Battlefields on Each Side

"This is the end of the boring game!" The giant dragon's nostrils spewed out white mist, thunder flashed around, and the dark clouds finally blossomed into the rain.

The storm came suddenly, and the eyes of both blurred with traces of rain.

"This kind of test, is indeed boring enough." Longinus will lock the whole body's pores; Busoshoku Haki in the body is actually like fuel burning up, spurting out the kinetic energy-charged across the body, the body's breath also began to climb up.

The dragon's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and its large body swayed with excitement, "It's this scent, this powerful and mesmerizing scent!"

"Come on! Little brat, I'm tired of waiting!"

The next moment, the dragon and the human collided.

Longinus' mighty fists kept landing on Kaido, and the dragon's sharp claws slapped Longinus away again and again.

The battle between a man and a dragon seemed to transcend space, sometimes fighting in the 10,000-meter high sky, sometimes sinking an island, thunderous roar between the sky and the sea frantically stirred.

Onigashima and Wano Country's sea is not very wide, at least for the one man and one dragon in the sky.

This effect of the battle between the two men in the middle sea made stirring up waves that almost drowned Habu Port.

Looking at the tens of meters high waves lapping at the harbor one after another, Inuarashi sighed helplessly, "The battle halfway across the sea can have this kind of power, the two of them, are they really human?"

Although Kozuki Oden, as he remembered, was powerful, it was almost impossible to do this with his power.

"How worthy of Vice Admiral Longinus!" Nekomamushi, on the other hand, marveled, "This scene reminds me of the legend of the Dragon Slayer Swordsman."

"When the country of Wano was once famous all over the world because of the 'Land of Gold'. Ryuma, with his great strength and his battle record of slaying dragons, stopped the pirates and world nobles who coveted the gold, and thus was honored by the country of Wano as the god of swords, along with his weapons, which were enshrined in the shrine. "

"After today, Vice Admiral Longinus may also enter the legend of the Wano!"

"Everyone, don't be too busy in amazement yet, our guest, is already on the way." Issho directly counteracted gravity, stood on a rock, and flew together with the stone towards the middle sea.


In the storm;

Two wings spread foot ten meters of giant pterodactyl was flying cautiously, lest the battle in the middle of the battlefield, hanging on its legs, are two big guys.

"How can one fight with Kaido boss to such a point, that Marine is not too strong, right?" Even with the precedent of being killed by the other side in seconds, Jack still can not believe his eyes.

"How do you think I was defeated?" Queen's heart was more or less comforted by the fact that defeat at the hands of such a monster was not a disgrace.

"Cut the crap and hold on tight." The giant pterodactyl suddenly said.

"Brother Ember, what's wrong ..." Jack was talking when a sharp gust of wind poured into his mouth, making his mouth bulge like a balloon, "Oooooooooo... ..."

On the other hand, Queen noticed in the distance flying Issho and could not help but tighten his heart.

He knew very well that the blind man's ability was the nemesis of almost all speed powerhouses, not to mention that Embers was carrying both of them in tow.

He was not worried about the death of Ember; he was just worried that Ember would take a personal vendetta and throw them into the sea.

Thinking about it, Quinn also temporarily dares not to speak to the smelly Ember.

"Three of you, gentlemen, won't you stop for a few minutes?"

Accompanying the sound of Issho's smile is the fickle gravity.

One overweight, one weightless, even Ember can't help but become wonky in flight, just like a paper airplane that lost its way in the wind.

Ember accelerated again without saying a word; even if it was impossible to grasp the balance, it was better than being caught up by the other side.

The fact is also actual as Embers thought; the ability of Issho is limited in range; the farther away, the less the effect of gravity will be.

Finally, at the time of the impending crash, Ember also managed to reach the port, both paws loose, Queen and Jack will throw over under the action of inertia.

After doing all this, Ember also turned into a human and jumped to the port. He with a cold gaze towards Issho, who came after him from the rear.

"Ember-san is really decisive as always!" Issho couldn't help but praise.

Although he can counteract gravity, in terms of flight speed, he is still far inferior to the pterodactyl as the master of the sky; if Ember slows down his pace to fly smoothly, there is a real possibility he will catch up.

That way, he could quickly plunge all three into the sea.

"Blind man, you should be grateful for the gift of fate for letting you escape last time, and now you're sending it to your door, do you really want to die?" Ember pressed his right hand to the great sword at his waist, flames twisting around his body.

"Want to bet? Bet on which one of us will survive?" Issho asked with interest.

"There's no need; I've never been interested in gambling with dead people." The moment the words fell, Ember's speed skyrocketed, and the radiant blade light fell like a white rainbow.


Issho grabbed the staff blade and pressed it down; the gravity around it increased dramatically, and Embers retreated from the rushing state with a stumble.


Staff knife up, gravity is lost, Embers even have the urge to float up.

The purple sword light flashed; it was Issho who took the opportunity to cut the opponent's throat.

Ember also did not panic, directly turned the face into a pterodactyl head, the long, sharp beak, and at once caught the staff knife.

Then, the black and red flames even spread from the long beak to the staff blade.

Hell Brigade!

Issho once again increased gravity around him, the ground shattered, Ember also fell downward, Issho will only regain the staff knife in his hand.

"The response speed of Ember-san is amazing!"

"It does seem that it's not as easy to take you out as I thought it would be."

On the other side, Queen has transformed into a vast Brachiosaurus.

The colossal head is like a meteor hammer constantly blasting the ground.

It''s the first time Gion has seen a weapon that uses the head directly.

"Brachio Bomber, Brachio Bomber, Brachio Bomber..." Perhaps his head was all smashed and confused; Queen kept repeating the low yell.

"Why do I always feel that you seem to have a stupid way of attacking with this fruit." Gion couldn't help but spit out.

"What do you know, you little girl, haven't you heard that the greater the restriction the stronger the power of the attack?" Queen said with dissatisfaction.

"So, you're limited with this attack?"

"Dizzy." Queen said, stopping his attack, "I can't, I have to take a break."

Gion: "????"

The last field of battle.

Giant mammoths sprint back and forth between Nekomamushi and Inuarashi to trample them.

"You two, do you want to be trampled into a meat pie by me?" The mammoth asked in a deep voice.

"You're just as glad it's not a full moon." Inuarashi said.

"If it's a full moon, I can clean you up all by myself." Nekomamushi went on to say.

PS: Forced to add more is inferior quality, always feel where wrong (๑ŏ﹏ŏ๑).

Published in Qidian, July 01, 2019