Life's Ups and Downs

It didn't take long for the riots in the forest to subside.

Except for a few Fishman who did the worst to be killed, the other Fishman still survived.

After all, these villagers are only some ordinary people, able to kill in the drive of anger is already the limit, after calming down, in turn, a burst of fear.

Kill all these Fishman; they are somewhat unable to kill but let these Fishman be afraid of retaliation.

There is a desire to ask the opinion of Longinus, and all hesitate to go forward; they do not have the experience of talking to the big man.

Finally, it was Genzo, the resident police officer, who stepped forward and asked, "Vice Admiral-sama, what should we do with these pirates?"

"Do not worry, I have notified the marines of the East Blue in advance to come and deal with it, what awaits these fishman will be permanent imprisonment in Impel Down!" Longinus smiled and reassured.

"Whew! That's good!" Genzo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief; although he also hated these Fishman, it was a bit hard for him to kill them all together again.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, I really don't know how to express my gratitude." Bellemere put her hands on the heads of the two little lollies and said sentimentally, "If it wasn't for you, Nami and Nojiko would have had no one to take care of them!"

Longinus could not help but feel that this woman is indeed very great; her biggest worry is not that she will die but that her two daughters will have no one to take care of after her death.

"Oooh! Aunt Bellemere!" The two little lollies were also moved to tears.

"No, I'm the one who should be thanking you." Longinus shook his head and said, "Thank you for not blaming the Marine for the late arrival of help."

"Huh? No, I'm ..." explained Bellemere in a rare handful of words.

"Although you are not one of my subordinates, I am proud to have a marine like you."

"Yes, is that right ..."

Just then, a shrill yell came from the distance.

"Which bastard said that there are pirates here? Don't you know that time is precious for this master?"

"So! Each person is fined 100,000 berries as punishment."

It was a marine cadet who grabbed a villager and questioned him, followed by dozens of marine soldiers from a distance.

"Vice Admiral-sama, are they the ones you called?" Genzo asked hesitantly.

"No, I think one of you reported it before I came."

In the distance, the villager who was caught said, "I don't know who reported the case, but it's true that the pirates are coming, and it's the worst group of fishman pirates."

"What? A fishman?" The marine cadet first let out a scream and then reacted, "You dare to rebel against Arlong Pirates, and you're still alive?"

"Because, they've all been defeated! That ditch at your feet is what was left behind when they were defeated." The villager said with a wince.

The marine officer took a look at the trench that spread to the shore, then couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You idiot lying at least have some brains, this kind of marks, how can it be from the fight?"

"Marine-sama, I'm not lying to you, look, the same Marine-sama who defeated Arlong is right there." The villager hurriedly explained.

"Marine?" The officer in charge glanced over towards the forest hut, then put down the villagers, straightened his clothes and walked over.

"You guys, you look very familiar! Don't you know that this sea is under the control of our 16th branch?" The Marine who spoke the most distinctive feature was the six long whiskers at the corners of his mouth.

The surrounding villagers are looking at him with awe; a Marine branch dare to talk to the Vice-Admiral from the headquarters like this, really man enough!

"It is a violation of discipline to privately leave the team to enter the waters under the jurisdiction of other branches ..." said the Marine with six whiskers suddenly rounded his eyes, and he finally realized that in that hut, there were dozens of Fishman tied up.

"You, you, you really defeated Arlong Pirates?"


"Hey, brother, I'm Captain Nezumi of the 16th branch." Captain Nezumi instantly changed his face, rubbed his palms and laughed, "Actually, I don't want to expose you, but the discipline is there, and I can't pretend I didn't see it, right?"

"So then, I came up with a really good idea."

"By my report to the headquarters, say that you were invited by me to assist in the elimination of pirates. So that you do not have something to justify this action?"

"That's not right!" Nami exclaimed, "Wouldn't that put all the credit for defeating Arlong on your head?"

"Hey? How do you little girl talk?" Captain Nezumi said discontentedly, "How can I take all the credit on my own head, no matter what, I will share part of the credit to this brother!"

"By the way, old man, what do you think of this opinion of mine?" Captain Nezumi wanted to go up and put his hands on Longinus' shoulders to show his enthusiasm, but sadly found that he could not necessarily get a shoulder even if he jumped up, so he had to walk back awkwardly.

"I have no comment." Longinus said with a smile.

"Haha!" Seeing Longinus so on board, Captain Nezumi couldn't help but smile with joy, "What's your name position and unit number, old buddy? When I report it, I will definitely focus on mentioning your contribution to the headquarters."

"The name is Longinus, the position, is the chief of the Grand Line G2 branch base." Longinus smiled kindly.

"Oh! Longinus, G2 base chief ...," Captain Nezumi was about to repeat the note but found that his hands were suddenly somewhat disoriented, raised his head, and forced a smile, "Ha ha! My ears are really not very good, I actually heard you as some kind of base chief."

"You didn't hear wrong oh! We all heard it." Nami gloating, shaking a small hand, said, "By the way, and then kindly tell you a word, uncle, his rank is Vice Admiral!"

"Chi chi chi chi, Vice Admiral!" Captain Nezumi didn't catch his breath and passed out directly.

"Captain, captain, what happened to you?" Several Marine soldiers rushed forward and asked.

"I know, this situation must be artificial respiration!" A very stout marine, with a sudden look of excitement in his eyes, "Let me contribute to Captain's sacrifice!"

Boo! Boo! Boo!

Finally woke up like a thunderbolt, Captain Nezumi came back to his senses and pushed the stout Marine away with a hand, "yuck, yuck yuck yuck."

"This bastard, I'll kill him when I get back!" Captain Nezumi roared in his heart, but fortunately, he finally remembered what situation he was in now.

"Old man, no, no, sir, I was just so happy that I actually fainted from joy!" Captain Nezumi's complete acting skills came online and said with a sniffle, "Although I made that kind of decision out of the goodness of my heart, if the credit was forced on me, my heart would suffer every second of every day."

"Well, now that I know that the chief is not here illegally, and I don't have to carry an honor that doesn't belong to me, I'm just so happy! So happy that I'm going to cry!"

He was crying.

The surrounding villagers could not help but secretly slander, "You were clearly happy just now, and, you are now clearly in pain to cry it out!"

It's the first time they've seen someone who makes taking credit sound so refreshingly out of the ordinary.

It is too shameless!

Published in Qidian, July 09, 2019