A Charming Man

The darkness is ending, and the dawn will come.

On a deserted island, a man draped in a black feathered coat is dialing Den Den Mushi.


"Little Migo." The voice on the other side of the phone bug paused and took on a more cheerful and relaxed tone, "Rosinante, I heard that you had been away from the Donquixote family for half a year, and I was worried that you had met something."

"It is a little thing that has come up." Rosinante looked at the little boy huddled in the corner, then asked in an urgent tone, "Sengoku-san, I have a very important question to ask, can you please answer me truthfully?"

"Go ahead."

"Ope Ope no Mi deal, is there such a thing?"

"Cough ... " Sengoku on the other side of Den Den Mushi violently spewed out a large mouthful of tea, put down the cup of tea in his hand, and only then lowered his voice and asked, "How did you know about this, this should be top secret only. "

"It's news from my brother."

"And he really let Barrels do it!" Sengoku whispered with a complicated face.

"Sengoku-san, what did you say?"

"It's okay, go ahead and say it."

"I want to know the movement of those pirates."

"You should know that this kind of thing is against the rules."

"Doflamingo intends to take away the fruit before the deal."

"You're going to stop him?"

"I happen to be right in the North Blue, and in terms of timing, I'm the best choice."

Den Den Mushi was silent for a moment, "This is good, I have let an absolutely reliable person to handle this incident, if you are there, it is also convenient for him to step in to protect you."

"An absolutely reliable person?"

"You should also know him, Vice Admiral Longinus of the Headquarters."

"What? It's Longinus-senpai!" Rosinante asked in a mixture of surprise.

"I almost forgot, you came out of boot camp too."

"If you're a marine, you can't possibly not know the name!"

Rosinante said with a sigh of relief, "With Vice Admiral Longinus in, even my brother will never be able to take away the fruit!"

"That's right, he's always been such a reliable man!" Warlord lowered his voice and admonished, "The place of the transaction is in Minion Island, you will hide when you get there, and contact Vice Admiral Longinus when he arrives, and do not act privately. Understood?"

"That's what I had planned to do."

After Den Den Mushi hung up, Rosinante excitedly grabbed the little boy, "Cheer up, Law, there's hope for you to live! As long as you can get Ope Ope no Mi, the Amber Lead Syndrome in your body will definitely be cured!"

"Cora-san, you're in the Marine Corps, right?" The young boy, wearing a white-spotted hat, asked weakly.

"Ah? I ..." Rosinante's face was slightly stunned, not expecting Law to ask this suddenly.

"Although I hate the royal nobility and the World Government, but I do not ostracize the Marine." Law said with a reminiscent face, "When I was very young, it was a marine who rescued us from the abyss of despair, avenged us, and contacted doctors from all over the world to cure us. He even made speeches so that those ordinary people were no longer afraid to discriminate against us."

"Although most of us ended up dying, according to them, they were able to die with a smile on their faces and with dignity."

"So, even if you're in the Marine... Cora-san," Law had a big smile on his little face, "I'll still like you just as much!"

"You bastard, what's the point of saying such touching words?" Rosinante tilted his head and blinked, letting some kind of liquid back up before he then said, "I am indeed in the Marine Corps, and, the one who came to deal with Ope Ope no Mi this time is the same Vice Admiral Longinus who saved you, as you said!"

"That's the name!" Law first nodded vigorously in excitement, then asked with some confusion, "But I seem to remember that he was only a captain of something."

"Vice Admiral and Captain are the rank of the Marine, just like the top cadres and ordinary cadres of the Donquixote family. Even among the many star-like Marine, Vice Admiral Longinus is the most powerful among the handful, even Doflamingo, is definitely not his opponent!" Rosinante said adoringly.

"Even Doflamingo couldn't beat him? So powerful!" Law asked longingly, "And what is your rank, Cora-san?"

"I'm a Commander in the Marine Headquarters!" Rosinante said proudly.

"Commander?" Law's eyes widened, "Does that mean you're not even a normal cadre within the Marine, Cora-san?"

Rosinante's face stiffened, and he changed the subject with a sarcastic smile, "Let's hurry to Minion Island while we can. Vice Admiral Longinus is a man of principle, if he knows that we are also interested in Ope Ope no Mi, he will not let us get away with it easily."

"So, we must get Ope Ope no Mi in our hands before he does!"


One week later.

Minion Island, Ghost Town, pirate stronghold;

"Bastard, bastard, bastard! My Ope Ope no Mi, my five billion berries of big business!" The pirate captain with a square head held his head and shouted furiously like a wounded beast.

"Captain Barrels, pull yourself together!" The pirates next to him advised.

"My injury doesn't even matter, go get the fruit back!" Barrels yelled.

Just then, the sound of light footsteps came softly through the snow.

"You mean, you lost Ope Ope no Mi?"

"Who's there?" Barrels turned around and saw a large group of men approaching, casually taking out his men.

"People of the Donquixote family, are you the ones who stole the fruit?"

"What I want can only be robbed!" Doflamingo's icy gaze swept around, "Even something this important can be stolen, you're really a useless idiot drunk!"

"What did you say?" Barrels was about to storm up when he was held down on the ground by Lao G and Senor Pink's side.

Doflamingo slowly pulled out his gun and put it on Barrels's head, "Tell me, where did the person who stole it go?"

"I don't know, I really don't know!" With a gun to his head, Barrels finally got scared and shouted in fear.

"Don't know? You're still a waste of time ..." Doflamingo was about to pull the trigger, then Den Den Mushi's voice echoed across the open snow.

Purururu, Purururu.

"It's Den Den Mushi that secretly communicates with Virgo!" After noticing this, Doflamingo put the gun away temporarily and then take off Den Den Mushi's microphone.

"What is the matter that is worthy of your contacting me urgently?"

"Doffy, leave Minion Island quickly, that man, is about to arrive!"

"That man?"

"Vice Admiral, Longinus!"

Published in Qidian, July 04, 2019