The 3 Big Figures

Honestly, even Longinus couldn't tell if Akagami was deliberately or playing off.

To say it is deliberate, Akagami, who has just become Sanko, should be at the peak of life; in the end, what is the matter that can make him desperate enough to trust his hopes to the next generation at the peak of life.

If it is played off, then the joke is a little too big, standing at the top of the sea of pirates, surprisingly by an appearance on Luffy was knocked off by sea king bite off the arm.

And then think about the possible existence of some kind of connection between Akagami and Gorosei; Longinus also had to admit that this was the first man he could not see-through at all!

"Forget it, I'll assume that you want to accompany me to become disabled!"

"Haha! That's a good reason."

Longinus slowly sat down on the barstool, "Makino-san, may I have two glasses of fresh water?"

"As a man who does not drink, you guys are also having too little courage!" Luffy, who Akagami released, sat on his knees and looked up and down at each other.

"I wouldn't dare to drink in this situation with the wolves around." Longinus chuckled.

"You really think you're a white sheep (Hitsujiza)?" Benn Beckman snickered, "You, surrounded by us, the wolves, are the vicious tiger!"

"A vicious tiger? Do I look vicious?" Longinus smiled, and then Makino brought up two glasses of water.

"Guest, this is the clear water you ordered. By the way, do you know me?"

Longinus handed a glass of water to Kuina, who was looking around, and then took a sip of her glass of water, "I just heard Vice Admiral Garp mention something about Foosha Village."

"Vice Admiral Garp? Luffy's grandfather?" Makino said in shock.

"Grandpa, grandpa?" Luffy, who was not afraid of the sky, instantly shrieked and looked around, "He, where is he? I have to hurry to hide."

Akagami pulled Luffy with some tears and laughter, "Your grandfather is not here."

"Whew! Saved." Luffy came back from the dead like cries.

With that, Luffy glared at Longinus again, "You bastard, would not be grandfather sent to catch me to become a marine, right?"

"I would never force someone to be in the Marine Corps." Longinus shook his head, "What's more, it's not good for me to get involved in Vice Admiral Garp's family affairs."

"You guys are still ..." Luffy was nodding in satisfaction, then heard the other side then said.

"So, I'll just tell Vice Admiral Garp about your intention to become a pirate." Longinus gave a devilish smile.


Luffy swallowed hard; he can already imagine what will be the following picture.

"Bastard! I'll fight you!"

Luffy was ready to go forward with his hands, and then he was thrown back by Akagami with his collar.

"Let's get to the point! You didn't come to me with the intention of just watching my jokes, did you?" asked Akagami.

"The presence of a man like you here is making both the headquarters and the government uncomfortable, and I came here just to prevent you from doing something out of the ordinary."

"I thought you were going to take this opportunity to capture me into Impel Down!"

"I did have this idea." The surrounding pirates instantly tensed up and then heard Longinus continue, "Only, I finally gave up on it."

"Your whole history is that the marine is unscrupulous in capturing pirates, isn't it? How come this time softer now" Beckman mocked.

"Don't misunderstand." Longinus didn't lift his eyelids for a moment, just said blandly, "I'm just worried that you will put me in a passive position by threatening with the villagers on the island."

"You bastard, how could we possibly do something that underhanded!" Akagami said with discontent.

"Pirates! Anything can happen."

"Heh! Looks like you haven't changed much all these years! Still as prejudiced against pirates as ever." Beckman said.

"Then I'll change the reason." Longinus said without moving, "I'm in the process of capturing a rather tricky fellow, and I don't intend to invite more trouble until I've caught him."

"The one who can make you treat him so solemnly is not a simple person, right?" Akagami said, with a rare "sinister" smile, "to tell me this kind of thing, do not worry that I and that person teamed up to do you?"

"If proud swordsmen like you join forces because of me, it would be an honor for me instead." Longinus said calmly, "Moreover, his interest in you should still be above mine."

"Swordsman? What do you mean by that?" Akagami asked with a frown.

"Don't you understand?" Longinus smiled, "The reason I came to see you today was to wait for another person."

"Since I can't find him, I'll wait for him to come to you!"

"Looking for me?" Akagami looked confused, "Are you trying to catch Hawkeye? He wouldn't really go to kill the Celestial Dragon, would he?"

"The person he wants to catch, is me!" The tall figure wearing a mask pushed the door in and said coldly, "It seems that I have really faded out of the sea for too long, not many people know me anymore!"

"Red Swordsman, Apophis!" The pirates in the bar exclaimed in unison, what is going on today? In the past, it is rare to see a big man today will appear in this small bar one after another.

The apex of the pirates, marine, revolutionary army (suspected), will appear simultaneously in this weakest sea; if this spreads out, only a few people will believe it!

Thinking about it, they can't help but get excited again; this is almost a moment to witness history!

"Surprisingly, it's you!" Akagami also took a rare interest, "I heard of your reputation ten years ago, but when it comes to meeting, today is the first time!"

"Hey hey, Lucky Roux." Luffy pulled the corner of the big fat man's coat, whispered, "Who is here again this time? How do you feel that many of you are afraid of the same?"

"The same one who came this time is a rather tricky character, a great swordsman who stands at the apex of all swordsmen." Lucky Roux explained in a low voice, "The reason everyone is afraid of him is because he has killed too many people, rumor has it that he may have killed no less than 100,000 pirates!"

"Kill, kill a hundred thousand people!" Luffy was so surprised that he couldn't straighten his tongue a bit.

In response to Akagami's curiosity, Apophis responded indifferently, "It's just a pity that you've lost a hand. It seems that I have found the wrong person."

"It's not very nice to underestimate disabled people like that, is it?" The pseudo-disabled Longinus smiled.

"That's right, I just lost an arm, it's not like I lost my life." said the genuinely disabled Shanks.

"I'm just stating the facts." Apophis said indifferently and turned his head to Longinus and said, "Then let's continue the unfinished battle from last time, this time, I won't make it that easy for you."

"That's a statement that should be said by me instead."

Akagami was bewildered, and my presence?

They came to find me; how come you two will fight as soon as you turn around?

Published in Qidian, July 13, 2019