Playing With Your Heart

"Three disasters?" Longinus was a little surprised this time; what kind of character was there that required those three guys to come together?

Is it possible that Kozuki Oden is resurrected?

It is not difficult to understand why such an influential person failed to assassinate Kurozumi Orochi three times before.

Kurozumi Orochi has many strong people under him. His ability is Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi, to kill him in a short time is not an easy task.

After all, something with many heads and tails like Yamata no Orochi is challenging to beat when you hear it.

"Yes! I heard that those three masters set up an ambush and struck together, and the sound of the fight at that time made me think that the sky had collapsed!" The waiter said with an exaggerated gesture.

"And the result? That assassin was caught?" Kawamatsu asked curiously.

Longinus was secretly speechless; if they were arrested, what else is the martial law?

"It seems that he still let him get away! But ..." the waiter shook his head and sighed, "should not live long, I heard it was beaten into a serious injury."

"By the way, several guests." The waiter finally reminded mysteriously, "In case you are questioned, you must not be as stupid as that man just now, who actually tried to reason with the soldiers."

"It's not the prisoners they want, they ah ... want this!" The waiter stretched out his right hand, rubbing back and forth between his thumb and index fingertips.

Only after the attendant, left did Kawamatsu sigh, "I didn't expect that the brightest jewel of the Wano had become what it is today, and even the army has become a vermin sucking blood from the people!"

"I was expecting that the one who could 'get down and dirty' would be some kind of powerful person, but now it seems that it is indeed disappointing!" Longinus lamented.

"I have already guessed it!" The little loli confidently said, "Have you not seen the portrait of Kurozumi Orochi? So ugly, at first glance, it is not a powerful person!"

"..." Kawamatsu wanted to argue, but when he thought that the apologists seemed to be actively putting themselves in the "ugly" camp, he gave up unhappily.

He's not handsome; he shouldn't be ugly yet.

"The news of several daimyo should only be possible for those who have extremely high power in all of Wano." Gion tried to correct the topic.

"There aren't many people like that, so we can try to target these two directions!" Kawamatsu mysteriously dipped his finger into the liquor and wrote out five big, crooked words on the table.

The three were silent for a moment, and finally, it was Longinus who spoke up and said, "Otherwise, you'd better say it straight!"

The little loli nodded fervently, with a face of disgust, "Uncle Kawamatsu, you can't stop practicing writing just because you're ugly!"

"Ugly people are the ones who need to read more!"

Although Gion didn't say anything, her lowered eyelids already revealed her inner thoughts - she looked sizzling.

Kawamatsu is bewildered. Is not this the most forced practice when discussing significant issues?

How did the picture change when it came to him?

"It's the words 'Kyoshiro' and 'Oden'!" Kawamatsu said in a condescending voice, "The Kozuki Oniwabanshu are the direct ninja force under the orders of the Shogun of Wano, and are responsible for protecting Oden from any potential threats."

"But for us, they are not a good target for contact. Because, Kozuki Oniwabanshu used to be a force that assisted the Kozuki clan, there is a good chance that they will recognize me."

"Defected?" Longinus nodded slightly and asked, "Where is Dozing Kyoshiro?"

"I have not heard of the name of 'Dozing Kyoshiro' before. But from the information I have inquired, he should be a gang leader who has joined the Orochi banner only in the last two years."

"Then we'll catch him and force him to find out the whereabouts of the daimyo?" Hiyori asked, leaping to her feet.

"Wait, don't!" Kawamatsu said solemnly, "Although young, Dozing Kyoshiro is already said to be the strongest samurai under Orochi, if we can't defeat him at the first opportunity, our operation will probably be exposed."

"Moreover, to be respected as the boss by all the gangsters in Flower Capital, it means that he is definitely not the kind of person who is afraid of death, and the likelihood of success is very small if you really want to threaten by force!"

After a moment of silence, Gion asked, "Longinus, can you use your ability ...?"

Longinus naturally understood that Gion was referring to his ability to "read minds".

He will not reveal the memory reading as a trump card, but the more limited mind-reading is a bargaining chip used to add weight.

Therefore, few people at the top of the Headquarters know about his ability, not to mention Gion.

Therefore, he nodded his head after just a moment of contemplation and replied, "I can try."

"Where does that Dozing Kyoshiro usually appear?"

"Dozing Kyoshiro is Kurozumi clan's royal merchant and money changer, this flower capital's casino and brothel are almost all run by him, to find him, naturally, we must also start from these two aspects!"

Longinus looked at the two people around him and quickly made a decision, "Then let's go to the biggest local casino!"

After the discussion, they settled down to enjoy the exceptional "food" of Wano Country.

The taste is very average; the main problem should be in the ingredients.

Now Wano Country has severe ecological pollution. Even the common ingredients can only barely supply those big shots, such as this kind of wine restaurant, at best, can only use some non-polluted and low-grade ingredients, the taste naturally can not be as good as possible.

After hastily eating some, they set off for the largest casino in the Flower Capital.

Compared to other venues in decline, the casinos, which are green areas, have blossomed into a different kind of life.

At least, it was the first time that Longinus had seen such a lively scene in Wano Country.

Screams, curses, ecstasy, jeers, all kinds of things on earth boiled into a pot here.

Longinus and his team blended in easily and encountered no obstacles.

The casino will not turn away anyone, even a poor person, who has the potential to be of use.

If you can't afford to pay, you can be taken as a slave worker.

As for making trouble? Anyone who dares to cause the problem in the territory of the boss is a dead man!

The four wandered halfway around the casino and were soon on the radar.

"Several guests, is this your first time in our casino?" The person who spoke did not move and sized up the other party.

This gentry is white and young, looking at the temperament is not bitter poor people.

The two attendants are only barely good looking, but the physical appearance?

Hiss ... royal ladies plus loli, or these rich people will play!

Although it looks a little ugly, the guard well, it is necessary to this effect.

Thinking about it, the supervisor could not help but feel the fire in his heart; it's been a long time since he met a potential asset!

"This is Oda Eiichirō-sama!" Kawamatsu seriously played the subordinate's role, "The purpose of this visit is one word, FUN!"

"Play with your hearts!"

"So hurry up and introduce us to the most exciting game in your casino!"

Published in Qidian, June 23, 2019