I Became Insane, Even Beat Myself!

Longinus never forgot that the primary purpose of making the identity of Apophis appear again in the eyes of the world is to completely and separate the two identities.

On the point of why Apophis will wear a ghost face mask every time he appears, many people have speculation.

Apophis is an ugly monster or the face under the mask is too cute; without the mask, it will be completely unintimidating. Even there is such bullshit that Apophis is a faceless person.

The most popular of all these opinions is that Apophis is another face that the world knows under that mask.

The good thing is that the difference between the two, Longinus and Apophis, is so significant that no one ever suspects to this point.

But for Longinus, he can only let go with confidence and boldness if the hidden problems are entirely eradicated. The best way to eliminate the hidden problems is to allow the two to appear simultaneously or even a big fight.

And as a witness to this battle, naturally, it can't just be a completely unconvincing lesser figure like Kuina.

Akagami Pirates is the best audience that Longinus carefully selected.

Sure enough.

When they see the two significant figures seem to have the intention of fighting, Akagami Pirates are vaguely excited.

Even as pirates of the Sanko gang, they are rarely seen such a high level of combat.

"These two bastards, are they treating me like nothing?" Akagami had an unhappy face.

"Think outside the box, boss, who told you to lose a hand now?"

"Yeah, boss! That Longinus guy took a two-year hiatus before he made his comeback." Lucky Roux shoved a half-eaten chicken leg into Akagami's mouth, "Here, eat something to take your anger away."

"Captain, those two people look like they are very powerful, and in your current situation, it's better not to fight with them!" said Makino worriedly.

Being looked down upon by your own woman, how can you tolerate this?

Akagami subconsciously took a bite of chicken leg, then hastily spit out, said in a severe tone, "Now this situation has not allowed me to retreat, once the word gets out, those pirates who are biting closely behind will definitely pounce on us to tear us to pieces."

Makino asked cluelessly, "Huh? Is it that serious?"

"For pirates, unless they completely exit this sea, a step back is defeat!" Akagami looked serious.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I didn't know about that."

"Haha! Never mind."

Lucky Roux and others on the side are twitching the corners of their mouths; you are jealous, boss!

Outside on the sea.

A variety of furious chopping and mighty fist strikes collided with each other, and the aftershocks of the battle were transmitted to the sea, stirring up huge waves tens of meters high, then lapping wildly at the shore.

The warring skies, even the thick clouds, were strangled.

"Awesome, they are really super awesome!" said Luffy excitedly, tilting his head.

"That's for sure, little Luffy! They are the top battle force in this sea."

"Ugh! If only Shanks could be as good as them!"

"Hahahahaha! Boss is even stronger than the two of them!"

"Liar! If Shanks is as powerful as they are, how could he be bitten off his arm by that sea king?" Luffy was unbelieving.

The pirate who spoke had a stiff face, you asked me, and I wanted to ask the captain!

Not to mention the reaction of the crowd of Akagami pirates, even Longinus himself, had an extraordinary experience.

This kind of battle between you and yourself is quite a test of the control of the mind and the body's control.

A moment of carelessness may result in a moment of delay.

And such a mistake would undoubtedly be fatal.

Just then, a figure burst to come.

Apophis, who was in a stalemate, was kicked off, and Longinus was too late to respond and was blasted into the sea with a swift, thunderous chop.

On the shore, a monstrous cheer instantly rang out.

"Good job, boss, take them out!"

"Let these two guys know the power of our Akagami Pirates!"

However, the next moment, Akagami was directly knocked away by the combined strike of the two.

"How despicable, to join forces!" Akagami covered his panda eyes and looked at Longinus, who came directly at his handsome face.

"You're the one who's too clueless." Longinus shrugged.

"This is my battle with him, disabled less interfere!" Apophis, in turn, said coldly.

"Disabled? Today let you become disabled too!" Akagami grabbed the famous sword Gryphon and rushed towards Apophis.

"Do you have the strength?" Apophis waved his sword horizontally, and a round of bloody crescent moon instantly cut out.

Akagami was extremely fast, and the bloody slashing wave was shattered in almost a breath.

However, after the blood-colored crescent moon shattered, it unexpectedly turned into a dot of starlight again and rushed towards him with unabated momentum.

At the same time, Apophis himself quickly followed suit.

With the harsh sharpness and the starlight sky, it seems that the next moment will be Akagami joint strangle.

"Is it going to start?" Longinus did not intervene but watched quietly.

Sure enough.

Space seems to have rippled around towards the surrounding areas, and the tiny star-like chopping waves instantly shattered, and even Apophis himself seemed to have a momentary lag.

The next moment, the famous sword Gryphon's sharp edge cut on the blade of the demon sword.

Although Apophis reacted in time, he has still slashed away.

Good strong Haoshoku Haki, just now that moment, surprisingly like space actively blocked off in ordinary ... bloody pupils under the mask slightly contracted, the indifferent voice then came out, "This is the ability of high level Haoshoku? It is hard to imagine that a kind person like you would have such a powerful aura."

"Haha! My temperament is certainly ..." Akagami said in response, "What do you mean my kind of person?"

"You know that in your heart."

"Bastard, tell me the truth."

The two once again battled together, seemingly outside the battlefield; Longinus is slightly narrowed eyes; this is the second purpose of his visit today, to feel Akagami' Haoshoku Haki.

There are not many people who have the upper level of Haoshoku on this sea, and it can do what Sengoku described to him, but he has never seen any Haoshoku Haki like Roger, who can change the weather.

"Of course, certainly not from today." Longinus could not help but take a deep breath; it can make Akagami such "ordinary people" among Sanko, except for the top swordsmanship. The most important thing is his Haoshoku Haki.

Whitebeard's power, BIG-MOM's defense, Kaido's vitality, Akagami's Haoshoku, this is what they can rely on to reach the top of the world.

It's like having a perfectly hexagonal piece with no shortcomings yet being able to exceed the limits in one way or another ultimately.

Shift to their Marine side; it is Garp's Busoshoku and Akainu's fruit ability.

PS: Sorry, I have a cold today and may be absent from work.

Published in Qidian, July 13, 2019