The Broken-Nosed Arlong

Two months later.

The first half of the Grand Line, an unknown sea;

"Haha! We're lucky! That's the Sun Pirates whose full bounty has reached half a billion!" The pirate captain with three scars on his face, looking at the red sun flag in the distance, shouted ecstatically, "If we can defeat them, we'll soon be famous in the four seas!"

"But, boss ..." the pirate standing next to him reminded timidly, "Fishman hero Fisher Tiger's bounty is a whopping 230 million berries, and your bounty is only 60 million! "

"Hmm?" With a grim look in his eyes, Knife-face slapped him away into the sea, still not relieved, cursing, "That guy only has this kind of reward because of his fame, and I'm the one who's being dragged down by you losers!"

The pirate captain swept a circle of trembling pirates around, then bellowed, "Full speed ahead, don't let those fishmen get away!"

The shark with the crooked nose on the pirate ship with the red sun flag flying high laughed, "Hahaha! Seems like another human pirate with the idiotic idea of killing us to become famous!"

"Brother Arlong, quickly lead us to finish those humans!"

"That's for sure! Weak and inferior humans don't deserve to live in this sea!" The Fishman named Arlong stepped on the fence with his right foot and opened his arms as if he was embracing this sea.

"Arlong, just fight them off!" Amid a fierce cheer, a calm and assertive voice inserted, "There's no need to add more hatred!"

"Brother Tiger!"


The frenzied Fishman pirate quickly calmed down and shouted in an adoring voice.

The man named Tiger has absolute authority on this ship.

"Big Brother, those humans are coming for your head, so I can't swallow my anger if I just let them go!" Arlong said with displeasure.

"Chief, I think this time this Arlong guy is right." The whale shark man with two large sharp teeth showing said, "Letting them go will only invite more enemies!"

"Jimbei, there is already enough hatred between humans and fishmen!" Tiger said in a deep voice, "We retaliate against the humans, and the humans will take those innocent fishmen as revenge!"

"I can't force anyone else to do what they want, but at least on this ship, I expect you all to hold tight to the last line."

"That's ... we won't kill anyone!"

On the occasion of the ship's atmosphere into silence, an octopus Fishman suddenly shouted, "No good, the group of pirates have been eliminated, and the ... who defeated them is the Marine!"

"What? The Marine?" The Fishman onboard instantly rioted that the name Marine is undoubtedly more important to them!

"It's just a warship, what's there to be afraid of?" After discovering that the enemy only had one warship, the fierce smile on Arlong's face grew wilder and wilder, "The Marine is the dog of the Celestial Dragons! Big Brother, even for the sake of those destroyed and tortured clansmen, we should kill these marines, right?"

"Yes! Chief!" Jimbei also shouted after him, "These marines must be coming for you! Kill them to teach the Marine a lesson!"

However, Tiger, who is more familiar with the sea situation, is gloomy, "Be careful, this is not that kind of standard warship, people who can have their own unique warship are at least a Rear Admiral level!"

"Rear Admiral?" Arlong said disdainfully, "It's just the fourth rank in the navy, nothing to be afraid of."

These days out at sea, they naturally also figured out the general system of the Marine, knowing that above the Rear Admiral, there are still three ranks, Vice Admiral, Admiral, and Fleet Admiral.

"What's more, the sea is the territory of our superior Fishmen!" Arlong smiled confidently, "Big Brother, you can just wait here for our good news."

With that, he took a third of the Fishman on board and jumped into the sea.

"Chief, don't worry." Jimbei stepped forward and said, "The marine guns can't aim at the fishmen in the water, and when Arlong and the others destroy the warship, they don't even need to do anything to catch those marines."

"I hope so!" Tiger sighed.

With the speed of Fishman in the water, Arlong gang soon swam below the warship.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull sound echoed in the water, along with the ripples stirred up to swing around.

With ten times more than human wrist strength, the fists fell one after another. However, the hull was unscathed.

A group of fishman could not help but look in the direction of Arlong, waving their hands and asking with gestures of the body what to do?

Arlong waved his hand confidently, and the Fishman around him retreated, while he touched his saw-tooth proboscis, then violently accelerated towards the ship with a violent burst.


In the expectant eyes of the surrounding fishmen, Arlong's proudly saw-toothed proboscis should be skewed!

"Hiss!" The surrounding Fishman only felt chills all over their bodies. However, Fishman's regeneration ability is compelling, but something like a broken nose, think about it will feel pain!

"Ahhh ... gulp gulp!" Arlong screamed in pain, caught off guard, and filled a large mouthful of water into it.

Surrounding Fishman swarmed around, offering their hands in concerned regards.

But Arlong does not appreciate, pushing away the others, his right hand over his nose; his left hand pointed upwards, and then furiously accelerated towards the sea.

A group of Fishman instantly understood that the hull destruction plan's failure and to go up against the Marine!

Sea, warship;

"Vice Admiral Longinus, those fishman, should we really not send someone down to clean them up?" asked the captain who was serving as the adjutant on the warship.

"Underwater is the domain of the fishmen after all, it's better to let them come up by themselves!" See captain still have some hesitation, Longinus casual laugh, " are you worried that the hull will be destroyed? Don't worry about it, this is an alloy developed by the scientific units, the hardness far exceeds steel, if it is the Sun Pirates, the two genuinely troubling characters still have some possibility to do, but now the underwater bunch well ..."

Poof! Poof! Pfft!

One by one, oddly shaped Fishman jumped onto the warship from the sea, instantly alerting the soldiers on board.

"Watch out, be on guard, it's a fish ... Well pfft, hahahaha!"

These soldiers are highly trained to be disciplined no matter how funny they are.

Unless one can't help it;

No way, a Fishman with a twisted nose is too comical no matter how one looks at it.

"What's so funny, you lowly humans." The evil dragon gritted its teeth and said, "Watch me kill you all ..."

"Poof! Pfft!"

Behind him came the sound of hard-suppressed laughter, this time not humans, but those Fishman under him.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The evil dragon rampaged toward the nearest marine soldier.

"Go to hell! Bastard!"

However, his fist with ten times the human's wrist strength was quickly caught by the figure cloaked in a coat of justice.

"I can't pretend I didn't see that when you hit my subordinates! Fishman-san!" Longinus smiled and gave a gentle shake.


With the sound of bones breaking, Arlong fell to one knee and let out a long and miserable scream from its mouth.


Published in Qidian, June 19, 2019