Bad Gambler

"Hiss! Understood, understood!" The supervisor was thrilled; it seems to be a super fat sheep after all!

"We actually have a lot of excitement in the casino ..."

"Pick the big ones." Longinus said impatiently, "Make it the simplest and most exciting kind!"

"Then how about we play blackjack?" The supervisor asked tentatively, and when he saw the "Oda" young master's curious face, he hurriedly explained.

"We usually use four decks of cards, and after removing the general and the king, the total is two hundred and eight cards."

"Among them, the ace with the image of Kyoshiro-sama's head can represent one point or eleven points, two to ten is the number of points on the card, and the jack, queen and king bearing the three Disasters are used as ten points."

"The person with the highest number of points combined wins, but note that the number of points cannot exceed twenty-one, otherwise it is considered a bust."

"Sounds a bit interesting." Longinus' eyes lit up slightly, and he waved his big hand, "That's it, first give me a thousand gold chips for it!"

The money, naturally, was a gift from the enthusiastic mountain bandits on their way here.

Of course, all their assets are just one thousand gold.

"One, one thousand gold!" The supervisor could not help but stare, one thousand gold is not particularly large, but from this young master Oda's aura, it seems that this thousand gold can only be considered his pocket money!

As a result, his attitude became more and more enthusiastic.

After exchanging chips, several people came to a table of cards.

"Oh great, another newcomer?"

"The more people there are, the more fun it is!"

The people at the card table just casually exchanged a few courtesy words and then fixed their attention firmly on their open and concealed cards.

"Ten points on the open, eight points on the hidden." Longinus laughed, "That's not bad luck for me!"

"Shh! Shh! Don't say anything out loud!" The supervisor sincerely does not want him to lose; the casino is all about the long line to catch the big fish; what if the customers are scared away too early?

"What, did I break the rules?" Longinus said in dismay.

"Uh, there doesn't seem to be ..." the supervisor looked dismayed.

"That's not it."

"But you'll lose money this way!"

"Bastard! I'm here for excitement, not to win!"

The supervisor's eyes were wide and speechless; he had seen people foolish and rich but had never seen foolishness to this extent.

The others at the poker table were also secretly wary; could it be that these two guys worked together to trick them?

But on second thought, no, they are all idlers, and there is no benefit to trick them.

But if it is a fraudulent dealer, it is more unlikely; the dealer is the casino's original player. Does that supervisor still want to join outsiders to get some profit?

So, they ignore the existence of Longinus.

One round down, one person burst, two stopped, and when it was Longinus' turn here.

The dealer asked, "Want a card?"

"Of course." Longinus replied decisively.

The supervisor silently closed his mouth that was opening with a bewildered look.

"Eighteen plus five, twenty-three points, bust!" Longinus sighed, "It's really exciting!"

The crowd was silent. Is this the world of the gods and goddesses?

It was almost all Longinus' time to perform next.

Seventeen plus four, blackjack, win;

Twenty plus nine, twenty-nine points, bust;

Nineteen plus three, twenty-two points, bust;

A few rounds down, the other idlers at the poker table are numb, nineteen points twenty points all want cards; it seems that this guy came over to find excitement.

The good thing is that Longinus was "lucky" and maintained a 50 percent win rate by messing around like this, and the 1,000 gold allowed him to win up to 3,000 slowly.

The people around don't care; they think he's a foolish man with a dumb fortune.

After winning a few hands like this, Longinus said with some disinterest, "It's no fun, blackjack is just too easy."

The surrounding gamblers took a deep breath and looked away, forcing down the irritability of wanting to hit someone.

The supervisor also has suspicious life; in the past, they will indeed do something to make these fat sheep in the early win a little bit of pain, but he did not have to help cheat this time!

The supervisor is also skeptical about life; in the past, they did something to make these fat sheep in the early win a little bit of pain, but he did not help cheat this time!

"Where to go next ...," Longinus was saying when suddenly his eyes gaped slightly, and he turned his gaze to the most lively area in the center.

"Is Oda-sama thinking of going to play dice?" The supervisor asked tentatively, "Actually, that is the most exciting game in our casino, except that there are too many people playing, and I was worried before that mixing with those peasants would be detrimental to your status."

"It's the crowds that make it exciting!" Longinus said carelessly, "Besides, why do I look as if someone is making trouble there?"

"Probably a rotten gambler who lost his eyes! You must be careful, Oda-sama, not to get hurt by those rotten people by mistake."

"Don't worry, my samurai will protect me." After saying that, Longinus led the three towards the center ground.

"No money and still want to gamble, do you think we run a charity?"

"Give me a good fight!"

"What a bad luck, this kind of blind people sold to be slaves are too waste of food!"

Approaching a look is a large group of casino hitters around a middle-aged uncle beaten and kicked.

The blind uncle, who had a sickly appearance, was soon out of breath under such rough treatment.

And not only is no one around to stop, but one is shouting in excitement. For these gamblers, this kind of good show is exactly a way for them to vent their stress.

"It's this bloody blind man again." The supervisor following Longinus first cursed and then boasted, "Look at him with all this dying look, I guess he was caught with unclean hands and feet!"

Kawamatsu also said with a contemptuous face, "Near death and still come to gamble, this person is really hopeless."

Gion and Hiyori also nodded with the same feeling; they are not good people; this kind of rotten to the bone gamblers has nothing to sympathize with at all.

Longinus has a strange face, a mountain bandit attacked Akagami, Axe-Hand Morgan seriously injured Garp, Rayleigh sold himself for lack of money, a group of thugs beats the future "Fujitora" Issho.

So the strongest people in this world have more or less mental problems?

"However, the injuries on his body don't look like he's faking it. Could it be that the fugitive who assassinated Kurozumi Orochi is him?" Longinus nodded slightly; if it was Issho instead, it was not so surprising that he could escape from the hands of the three disasters.

"How much does he owe, I'll pay it for him."

"Oda-sama, this kind of rotten gambler actually nothing to sympathize with ... " the supervisor said, stunned, not right ah, someone to help pay for him, why instead to stop up?

If Kyoshiro-sama knows, he won't think he's an undercover agent, right?

"I just don't want to see someone die in front of me to save my luck today." Longinus waved his hand in disgust.

Although he does have some interest in Issho, it is not good to show too much deliberateness.

Think of it as sowing a seed for a future goodbye.

PS: In the original story, sumo can come up with five hundred gold as a reward, but considering the high status of sumo, five hundred gold should also be considered more money. The mountain bandits do not necessarily have a lot of money but add up to a thousand; it should not be difficult ... right?

Published in Qidian, June 23, 2019