Dozing Kyoshiro

"Forget it, don't even fight. This rotten man was lucky that some nice adult paid him off."

Hearing the casino people come forward to speak, the surrounding people watching the fun dispersed with interest.

But there are also many people secretly gauging the side of Longinus, in case thinking they run out of money to sell a miserable.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord." Issho struggled to get up and leaned on his hearing groping to Longinus's side accompanied by a smile, "This kind lord, why don't you be a good man to the end and lend me some money to gamble a few more?"

Longinus was silent for a moment and spat out one word, "Get out!"

"I promise to call it quits when I get back to the capital. ... Ouch, who pulled my hair? Don't grab the butt!" Issho was grabbed in mid-air by the casino hitman and thrown out with his hands in the air.

Seeing this scene, Longinus also could not help but be somewhat silent.

The benevolent admiral and so on is a false impression, right!

"By the way, how do you play this thing?" Longinus asked, pointing to the dice cup surrounded by a group of people.

"This is actually also very simple, is to guess the last points of the three dice, four to ten is small, eleven ..."

"It's too much trouble! Tell me directly how to play the most exciting." Longinus said impatiently.

The supervisor sighed deeply; this kind of fat sheep that don't need to be lured to jump into the pit by themselves is too rare!

I can't even let go of his one-time pit too bad ah!

"The most exciting is of course the pressure around the dice, for example, you choose a number, the final dice opened out three sides face up are this number, you can get one hundred and fifty times the odds of the bet!"

"How about that, exciting enough?"

"Okay, that's it!" Longinus said with satisfaction.

"And how many are you going to press?"

"Of course a man has to press the biggest one, all in for six!" Longinus pressed all of his three thousand chips from earlier.

The surrounding gamblers who were watching were also up in arms.

"Gutsy enough, that's what it takes!"

"How much gold does this cost to win?"

"One two get two, two two get four, it should be ... lots of many gold!"

The supervisor gave a veiled wink to the lotus officer, and although they usually give a little dessert first, this time, the amount was so large that it had to be a shot in the dark.

After receiving the signal, the lotus officer did not move and ran the tip of his pinky finger across a small bump on the table.

Longinus then calmly ... spread the invisible Busoshoku Haki toward the dice cup.

"Attention everyone, the result this time is ..." The moment the lotus officer unveiled the dice cup, his eyes almost bulged out, "Six-six-six?"

"Forty, four hundred and fifty thousand gold!" The supervisor's legs and feet trembled, and he couldn't help but think, "Am I the fat sheep being pitched?"


Half an hour later.

Longinus and his four others were invited to the casino boss's room.

"Oh, a few of you should have drawn me out on purpose, right?" Kyoshiro narrowed his eyes and laughed, showing no sign of anger at all.

"There seem to be eyes arranged around the room, this guy is really vigilant!" Longinus curbed his thoughts of making a move and instead said with a gentle smile, " I suppose Kyoshiro-san guessed where we came from?"

"Kuri, Hakumai, Ringo, Udon, and Kibi are all poor places, where there will be any big merchants or big nobles, and as for Flower Capital, I never remember the big family name of Oda."

Kyoshiro laughed calmly, "So, the four of you are actually from overseas, right?"

"We are pirates from the outer sea like Kaido-sama, of course, our power is far from being comparable to the might of the Beasts Pirates."

Naturally, Longinus knew that as long as Kyoshiro wasn't stupid, he could guess that their Wano identity was a forgery.

But for today's Wano, outsiders are not new.

Not to mention the frequent visits of various pirates, even Kurozumi Orochi himself has a close relationship with the World Government in private.

In this case, as long as they do not reveal their purposes, an overseas identity is not enough to make a big deal out of Wano.

"Heh. To be able to roll away most of the money in my casino, you are no simple characters." Kyoshiro took a sip of his tea and smiled.

"Actually, it's because of Raki Raki no Mi, although nothing powerful, but in this aspect of gambling is still a bit useful."

"Oh, is that so?" Although Kyoshiro didn't believe the other party's explanation, he didn't bother to look deeper into such matters.

"I don't know, you guys brought me here specifically for that?"

"We're actually here to talk about a business deal with you ..., Kyoshiro-san."


"Wano Country has a resource that is extremely scarce in the outside sea - Kairoseki!" Longinus said without motion, "but this resource is basically monopolized by Shogun Orochi and Kaido-sama, and we do not dare to ask more."

"So, my idea is to buy the land mining rights in Kibi area, and in case we are lucky, Kairoseki we dig up will be ours!"

"Kairoseki?" Kyoshiro didn't doubt it, just smiled and shook his head, "I can't make a decision on this kind of deal."

"Then what if you become a Kibi daimyo, Kyoshiro-san? If you are a daimyo, you should still have such power, right?" Longinus did not budge and brought the topic in the direction of the Daimyo.

The limitation of "mind reading" comes in; it has to be what the other person is thinking at the time.

"Daimyo?" Kyoshiro whispered in a low voice chewing on these two words.

"With the importance that Shogun Orochi places on Kyoshiro-san, the position of daimyo should be very promising, right?" Longinus struck while the iron was hot, "We will also send a very precious gift to help you to impress Shogun Orochi."

"Oh, and let's not say that Kibi Daimyo is now ..." Kyoshiro paused for a moment and then laughed, "How did you guys all hear about how the Shogunship of Orochi came to be?"

"Daimyo? He wouldn't leave himself open to such an afterthought!"

"There's the answer!" After catching that flicker of inner fluctuation, Longinus put on a pitying look, "That is to say, is it impossible for this plan to succeed?"

"One hundred percent impossible."

"All right then." Longinus stood up from his kneeling position, "I'll bother Kyoshiro-san today."

"There is no need to be polite, it is only my honor to meet a great man from the outside sea."

The two men exchanged false sentiments for a while and then ended their conversation.

Longinus and others walked out of the casino and did not stop until they were near the liquor store.

"Any results yet?" Gion asked with implied excitement.

"Uncle is still alive, he is in Udon, but in the underground dark cell of Udon." Longinus said in a deep voice.

"Great, thank you!" Gion flung herself into Longinus' arms in excitement.

"What is the need to be so polite between us?" Longinus secretly lamented. Fortunately, his height is also standard "Admiral"; otherwise, this scene will be very embarrassing.

"Then shouldn't we hurry up and move to save the people, in case that squint finds out that something is wrong, it will be bad." The little loli interrupted with a slightly sour heart.

"Well! Move now!"

Meanwhile, in the penthouse of the casino;

Kyoshiro's tall figure shrouded in shadow, with a wine glass in his hand, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Although I do not know the purpose of your visit to me, or who the other three are, ..."

"Samurai Kawamatsu, that's for sure that man!"

"Think I'm letting my guard down just because I'm a newcomer? But the truth is, I'm more concerned about your existence than anyone else!"

"Father, what kind of attitude do you think I should use to face them?"

The wine spilled from the glass.

Published in Qidian, June 24, 2019