The Fated Duel

The moment the words fell, there was dead silence on the snow.

Although Lao G and others did not experience the incident two years ago, they also roughly guessed what kind of devastation their young master suffered two years ago from Diamante and others' secrecy.

And the power of that man, because of the defeat of BIG-MOM spread across the sea.

That was the pinnacle that even a powerful family like theirs, the Donquixote Family, could only look up in awe.

In short, it was a big man that they, the Donquixote family were unable to counteract.

At this moment, Barrels, who got held down on the ground, were also mentally shaken.

Although he also learned roughly from some scattered reports that the young Marine seven years ago had grown step by step to become a Marine pillar. Seeing just a name to silence the powerful Donquixote family, he understood that the name Longinus represents the significance.

"With the teachings of Vice Admiral Longinus, Dory ..." Barrells thought, half in relief and a half in silence, "Drake himself, he must be able to realize my childhood dream!"

"Only, how could the person on the other side of Den Den Mushi clearly grasp the news of Vice Admiral Longinus, could it be that he was an undercover agent of the Donquixote family infiltrating the Marine?"

"Doffy, are you still listening?" On the other side of Den Den Mushi, Vergo was a little confused; he wasn't sure what had happened two years ago and thought it was because Doffy thought he was making a big deal out of it.

Therefore, he then aggravated his tone and reminded, "Doffy, do not think that those outside rumors are exaggerating him, in my opinion, those reports on the contrary, underestimate his strength."

"The more I follow him, the more I can't see his limits!"

"That man, is truly beyond imagination, desperately powerful, do not go and fight him hard!"

"Of course I know, this sea, only a few people than I know more about his power!" It reflected the cold light under the lenses of Doflamingo; he would not forget how he was hung up and beaten by that man.

"Yeah? That would be great." Vergo, although some strange, but also too late to look deeper, just a rapid speech said, "Doffy, I will not participate in this operation, that man's Kenbunshoku Haki is too strong, it is easy to find some of my small movements."

Doflamingo nodded heavily, "Just be good at who you are now and don't get caught breaking."

"Then I'll hang up."


Den Den Mushi hung up before Pica asked in a shrill voice, "Doffy, what are we going to do now?"

Diamante followed suit and asked, "To escape? Doffy, that man is not for us to deal with!"

"Of course I know, but, only this time ...," said Doflamingo deep breath, "I have absolutely no reason to run away, if I let Ope Ope no Mi slip away from my eyes, my dream, it would really be too far away!!"

"So, we now have to race against time to find the person who stole Ope Ope no Mi in the shortest possible time!" Saying that Doflamingo pushed his right hand away.

Thousands of transparent threads erupted somewhere in mid-air and then fell like a meteor shower, finally forming a giant birdcage that enveloped the entire island.

"Doffy, this birdcage shouldn't do much for him, should it?" Pica asked tentatively.

"Of course I know the birdcage can't stop him, but at least it will stop the other marines for a while, and the search will be much less efficient if he's the only one."

"I see." Pica nodded and looked down at Barrels on the ground, "What about this guy, should I kill him?"

Doflamingo pondered for a moment, "This punk was once a marine, so if we use him to draw fire, we might be able to buy us a little time, just hang him on the flagpole so those marines can see him."


A ruin on the island of Minion;

"Eat it for me now!" Rosinante roughly shoved the peach heart-shaped devil fruit into the young boy's mouth.

"What are you doing, wait, it's so hard to eat ... eww!" Law swallowed the Devil Fruit with a twisted face before saying blankly, "I ate it? But why, I feel as if I have not yet become an ability user?"


Rosinante fell helplessly, his warm face buried in the icy snow, " Law, you're finally free!"

"Cora-san, what's wrong with you? Wait, is this ... blood?" Law noticed the red-stained white snow and hurriedly turned Rosinante over, "Oooooh wahhhhhhh! Cora-san you are covered in blood, is this a wound from a gun?"

"It was a slight mistake."

"Ahhhhh! Why is this happening? By the way, I'm an ability user, I can definitely heal you!"

"Don't be silly, Devil Fruit is not something you can use well just because you get it." Rosinante put his blood-stained right hand on Law's head, "Don't worry, this level of injury can't kill me. Now, you hurry up and escape ..."

"Cora-san, what's wrong with you?" Law, who noticed the steep stiffening of Rosinante's face, hurriedly asked.

"It's too late!" The corner of Rosinante's mouth was bitter, and he had already seen the birdcage that kept taking shape.

Law also followed his gaze and couldn't help but be horrified, "What is this?"

"This is Doflamingo's birdcage, and now, it's impossible for us to escape!" Rosinante took a deep breath and said, "This birdcage can isolate Den Den Mushi, which means that I can't even contact Vice Admiral Longinus right now."

"Damn, I'm going to go and fight them ..." Law was furious and ready to settle the score with Doflamingo. However, a hand slash from behind made him faint directly.

"Sorry about that, Law." Rosinante struggled to his feet and pinned Law with one hand, saying with a smile on his face, "When you wake up, you'll really be free!"


After an unknown period, Law finally woke up in a groggy state.

What he saw when he opened his eyes was darkness.

"What am I, what's wrong?" Law rubbed his head before recalling the scene before he fainted, "Was it Cora-san who knocked me out? And, where is this?"

Just as Law was dazed and confused, a voice came from beyond the boundaries of darkness.

"It's Corazon, what's he doing here?"

"He has a gunshot wound, could it be that he was the one who stole the Devil Fruit from Barells earlier?"

"I just heard him talking to himself into something, isn't this guy dumb?"

"Damn it, this guy actually dares to deceive the young master!"

"Almost done, Gladius, if you keep beating like this, he'll be dead before the young master gets here!"

"Dead?" Law instantly woke up, frantically crashing into the darkness around him, "Damn it, where the hell is this, is something holding it down?"

Just then, voices came from outside once again.

"Haven't seen you in six months, Corazon. Aren't you going to explain to me? Why is it that while you were on the ship, all of our movements were in the hands of the Marine, and that during the six months you were away, the Marine was completely absent."

"Also, aren't you going to explain to me about the injuries you have, and your deceptions?"

"M (Marine) C (ID) 01746, Commander Rosinante of the Marine Headquarters, was secretly infiltrating the Donquixote family in order to stop your atrocities."

"I, for one, am a Marine!"

PS: In these two chapters, I changed many things magically, but familiar with the manga's book club should still see some similar traces, and I can not wholly skip, so this chapter is gratuitous ( ̄▽ ̄)~*.

Published in Qidian, July 04, 2019