Longinus vs Kaido' Dragon Form

Longinus naturally knows that Kaido's dragon form in this sea can even be more powerful.

However, this can also limit the play of Kaido's human form to the greatest extent.

Although similar skills of Geppo, for Kaido, this level of strength has long been no secret. Geppo is a burst of ability, even if Kaido wants to stay in the air for a more extended period by personal form and consume a lot of physical strength.

Therefore, Kaido wants to fight at the surface with full force, the only way to maintain the Dragon form as much as possible.

As for Longinus?

He has a mount!

"Is that so? Then let's give it a try!" Longinus stepped on Minos' back and leaped hard, and his fist mixed with high-grade Busoshoku Haki smashed heavily on the dragon's scales.

But Kaido, this time, has also been prepared, while Longinus strike, suddenly using the vast body slammed towards his opponent.

The violent wave of air stirred in all directions, it knocked the dragon backward, and Longinus fell straight down.

He didn't use Geppo to stop his descent because, the next moment, he landed on his broad back.

Minos is indeed very difficult to participate in the battle between them but could travel mid-air at great speed as a landing point for Longinus.

To be precise, it was Minos who would go as fast as he could to catch Longinus.

"You kid's fist is really hard!" The giant dragon swam its vast body and flew again, "Hitting up old man, it's soothing all over!"

The surrounding clouds continue to gather as if they are actively surrounding the dragon; if it is an ordinary cloud is okay, but this is a black thundercloud of dancing electric snakes!

From a distance, it looks like a dragon god who manipulates thunder.

"Sure enough, from the beginning of that hot breath should have known, the dragon is powerful, much more than just physiological abnormalities alone."

Longinus is not too much of a surprise; even the mink tribe can have the ability to transform into Sulong with a full moon, creatures like dragons that exist only in myths and legends, with some extraordinary skills is simply not a regular thing.

Longinus took a deep breath and stepped on Geppo, ready to jump directly onto the dragon.

But as soon as he got close, a tingling sensation came to his body, and then, he was slapped away by the dragon's claw.

It is a speed that is extremely incompatible with his vast body, and the strong dragon claws almost cut through the air with air blades.

Minos weaved like lightning, using his Soku Soku no Mi ability to its fullest extent, catching Longinus in the blink of an eye.

"This power, is really strong enough!" Longinus tilted his head, even the power of thunder is far less potent than this claw of Kaido.

This form of Kaido, although far less agile and flexible than the human form, but the power is far beyond.

"There's more than enough, kid!" The dragon's mouth swelled into a spherical shape, and its hot breath caused the surrounding area to heat up dramatically.

"Not good, dodge!"

No need for Longinus to remind; Minos was driven by the instinct of the beast quickly dodge.

The dazzling pillar of light almost dispersed the darkness; the gloomy dark clouds dotted with a halo of light, the surrounding air is very dry, like a pillar of light in a moment to evaporate all the moisture.

But the sea is another view, vaporized seawater steaming into a white mist, lingering indistinctly, as though a fairyland.

"This temperature is almost on par with Akainu's magma!" Longinus exclaimed with a slurp.

"You brat, you're quite capable of escaping! But where do you think you can escape to?" The colossal dragon's big mouth bulged again, and almost without any pause, it was about to release another big move.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Kaido, who told you I was going to run away?" Longinus leaped wildly almost the moment the dragon's mouth bulged, his body directly across the power line, and his fists, which were armed Busoshoku Haki to the extreme, smashed heavily on the dragon's long, flat mouth.


The dragon's eyes bulged out, his mouth overflowing with fire as if a burp did not come out instead of forcibly swallowed back, making it difficult for Kaido not to.

"Ahhhh!" The dragon roared in anger, opened its mouth widely as it bit directly towards Longinus.

The fierce teeth are as sharp as the tip of a knife, and the bite comes with a hot flame breath.

Even Longinus did not have the slightest intention to test the power of the dragon's bite strength.

Those are the teeth that can easily chew steel in human form.

Kaido's weapons are not just his fangs but also his sharp claws.

When the bite is ineffective, the dragon's strong and powerful forelimbs swung down in the air, like the air was torn, emitting a low sonic blast.

They are tearing the wind!

The sharpness of the dragon's claws is no worse than those of famous swords, and with the addition of his insane brute force, the shock wave that rips through the air is even more powerful than the slashing strike of the great swordsman.

On the other hand, Longinus kicked hard with both legs, outlining a powerful wave of air towards his opponent.

Rankyaku - Renge!

Longinus' power is no worse than Kaido's human form, but it's still relatively weak compared to a deadly weapon like a dragon.

Rankyaku's kick struck virtually collapsed at the first touch, but Longinus had already seen this coming and appeared on top of the dragon's head at the same time as the airwave exploded and swept around.

Iron Fist - Meteor!

The heavy fist falls.

The dragon roared in pain and plunged straight down into the sea.

But Kaido's combat experience is obviously unlike Longinus, even by Longinus, this foresight of the future of a punch, as usual, in the shortest possible time to react, strong and powerful dragon tail from a completely unimaginable angle whipped, almost in the fall while also slapping Longinus to fly out.

Minos saw the right moment to catch Longinus like lightning, while the dragon was about to fall into the sea at the last moment, by a thin cloud of mist to lift.

Scattered clouds will hold the dragon's magnificent body like a mountain ridge, but this scene looks very strange, but it is happening in front of the eyes of Longinus.

"You're a kid with a high Kenbunshoku skill for that!" The giant dragon flew high into the sky again, held up by the clouds.

Predicting the future is not everything.

On the one hand, the body can not keep up with the perception; even if you see more, you can at best only know how you died.

On the other hand, unleashing foresight requires a high degree of concentration. Still, the only thing that happens when you concentrate on another thing in the middle of such an intense battle is to foresee a future in which you get killed.

That's why Kaito was quite surprised at Longinus's Kenbunshoku level.

Of course, it was just a surprise.

"In a battle with you, I wouldn't dare to distract myself too much." Longinus sighed, "Even with all my efforts, I could only see one or two fragments, otherwise, I wouldn't have been hit by you so easily."

Published in Qidian, July 01, 2019