The Moved Captain Nezumi

"Captain Nezumi, in fact, I had heard of your great name before I came." Longinus said with a smile.

"Sir has actually heard of my name?" Captain Nezumi was moved to tears, "I knew it, as long as you work honestly and sincerely for people and be kind, you can definitely be rewarded!"

"However, I don't expect any reward, as long as this headquarters knows that in the distant East Blue, there are countless other hard-working and dedicated marines like me, that's enough!" Captain Nezumi struggled to squeeze out a few tears.

"That would not do." Longinus shook his head, "To allow decent people to be left buried is a sin in itself."

"Uh-huh! Sir is right!" Captain Nezumi's mouth said so, but his heart is wildly happy, "This is the intelligence of the Vice-Admiral of the Headquarters? Maybe, this big master can also be called an Admiral in the future, Rear Admiral Nezumi, Vice Admiral Nezumi, or ... Admiral Nezumi. The fact is that you can be a lot more than just a little bit of a person."

Just as the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, he heard the Marine on the other side continue.

"Therefore, I will send someone to visit the 16th branch and the sea under the 16th branch, and collect all your honorable deeds, Captain Nezumi, for a consolidated treatment."

The smile on Captain Nezumi's face froze, and then, he cried.

"Captain Nezumi, are you moved?" Longinus said with a "kind" smile.

"I'm moved to tears to be valued like this by the chief." Captain Nezumi said as he sniffled and forced out a smile that was worse than crying.

"But I think it is better to leave this opportunity to others, I am still young, more should stay at the grassroots level to continue to exercise."

Longinus patted his shoulder affectionately, "Humble and honest young men like you, Captain Nezumi, are becoming increasingly rare, so I have decided that an additional observation mission will be sent to you for an all-round study."

"No need to be touched, it's all I should do."


Captain Nezumi cried even more emotionally, and the villagers around him could guarantee that they had never seen anyone cry so poignantly before.

This action made them wonder, how could they be moved to this extent because of the officer's appreciation? Could it be that this Captain Nezumi was a good man?

"What to do? What to do? To finish him off? Impossible, this guy is a monster who can take out Arlong Pirates by himself." Captain Nezumi cried while thinking of countermeasures.

"This guy's IQ is so low, or I'll lie to him and say that I'm actually Captain Baka of the 17th branch ..."

Just then, a resounding shout brought Captain Nezumi back from his imagination with a jolt.

"Sir, Captain Smoke of the Headquarters in Loguetown reports to you!" A man with white hair deliberately stomped out his cigarette and shouted with extremely full of spirit.

Following him were marine soldiers numbering over a hundred.

"No way! It's the demon who gave the East Blue a major purge as soon as he took office!" Captain Nezumi was almost so scared that his legs went weak.

Although Smoke is the same rank of Captain as those branch base chiefs in the East Blue, he who came down from the headquarters can undoubtedly be said to be the most senior officer of the East Blue in substance.

During these two years, there were not a few captains who he fired off.

"After spending a few years in the East Blue, you have a few vibes!" Longinus smiled.

"It's my negligence, I failed to discover the news of Arlong pirates, and even had to trouble the chief himself, I request that you punish me!" Smoke said in shame.

The soldiers who followed Smoke could hardly believe their eyes, but they knew that their officer was never a good-tempered character.

In other words, a prick.

These two years by Smoker screwed down too many branch base chief, caused a lot of chaos, and finally, even the headquarters sent a Commodore over to mediate.

The result?

The Commodore was almost resented until he exploded in place, and it is said that the two ended up fighting.

The exact result is not clear to them, only that the Commodore left the next day wearing a mask.

It is also because this officer offended too many people; it is in the case of making so many merits still do not see half signs of promotion.

But now, they are surprised to see that Captain Smoker is as meek as a lamb.

Is this the end of the world?

"No need to blame yourself, it took so long to receive the news, someone must have intercepted the information." Longinus said comfortingly.

"I guessed as much." Smoker's face was grim, "Better not let me catch that bastard, or I'll make sure he understands what it means to choke!"

Captain Nezumi shuddered, and he felt that he was suffocating.

"Captain Nezumi, did you say before that this sea area was under the responsibility of your 16th branch?" Longinus suddenly asked.

"Yes, yes." Captain Nezumi trembled even more.

"That's good." Longinus pushed Captain Nezumi to Smoker as soon as he could, "Captain Nezumi, you will be in charge of cooperating with Captain Smoker to track down the pests in the 16th branch."

"How's that, confident?"

"Yes, I am confident! I, I will assist Captain Smoker in finding the traitor." Captain Nezumi trembled until white foam spilt from the corners of his mouth.

Then, he passed out.

"Fainting from excitement just because he heard the task assigned by Longinus-senpai, I didn't see that this ugly-looking guy was also a crazy admirer of the senior." Smoker sighed secretly.

"Those Fishman in the house, if one escapes, it will cause an extremely bad impact on the entire East Blue, and I am confident that the task of escorting them will only be given to you."

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission!" Smoker shouted excitedly.

"Go to the 16th branch before you leave the East Blue and take care of everyone who needs to be taken care of." Longinus looked at his feet with intent.

"I see!" Smoker nodded; Longinus-senpai must be worried about those villagers seeing too much of the dark side.

After saying that, Longinus turned back, "Ensign Bellemere, have you ever thought about rejoining the Marine?"

Bellemere was somewhat impressed, but after looking at the two nervous little ones, she still smiled and shook her head, "Thank you Vice Admiral for your kindness, but I don't have the courage to go into battle again now!"

"It's a bit of a pity, but I still respect your decision." Longinus smiled and squatted down, placing his hands on the heads of the two little lollies, "You will have to become brave and kind people like Ensign Bellemere in the future, you know?"

"We will." The two little lollies nodded solemnly.

"I'll leave you then, if it's fate, I'll see you later!" Longinus said and headed for the coast; Smoker used the white mist to grab Captain Nezumi, dragging on the ground and quickly followed.

"Uncle, thank you!" Two sweet voices flew in.

Longinus just waved his hand and continued on his way very spontaneously.

Published in Qidian, July 09, 2019