of the revolutionary army!

"Vice Admiral Longinus, thanks to your ability to recognize that revolutionary army's plot!"

"It's nothing, the two of you should hurry to bring Saint Camael back to the Holy Land, the world outside ..." Longinus shook his head and lamented, "It's too dangerous!"

"Then we will leave Vice Admiral to continue suppressing the riot!"

After saying that, both of them will pull up an arm with one hand and drag away the Celestial Dragon, who is rolling all over the ground.

It's a little scary how quiet it is around here. Is this the end of it?

How do they feel? The legendary Celestial Dragons are not so terrible, ah?

"Even the brutal and domineering Celestial Dragons are afraid to look straight at the senpai, this ..." Smoker muttered, "could it be the power of justice!"

"It's so handsome!" Hina's face flushed, like she is drunk, "The way Longinus-san reprimanded the Celestial Dragons is just too handsome!"

Not only them, those newcomers who just graduated looked at Longinus with eyes full of admiration, this world, who dares to reprimand the Celestial Dragons?

What's more surprising is that the reprimanded Celestial Dragon was not angry but "thankful" to listen to the advice of Longinus-senpai.

Could it be that the power of justice has converted all the Celestial Dragons?


The darkness passes, and the dawn breaks.

The riots and fires finally subsided, and Borsalino appeared before Longinus with a black eye.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, speaking of you, you don't know to come to my old bones even after the riots have been quelled."

"Vice Admiral Borsalino, you're only 43 now, aren't you?" Longinus reminded with a smile.

"Oh, ah, ah, I already 43?" Borsalino disappointedly said, "people in middle age should know how to take care of it, stay up all night, feel the life expectancy at least a year short yo!"

"Old man, how can it be so exaggerated as you say?" The still youthful and slim-looking Sentomaru said with a large axe on his back.

"Where's the exaggeration?" Borsalino looked melancholy, "Last time I went out with Vice Admiral Garp, others thought we were of the same generation."

Longinus observed some moments in silence, then asked, "By the way, Vice Admiral Borsalino, do you know what the reaction of Gorosei was to this incident?"

Borsalino had a bitchy smile on his face, "This is top secret, yo! If Vice Admiral Longinus would like to know ..."

Longinus asked in a calm and relaxed change, "Sentomaru, do you know?"

"Vice Admiral Longinus, I'm sorry, I'm the most tight-lipped man in the world, I'm not going to tell you ..." Sentomaru righteously refused, "Gorosei intend to destroy Fishman Island if they can't catch the arsonist within three months matter!"

"Destroying Fishman Island? It seems that Gorosei-sama are really angry this time!" Longinus duly showed a trace of shock. And in his heart, he was secretly thinking, "If the World Government sends troops to Fishman Island, according to their power, they absolutely can not resist. Even if Shirahoshi has awakened in advance, the result will not have any change!"

"To keep the secrets of the Sea King, it seems that the only way to do so is to capture Tiger before it's too late! It's a pity, I was thinking that there would be something to use in his identity!"

"How did you know that the government was going to destroy Fishman Island? Did the old man secretly tell you?" Sentomaru asked incredulously.

Longinus and Borsalino are silent; the boy seems to be stupid!

Borsalino sighed, "Three months is still early! Let's go back and catch up on our beauty sleep first!"

Seeing Borsalino leave, Sentomaru hurried to follow, " It is not me to say, old man, your mouth is too loose ..."

"I think, it should be the destruction of Fishman Island or not has not much to do with you!" Longinus laughed lightly and also left with a step.


The raging fire and the fleeing slaves were destined to be impossible to hide, so the events of that night soon spread throughout the world.

Compared to the significant incident two years ago, this loss is nothing for the government; after all, two years ago was a one-time death of nine Celestial Dragons!

But in ordinary people's eyes, the impact of this unrest is more far-reaching because the riot's location is in the headquarters of the World Government - the Holy Land Mariejois!

There is no doubt that this is another ultimate myth busted on the sea since the Marine Headquarters and Impel Down!

Baltigo, Island of White Soil.

This place is a deserted island covered by sand and wind all year round and is a white desert as far as the eye can see, and is also the headquarters of the force called the Revolutionary Army.

"What a great job, that guy!"

"Freeing Mariejois's slaves is like stepping on the face of the World Government to the ground!"

"Chief, is it true that that fishman hero, Fisher Tiger, is not one of us?"

When he was looking at the noisy crowd at the meeting, Dragon's face was a bit complicated; they were still in the hibernation stage, how could everything be related to them?

However, if he could rescue the Fishman hero, it might greatly help the Revolutionary Army's momentum.

With that in mind, Dragon asked the Fishman, who was sitting to one side, frustrated, "Hack, do you have a way to contact that Fisher Tiger?"

He is a Fishman with long wavy hair and wearing a karate suit.

"Can't get in touch." Haku shook his head, "I went back to Fishman Island a few days ago when I learned that big brother Tiger took some fishman brothers to set up the Sun Pirates, and then cut off all contact with Fishman Island, he did not want to let his own affairs involved in Fishman Island."

"It seems that he knows that this matter has become too big!" Dragon said in a deep voice, "Only, he may still have underestimated the wrath of the World Government."

"If there hadn't been that incident two years ago, the World Government might still have tried to subdue the impact and wait until everyone had forgotten about it before making an arrest."

"But now, it's not impossible that their anger just spreads to Fishman Island!"

"What? Chief, are you saying that Fishman Island will be destroyed?" Hack was shocked; he didn't question Dragon's prediction, in fighting countering siege after calamity, it has long been proven how far-sighted the man's strategic vision is!

"Just a guess, but given the government's style, it's not out of the question!"

"Chief, I know it will be difficult for you to say this!" Hack clenched his teeth and knocked his forehead heavily on the table, "But I still want to ask you to save Fishman Island!"

"To solve the situation is not really difficult, the hard part is ..." Dragon mused, "to how to let Fishman Island escape from this crisis without killing Tiger!"

PS: It is White Sheep (Red Dog (Akainu), Yellow Ape (Kizaru), Blue Pheasant (Aokiji), White Sheep (Hitsujiza), put together seems to be okay). I can not go on like this, because this thing made me distracted (scolded by the leadership at work ('-ω ก ̀)), if you do not want to see, I will try to mention less this title in the future orz.

Published in Qidian, June 18, 2019